I have 1 client on my network that wont update user policy. It hangs forever on boot when it has access to the DCs.

Disconnecting it from the network so I can login to it I can update computer policy no problem gpupdate /force /target:computer but user policy hangs for 10-15 minutes and then quits with the error User Policy Refresh has not completed in the expected time. Exiting...

I used gplogview.exe -m to watch the update and nothing happens I don't get a single message logged there from start until it times out.

Nothing appears in Event Viewer that I can see.

I'm a bit stumped has anyone come across an issue like this before?

  • What is this computer using for DNS?
    – joeqwerty
    Mar 24, 2016 at 16:54
  • The 2 dcs as given by dhcp to everything else as well
    – Arcath
    Mar 25, 2016 at 18:36


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