I have a VPC with some routes and subnets. I want to get ansible to work with it but I can't see a way to link the subnet with the route table ID. I've used the ec2_vpc_route_table_facts, ec2_vpc_subnet_facts and ec2_vpc_net_facts modules but unless I'm missing something, none of them provide tell me which subnet is associated with which route table.

TASK [ec2_vpc_route_table_facts] ***********************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [display routes] **********************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": {
        "changed": false, 
        "route_tables": [
                "id": "rtb-83fd25e7", 
                "routes": [
                        "destination_cidr_block": "", 
                        "gateway_id": "local", 
                        "instance_id": null, 
                        "interface_id": null, 
                        "origin": "CreateRouteTable", 
                        "state": "active", 
                        "vpc_peering_connection_id": null
                        "destination_cidr_block": "", 
                        "gateway_id": "igw-6f792c0a", 
                        "instance_id": null, 
                        "interface_id": null, 
                        "origin": "CreateRoute", 
                        "state": "active", 
                        "vpc_peering_connection_id": null
                "tags": {}, 
                "vpc_id": "vpc-e749a683"
                "id": "rtb-abf02bcf", 
                "routes": [
                        "destination_cidr_block": "", 
                        "gateway_id": "local", 
                        "instance_id": null, 
                        "interface_id": null, 
                        "origin": "CreateRouteTable", 
                        "state": "active", 
                        "vpc_peering_connection_id": null
                "tags": {}, 
                "vpc_id": "vpc-e749a683"

TASK [ec2_vpc_subnet_facts] ****************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [display subnets] *********************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": {
        "changed": false, 
        "subnets": [
                "availability_zone": "eu-west-1b", 
                "available_ip_address_count": 4091, 
                "cidr_block": "", 
                "default_for_az": "true", 
                "id": "subnet-3ac33c4c", 
                "map_public_ip_on_launch": "true", 
                "state": "available", 
                "tags": {}, 
                "vpc_id": "vpc-e749a683"
                "availability_zone": "eu-west-1c", 
                "available_ip_address_count": 4091, 
                "cidr_block": "", 
                "default_for_az": "true", 
                "id": "subnet-4efbef17", 
                "map_public_ip_on_launch": "true", 
                "state": "available", 
                "tags": {}, 
                "vpc_id": "vpc-e749a683"
                "availability_zone": "eu-west-1a", 
                "available_ip_address_count": 4091, 
                "cidr_block": "", 
                "default_for_az": "true", 
                "id": "subnet-9a3deafe", 
                "map_public_ip_on_launch": "true", 
                "state": "available", 
                "tags": {}, 
                "vpc_id": "vpc-e749a683"

The only way I can see to make this work is to include tags on the route with a sensible value (like the subnet ID). But that would still need someone to manually keep it up to date, there is no way to automate that from Ansible, is there?

2 Answers 2


I think a well placed filter plugin can help you in this situation. For instance if you know the route table id, you can write a simple python function to retrieve a list of subnet_ids associated with the route table id. You will put this filter in the root of your ansible directory.

Example below.... filter_plugins/example.py

def get_all_subnet_ids_in_route_table(route_table_id, region=None):
        route_table_id (str): The route table id you are retrieving subnets for.

        region (str): The aws region in which the route table exists.

    Basic Usage:
        >>> get_all_subnet_ids_in_route_table("rtb-1234567", "us-west-2")
        ['subnet-1234567', 'subnet-7654321']

        List of subnet ids
    subnet_ids = list()
    client = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=region)
    params = {
        'RouteTableIds': [route_table_id]
    routes = client.describe_route_tables(**params)
    if routes:
        for route in routes['RouteTables']:
            for association in route['Associations']:
                if association.get('SubnetId', None):
        return subnet_ids
        raise errors.AnsibleFilterError(
            "No subnets were found for {0}".format(route_table_id)

class FilterModule(object):
    ''' Ansible core jinja2 filters '''

    def filters(self):
        return {
            'get_all_subnet_ids_in_route_table': get_all_subnet_ids_in_route_table

If you want to use this filter, it would be as simple as doing the following..

route_table_id: rtb-1234567
aws_region: eu-west-1
subnet_ids_for_example_rt: "{{ route_table_id | get_all_subnet_ids_in_route_table(aws_region) }}"

It looks like this is fixed as of Ansible 2.3 (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/commit/90002e06ae0ab255d71e6976d7e5d23e93850cd3).

Now when you call ec2_vpc_route_table_facts, in addition to a routes list, each returned route table also has an associations list, which contains any associated subnet_id(s)

    "associations": [
            "id": "rtbassoc-02cf4c00",
            "main": false,
            "route_table_id": "rtb-7051d400",
            "subnet_id": "subnet-3099da00"
    "id": "rtb-7051d400",
    "routes": [
            "destination_cidr_block": "",
            "gateway_id": "igw-96298400",
            "instance_id": null,
            "interface_id": null,
            "state": "active",
            "vpc_peering_connection_id": null
            "destination_cidr_block": "",
            "gateway_id": "igw-96298400",
            "instance_id": null,
            "interface_id": null,
            "state": "active",
            "vpc_peering_connection_id": null
            "destination_cidr_block": "",
            "gateway_id": "local",
            "instance_id": null,
            "interface_id": null,
            "state": "active",
            "vpc_peering_connection_id": null
    "tags": {
        "Name": "test-gmd-b-routes"
    "vpc_id": "vpc-c5439a00"

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