Questions tagged [amazon-ebs]

This is for questions on Amazon's storage service for its ec2 service.

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Change the root EBS device of AWS EC2 instance

I changed the root device of my AWS ec2 instance and now I can't log in, I get: Permission denied (publickey) The new ebs I changed to was also a bootable volume. Then I created another instance ...
Watchmaker's user avatar
0 votes
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Attach a volume and set internal IP on boot

I have an Ubuntu 14.04 based NFS server AMI wrapped with a Launch Configuration and an Auto Scaling Group of just a single instance (min/max/req). This is just to make sure that if the server goes ...
Amit Dunsky's user avatar
0 votes
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ephemeral storage of Amazon EC2 instance

I have created new ec2 (m3-large) instance on Amazon with root partition 80GB.But mnt partition it automatically mounted with 30 GB. Will the ephemeral storage be charged ?
Nataraj raj's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Launch new EC2 instance with a specified EBS volume attached

I would like to launch an EC2 instance using the python boto library, with a previously created EBS volume attached (in addition to the root volume). After connecting, I look up the volume by its ...
confuzzled's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

ec2 instance showing garbled name root ebs duplicate

I'm following the introduction instructions here: When I add an EBS volume, I see something garbled when checking on the EC2 ...
confuzzled's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

How can I set up an SFTP server backed by S3 (or similar)

I need to set up an SFTP server that, essentially, has very large capacity. I need to give one of our partners SFTP login details to a server where they will upload millions of files, totalling a few ...
Daniel Magliola's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

EBS vs Instance Local storage for MongoDB in ec2

Cassandra recommends using instance local storage for EC2 deployments instead of EBS I am deploying MongoDB in EC2... should I also be using instance local storage instead of EBS PIOPS?
steve landiss's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How to tell if disk volume is instance store or EBS?

I have a number of volumes (same size) attached to a Windows instance in Amazon AWS. One of them is told to be an instance store. How do I tell which one? PS. testing the speed did not help, one of ...
jitbit's user avatar
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EC2 Linux mapping between file system and EBS volumes

Where are "observable" paths like /home/ubuntu/foo.txt stored on a Linux EC2 instance with mounted EBS? I have a basic EC2 instance with added EBS storage, mounted as /mnt/my-data following one of ...
Marshall Farrier's user avatar
26 votes
6 answers

How to reduce AWS EBS root volume size?

Enlarging an EC2 instance is easy like a breath (for instance, create an AMI, launch an instance from it and then change the storage size). But reducing it becomes more difficult. I’d like to reduce ...
herve's user avatar
  • 360
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0 answers

AWS volume from snapshot missing data

This is a weird one. On a new ec2 instance + new data volume attached at /dev/xvdb mounted with: mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdb mkdir /mnt/xvdb mount -t ext4 /dev/xvdb /mnt/xvdb I take a snapshot of /dev/...
Sleeper Smith's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Disk root error on start instance on "Amazon Web Services (AWS)" EC2

I "Detach Volume" and "Attach Volume" again. After that I want "Instance Start" but I get immediately message Error starting instances Invalid value 'i-{id}' for instanceId. Instance does not ...
Bruno's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Mounting RAID0 EBS Volumes after reboot on EC2?

I've already attached two volumes to my EC2 instance and configured RAID0 for them. After a reboot, the volumes didn't re-attach. I thought I had configured them to attach on reboot in fstab but they ...
Michael DeLorenzo's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Amazon EC2: Not able to login(RDP) to Instance after migrating root ebs volume.

I am trying to access my windows instance but I am unable to login (RDP) into it. What I have done is I have taken up a snapshot of a root EBS volume and attached that to newly launched instance. The ...
Sanjay Dhodwar's user avatar
1 vote
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AWS - EC2 unable to detect EBS drives

after an unexpected restart on a windows server 2021 r2 server, the server is unable to detect the EBS drives. i have attached about 4 drives but they are invisible/not detected in device manager/disk ...
Pasha's user avatar
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4 votes
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Amazon EC2 - Not able to find / mount EBS volume partition

I have a linux instance to which a ebs volumne of 20GB has been attached. The web-console volume page shows: 20 GiB gp2 snap-b3a87xyz in-use i-cd5b9999 (myinstance):/dev/sda1 (attached) The web-...
Jasper's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

What is the size of an IO Operation (IOP) in AWS EBS?

My research suggests that both the standard and the maximum (kernel limitations) block size for modern file systems (ext4, xfs) is 4KB. However, AWS allows IO operations as large as 256KB and says ...
user4258's user avatar
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Can't create/write to file '/mnt/temp/something' (Errcode: 13)

I changed the tmp directory of the mysql configuration to a mounted disk and on service mysql restart I get following error: Can't create/write to file '/mnt/temp/something' (Errcode: 13) To my ...
Ut xD's user avatar
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Amazon snapshot issue

This Question has 2 parts: 1) What snapshots can be safely removed, do I need to retain the ones from which a running instance was launched? 2) How are snapshots appearing from a shut down instance? ...
user16081-JoeT's user avatar
1 vote
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Availability Zone for Elastic Block Storage

If the Availability Zone for an Elastic Block Storage (EBS) volume is us-east-1c, can I mount it on an instance in us-east-1a? If not, what is the best way to migrate the volume?
Alex Rothberg's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to figure out which EC2 instance an EBS Volume went with?

I discovered a few unattached, mystery EBS volumes in my AWS Console. I suspect these are leftovers from some test EC2 instances I had that I may have not noticed were NOT set to delete the volume ...
DOOManiac's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Booting an EC2 instance from an existing EBS volume

I'm just getting up to speed on AWS and had a question about using an existing EBS volume as a boot device for an EC2 instance. It looks like a lot of the instances create an EBS volume for their ...
NimbusScale's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to attach an Amazon RDS SSD volume to an EC2 instance?

It has been my understanding that you cannot attach an Amazon RDS SSD volume to an EC2 instance. I was under the impression that the RDS instances were a "managed" solution and that the volume was not ...
Rich C's user avatar
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AWS: Sync WWW folder between multiple load balanced instances

I am new to AWS. I am trying to setup an EC2 web server. I got the server up and running, I made the AMI (which included the WWW folder), added the load balancer etc. I terminated the original ...
Reid's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

crontab fails, cannot find aws executable [duplicate]

I am trying to run a backup script on my ec2 amazon server (ubuntu 14.04), to automatically create a snapshot of amazon ebs volumes. Therefore I am using the aws-missing-tools script: https://github....
electronix384128's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I create redundant EC2 instances when also using EBS?

I am searching for a host for a web application that must interact with a few terabytes worth of files. One solution I'm considering is to host the application on Amazon EC2 with multiple EBS ...
Michael Venable's user avatar
5 votes
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Will a SSD storage perform like a magnetic for small root volumes in AWS EC2?

I have a t1.micro instance with 8GB of magnetic EBS volume as it's root disk with a LAMP environment on it. I thought that I will upgrade it to t2.micro with 8GB of General Purpose SSD volume. ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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2 answers

Windows EBS Volume from snapshot at instance launch is OFFLINE

Using Powershell launching a Server 2012 R2 machine. I can launch an instance from the stock Server 2012R2 AMI with a defined new EBS volume for d: drive, and upon boot, is online, and works fine. ...
madhatta's user avatar
  • 136
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AWS EC2 - Will I maintain SSH access launching an instance from an EBS-backed AMI?

I'm using an Ubuntu machine with Amazon's EC2 service. I've taken an EBS-backed AMI of this computer. If my current instance shuts down, when I launch an instance from the saved AMI, will I ...
dmc7z's user avatar
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Setup of high-end web server and DB server cluster on Amazon EC2: Is this how it's done?

EC2, Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud virtual machine service, has many configuration options. So, I want to confirm that this configuration is correct for a scalable database and web server backend. ...
SilentSteel's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What happens when I delete the first of several AWS EBS snapshots?

On it says: "EBS Snapshots [...] For the first snapshot of a volume, Amazon EBS saves a full copy of your data to Amazon S3. For each incremental snapshot, only ...
Jepper's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to select snapshot for root EBS volume

I have a custom AMI, with a corresponding EBS snapshot, made some time earlier. Recently, I have decided to create a newer EBS snapshot to reflect some software updates. Then I wanted to submit a spot ...
Aleksandr Blekh's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Do several EBS drives really improve overall disk throughput?

On m3.xlarge instance (EBS Optimized – True) : There are two EBS disks: /mnt/data0, /mnt/data1 Single dd: dd bs=1M count=1024 if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/data0/test conv=fdatasync 1024+0 records in 1024+0 ...
Ivan Balashov's user avatar
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1 answer

AWS give Apache permission to write to different EBS volume

I have an EC2 instance that is running Apache and my website (php files) is also on that EC2 instance. Website users will be able to upload and download files and I would like to store (user uploaded) ...
dev.e.loper's user avatar
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Backing up an EC2 EBS Windows volume offline

I would like to backup offline a Windows EC2 EBS Volume, i.e. on my computer and not in the cloud. Note I can stop the instance and detach the EBS volume if needed. Is it at all possible with Amazon's ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Can I use ZFS to replicate (fast) EC2 instance store to (slow) EBS store?

I love the idea of using SSD EBS instance stores as L2ARC and ZIL for a zpool backed by EBS. Going further (and into more dangerous territory), could I instead create a zpool mirror with the 2 ...
Seamus Abshere's user avatar
1 vote
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The disk that shows up on AWS EC2 instance - where is it coming from (among the AWS EBS volumes)?

I have a running AWS EC2 instance (Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS). When I ssh into that instance and do a 'df -h', I see the following: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/xvda1 99G ...
jark's user avatar
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No primordial pool in 2012R2 on AWS with EBS disks

I'm trying to experiment with storage pools on Amazon's new 2012R2 AMI. I've created several EBS volumes and attached them to the instance. In the Server Manager I brought them online and ...
lschweiss's user avatar
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Backup Mongodb on EC2 through EBS snapshots - timing issue

I'm following this guidance I have 4 EBS 1000 IOPS volumes assigned to instance. These 4 volumes through MDADM ...
DmitrySemenov's user avatar
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Selecting an EBS Volume as Root for EC2 instance

When launching an EC2 instance you have the option to select storage for your system but it seems to automatically choose a root volume for you. Is there a way to choose a root volume from among your ...
imlepid's user avatar
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2 answers

Monitor AWS EC2 volume capacity

I have a EC2 Ubuntu server instance with a 15GB volume, running a web service. The web service is logging to date-formatted files which are pruned after 7 days. The load on the server is still low, ...
Katya S's user avatar
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Convert Windows Amazon Instance-backed AMI to EBS

I've come across plenty of how-to's for this that deal with Linux (and back in 2010 when not all tools were available on the EC2 web interface) but none that deal with Windows (that work). I've tried ...
MarcLaf's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Amazon EBS Durability

According to this link: It said: Amazon EBS Snapshot can expect an annual failure rate (AFR) of between 0.1% – 0.5%, where failure ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Detatch an EBS volume from one instance and attach to another [closed]

If I detatch an EBS volume from an EC2 instance and then attach it to another newly created EC2 instance, would that be okay? If it would work then would I need to install any libraries like PHP, ...
tornados's user avatar
0 votes
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Heartbleed testing tools do not recognize reissued certificates (PositiveSSL Wildcard + Amazon ELB)

In response to the Heartbleed news, I have upgraded OpenSSL on my production server and am now trying to reissue the SSL certificate. I am using a PositiveSSL Wildcard certificate on an Amazon ELB. I ...
Hakan B.'s user avatar
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Adding EBS volume to Amazon EC2 server. Do I need to?

So I created a free-tier Amazon EC2 ubuntu 12.04 instance. I set up a LAMPP stack on it and use it for a couple of testing websites. Currently, all the data is stored on the server itself, including ...
harryg's user avatar
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MySQL Replication across two mounts on AWS Amazon Linux

Recently we took advantage of the SSD instance stores available on AWS. While these are great, they obviously get deleted when the instance dies. Obviously the performance of non Provision IOPS is ...
David Eisen's user avatar
0 votes
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Single ec2 instance with multiple mySQL databases on separate EBS volumes

I have a single ec2 instance on which I am running multiple separate wordpress sites. I want to store the database for each separate site on it's own mounted ebs volume, so that I can handle the db ...
gregtzar's user avatar
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is there a maximum size limit on the root drive while creating a new EC2 instance? [closed]

say, if I setup a windows server 2012 instance, is there a maximum size limit on the C drive?
JOW's user avatar
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24 votes
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Creating an EC2 AMI Image from a running instance vs. from a volume snapshot

I want to backup a Linux-based EC2 instance while it is running with no downtime, and then later on launch a new instance. (The instance is running a web server and Postgres database.) I found there ...
Vilsepi's user avatar
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