Questions tagged [amazon-ec2]

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides self-service, on-demand, pay-for-what-you-use computing infrastructure resources.

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2 answers

Amazon Cloudfront, S3 and EC2

I'm trying to use Amazon Cloudfront as a CDN provider but unsure of what other services are meant to be. Do I have to use S3 and EC2 as Virtual Server to host my files and change hosting provider in ...
Passionate Engineer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

EC2 Reserved Instances - Currently have micro what to do now?

I have been running with 2 micro on demand instances. I now want to convert one of the servers to a small instance. I have purchased a Windows small reserved instance in us-east-1b and it is now ...
Paul's user avatar
  • 119
62 votes
13 answers

How to know if a machine is an EC2 instance

I would like to run some scripts on hosts which are EC2 instances but I don't know how to be sure that the host is really an EC2 instance. I have made some tests, but this is not sufficient: Test ...
Kelindil's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Deny IP address on AWS ELB

I've, more or less, following configuration on AWS: Elastic load balancer with 3 machines o 3 different availability zones. My security group allows as it's my rails application (nginx, ...
boris quiroz's user avatar
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2 answers

Configure credentials on Amazon EC2 depoyment

I created a custom Linux AMI with all I need to run my PHP app (basically a node that does batch processing of images/video/audio). There can be n amount of instances running at the same time. So far ...
Julian's user avatar
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3 answers

CloudFront Dynamic Content & Apache using Multiple Virtual Hosts

I've tried to setup CloudFront to point to an Elastic Load Balancer. I can see the requests are reaching the web server (which as multiple Virtual hosts configured) however the requests always end up ...
Adam's user avatar
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3 answers

Install multiple tomcat 7 servers on single EC2 instance

I am building a tomcat cluster on an EC2 instance... I'm using the Amazon Linux AMI so I used "yum install tomcat7" to install tomcat... I need to install another copy of tomcat.. yum puts files all ...
UserLoser's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

ec2 : private key vs certificate

Are the private key and the certificate file the same file? I'm following the steps on this website to set my environment variables. I have my private key file, but not the certificate file, so I'm ...
onetwothree's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Change Amazon AMI Timezone

How do you change the timezone for the system clock for a EC2 instance running the Amazon AMI?
Jeffrey L. Roberts's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Chef bootstrap ec2 -- use resulting IP in another chef client's configuration

Say I have an app comprised of a web server and a database. If I ec2 deploy a chef client with the DB role, how can I automatically insert the IP of this new ec2 machine into my web server's config? ...
Jeff V's user avatar
  • 229
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4 answers

ssh into EC2 instance asks for password despite using a pem file

I downloaded the pem file on my Windows machine and I am able to connect to my instance with the puttygen generated ppk file (which has a public and a private key in it). I copied the pem file over ...
wullxz's user avatar
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1 answer

deploying perl dancer on apache with a virtual host

Forgive my lack of knowledge I'm just learning linux administration here. A week ago I read this article about setting up virtual hosts, I then installed and setup mod_perl and my perl Catalyst ...
gideon's user avatar
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2 answers

Replicate Amazon-ec2 development environment on local machine

I have a development vm on amazon ec2 with with a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (64bit) instance and LAMP stack. I would like to replicate that locally on my MBP. Is that possible? How would I go about doing that? ...
Jason's user avatar
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2 answers

Amazon Ec2 and PHP [closed]

Some questions about hosting PHP on Amazon EC2. Is this a good option for hosting a PHP website, or should I consider any shared\cheap hosting, like Godaddy, etc? Is the free tier only available for ...
CSeven's user avatar
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1 answer

How to check out bound network stats in AWS EC2

There is only one network interface in EC2 instance, and in the CloudWatch metric, I can only see "Max Network In" and "Max Network Out". As you know external traffic is billed (actually only ...
Howard's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Why does nginx cost money on AWS Marketplace [closed]

I'm looking at running nginx on a m1.small instance. I noticed in the marketplace you can deploy an ami but it costs $0.024 an hour. I though nginx was an open source, free web server. What is the ...
greatwitenorth's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

EC2 Multiple website on one instance, load balance

I have a question. My instance is currently using LAMP STACK by Bitnami, the first site is LAMP, the second is Magneto STACK by bitnami, My focus is on Magneto Stack. I was thinking of having the ...
CodeGuru's user avatar
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1 answer

Ubuntu Mail Server Configuration on EC2 and Login in using Client like Outlook

I have configured postfix, courier on EC2 which is having Ubuntu 12. The necessary port's are opened SMTP, IMAP, POP3. Installed and configured postfixadmin. Added domain and some mail boxes. I am ...
Vivek Muthal's user avatar
42 votes
5 answers

Bandwidth limits for Amazon EC2

I have a micro instance on Amazon EC2 cloud. Also the instance is small and it has vary low CPU and EAM usage but it generates a lot of content, so it can be considered like a web server serving ...
Artyom's user avatar
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5 answers

Unable to scp from one EC2 instance to another EC2 instance

I am not able to scp from one EC2 instance to another EC2 instance. From my laptop I am able to ssh into each instance without issues. I have two instances. #worker1 ec2-107-20-7-57.compute-1....
Spicysheep's user avatar
1 vote
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name-based virtual host - specify a domain name and also leave the ip address open

I have a domain name called I have an elastic IP for my AWS EC2 instance called my.ela.stic.ip. The htdocs root of my linux based EC2 instance is at /var/www/html/. I have set up the /...
Rakib's user avatar
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1 answer

Is the windows server 2008 r2 firewall in amazon ec2 not necessary

Under normal circumstances, is the windows server 2008r2 firewall, running on an amazon ec2 instance even necessary? Can it safely be turned off? It appears that thru the security groups, amazon is ...
EJB's user avatar
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3 answers

Which Amazon EC2 region is the best for Middle-East?

It seems that regions like Japan or Singapore travel the long way around the globe and go from US to EU and then reach destinations in Middle-East. What is the best region? Do you have any first hand ...
shayan's user avatar
  • 167
2 votes
2 answers

Effective toy benchmark for a computer? [closed]

I wanted to do some (very rough) comparisons between different computers, seeing the relative compute performance of laptops and cloud machines (AWS EC2, rackspace, etc.). I wanted something ...
Kurt Spindler's user avatar
4 votes
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Amazon - Delete privately shared AMI

We had to split an Amazon account into two accounts to better track usage between departments on the company. To transfer a server, we made an AMI of the EC2 server and shared it privately with the ...
jesusduarte's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

EC2 Ubuntu with WordPress can't connect to RDS

I have set up a WordPress website on a Ubuntu 12.04 Amazon ec2 machine by following this tutorial except the fact that I haven't created a MySQL database and I am using an amazon RDS MySQL service. ...
Danny's user avatar
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0 answers

nginx does not respect "root" directive

I'm running an EC2 instance with Ubuntu and trying to setup virtual servers for two domains without luck and cannot figure out why. My web documents are located in /var/www/<domain> and ...
kiri__'s user avatar
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0 answers

how can apache run multiple applications on same server with different path

When i ssh to amazon ec2, then pwd /home/ubuntu ls app_1 app_2 app_3 app_4 Considering i have mapped my ec2---*- address to some How can i have multiple rails applications running ...
Bijendra's user avatar
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security group not allowing connection to postgres ec2 aws

Hey im having some trouble allow remote connections to postgres from other ec2 instances using the named security group feature to rules. I have set the listens directive in postgres.conf to "*" and ...
Mike Waites's user avatar
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1 answer

EC2 instance communication

I currently have one EC2 instance that is starting to send alerts for high CPU usage. I want to create another instance and use this instance for the database and keep my existing instance for the web ...
Paul's user avatar
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1 answer

Simplify launching an EC2 instance with a given configuration

Is there any way to create a link or "saved profile" for launching an EC2 instance with a given configuration? I'm aware of the mechanism where you can create a link to launch a given AMI, i.e. ...
ajdecon's user avatar
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Encryption strategy for CentOS on Amazon EC2

Although there is plenty of information about how to create encrypted partitions (like, there's not much information suggesting what ...
Peter's user avatar
  • 11
18 votes
2 answers

Which AWS features are EBS backed?

I recently read an article AWS: The good, the bad and ugly, which mentioned that they've moved off of all EBS backed AWS features. What features are explicity (EBS backed EC2 instances) or implicitly (...
Jake McGraw's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Chef Integration Tasks Best Practices

I am new to chef (using hosted chef server) and am muddling along ok and basically understand how to provision individual servers. What I am having trouble with is figuring out how to integrate the ...
runamok's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How should secret files be pushed to an EC2 (on AWS) Ruby on Rails application?

How should secret files be pushed to an EC2 Ruby on Rails application using amazon web services with their elastic beanstalk? I add the files to a git repository, and I push to github, but I want to ...
Sooth's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How do I handle mysql replication in EC2 using private IPs?

I am trying to set up a mysql master/slave configuration in two EC2 instances. However, every time I reboot an instance, the IP address (and hostname) changes. I could assign an Elastic IP address, ...
chris's user avatar
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Using NFS for scalable PHP/MySQL web application

Here's the situation: I have a PHP/MySQL web application that accepts user uploads (pdf files). From these pdf files' pages a preview image is made on the fly and presented to the web app's users. ...
Asciiom's user avatar
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0 answers

amazon ec2-medium apache requests per second terrible

EDITED -- test running from localhost now to rule out network... i have a c1.medium using EBS. when i do an apache benchmark and i'm just printing a "hello" for the test from localhost - no database ...
TheDayIsDone's user avatar
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Ways to go about optimizing website performance WordPress, Amazon EC2 Apache and RDS MySQL

I have 6 WordPress websites running on 1 single EC2 instance. All the the websites are connecting to databases in 1 same RDS instance. Earlier today, traffic to the largest website peaked and the ...
ericn's user avatar
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2 answers

Amazon EC2 - how to determine how busy each CPU is

I have an Amazon EC2 micro instance. I believe that this is 1 core (or 2 for periodic bursts) with 4 CPU's. I'm getting confused with the terminology (ECU vs CPU vs Core) but really I would like to ...
sally's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Move /var directories to to /mnt on an EC2 instance

I am trying to work on a standard configuration for a set of EC2 instances running ubuntu 12.04. These servers are going to be primarily web servers for a Ruby on Rails application. When you configure ...
Geoff Lanotte's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

strongSwan IPsec server with AWS EC2 VPC VPN client

I'm trying to create a VPN tunnel between 2 AWS regions. The way I'm trying to do this is by setting up a IPsec server in Linux with strongSwan in one region, and then a VPC VPN in the other region. ...
phemmer's user avatar
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EC2 instance keeps respawning, even after termination

A quite annoying EC2 instance keeps respawning, no matter how many times I try to delete or terminate it. What could be the cause of this? How can I finally get rid of this Micro testing instance?
Forkrul Assail's user avatar
2 votes
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AWS service to setup port forwarding from Elastic IP to EC2 instances

Is there an AWS service (rather than creating an instance, and doing something via iptables?) that will allow me to use the API to set up port forwarding from a single Elastic IP address, onto ...
David Winter's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

HAProxy authenticated httpchk (health check)

I am using HAProxy on EC2 and using httpchk to manage node availability. I had used a pseudo-unique path as the health check route in an attempt to make sure only my servers responded to the health ...
Markel's user avatar
  • 51
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1 answer

Clarification regarding EC2 reserved instances [closed]

I'm playing with the pricing page on AWS for EC2 instances. My understanding is you have "on-demand" which is pay as you go and then you have reserved instances where you pre pay. So coming from a VPS ...
sdot257's user avatar
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Chef command to create new ec2 instance with second ebs volume attached and mounted instead of the default ephemeral volume?

We currently use this command to create a new ec2 instance with chef: knife ec2 server create --node-name=prod-apache-1 --availability-zone us-east-1c --image ami-3d4ff254 --distro ubuntu12.04-gems --...
runamok's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to keep multiple servers in sync file wise?

I'm currently managing a cluster of PHP-FPM servers, all of which tend to get out of sync with each other. The application that I'm using on top of the app servers (Magento) allows for admins to ...
GForceSys's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Why OOM-killer invoked even when huge amount of RAM is free

On EC2 ebs-backed xlarge ubuntu instance, oom-killer is getting invoked. From /var/log/syslog output below, it appears that ZONE_NORMAL is running out of memory: Node 0 Normal free:11344kB min:...
tarkeshwar's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Provider claiming "all web servers in the cloud are automatically kept in sync" - should I be skeptical?

I'm no expert in cloud computing - I've spent a fair bit of time researching it and various providers but am yet to get any hands-on experience with it. From what I've read about AWS and auto-scaling ...
RobMasters's user avatar

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