Questions tagged [amazon-ec2]

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides self-service, on-demand, pay-for-what-you-use computing infrastructure resources.

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Joining a server to AD via AWS cloudformation

I want to use cloudformation to automatically join new instances to AD. When I googled this it looks like many people just use scripts in there cloudformation templates and pass in credentials- I don'...
red888's user avatar
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Error when configuring Hudson EC2 Plugin

I want to run Hudson on EC2 and use Hudson's EC2 plugin to create Hudson slaves to run my tests. I installed it, but when trying to configure it, I get a lot of errors: What's going on? How can I ...
Ram Rachum's user avatar
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EC2 VPC Intermittent outbound connection timeouts

My production web service consists of: Auto-scaling group Network loadbalancer (ELB) 2x EC2 instances as web servers This configuration was running fine until yesterday when one of the EC2 instances ...
DanielB6's user avatar
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Newly installed programs in Server 2016 can't be clicked from the start menu

I created a new instance of Windows Server Datacenter 2016 on AWS (Version: 1607 OS Build 14393.321). When I install a new application and try to click on it from the start menu it does not work. ...
Shaun Bowe's user avatar
5 votes
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Windows Server 2012 R2 in AWS EC2, change resolution beyond 1280x1024

I have a Windows Server 2012 R2 instance running in EC2 performing some UI tests while nobody is connected to it. I use the following script to disconnect from Remote Desktop: for /f "skip=1 tokens=3"...
MartinTeeVarga's user avatar
5 votes
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Latency (wait ttfb) on EC2

My application is crawling a website. I use this crawler : On my dev environment, the latency is acceptable (3-4 sec) but on my prod server (ec2 T2....
Julien Malige's user avatar
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Node.js Server with PM2 Crashing with error ENOMEM - but no memory leak

I have an EC2 instance running a node.js server (Express based). After deploying in a new environment, my service had started crashing almost instantly with spawn ENOMEM Errors like this one: ...
Selfish's user avatar
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IAM Action for `Get-EC2Instance` command in Powershell SDK

Calling Get-EC2Instance from EC2 instance and getting Get-EC2Instance : You are not authorized to perform this operation. Which IAM action do I need to add to my policy?
jaywayco's user avatar
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EC2 Windows: Certificate for local system with Thumbprint ... is about to expire or already expired

I regularly see this error in the Windows Error Log on one of my EC2 instances: Certificate for local system with Thumbprint aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa is about to ...
Chris Moschini's user avatar
4 votes
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AWS console - This site cannot be reached - Only on my PC

I have an AWS insatance and whenever I go to the console page, ie: on a browser I get the message: This site can’t be reached
user3294532's user avatar
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AWS: ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer

I am facing "ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer" error. I am not able to ssh my instance. Any help is highly appreciated. Thank you. Below is the debug information ssh -i ~/....
Dora's user avatar
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Hostname provided via SNI and HTTP are different (AH02031 and AH02032 ) Error

I am using Apache 2.2 webserver on ubuntu Aws instance. My website goes down with below errors on error log, [ssl:error] [pid 46283] AH02032: Hostname provided via SNI and hostname provided via ...
adminz's user avatar
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EC2 CPU Credit Balance: Why are there gaps in my credit balance graph?

I use CloudWatch to monitor dozens of aspects of our platform's ecosystem, and occasionally we'll have a machine that does this: Why are there gaps in this green line? The other instances being ...
Adam Tuttle's user avatar
4 votes
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AWS EC2 - CentOS 7 Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)

I have an EC2 Instance with CentOS 7, after rebooting and stop - start, the instance cannot run anymore. I got this error, what cause this and how to fix it, thank you: [ 1.601892] List of all ...
ostrichegret's user avatar
4 votes
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Supervisor doesn't start: couldn't chdir to ... EACCES

I'm setting up an ec2 server to run a django project with ngnix & gunicorn. The server is running Amazon Linux. When I run the start gunicorn command from the command line, it starts up the ...
hgolov's user avatar
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Occasional excruciatingly slow resources transfer with Tomcat on AWS EC2

I have a running Tomcat v9 instance in a Docker container on an AWS EC2 host. It works perfectly, most of the time, and will once in a while deliver resources very slowly. What exactly is served ...
ccjmne's user avatar
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Configure SFTP with OpenSSH and an AWS S3 Bucket mounted via S3FS on Amazon EC2

How do I allow multiple SFTP Users with S3FS and OpenSSH? Everything works, except SFTP Users don't have permission to write to their Chrooted Home Directory: remote open("/some_file"): Permission ...
T. Brian Jones's user avatar
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AWS ELB: cloudwatch metric for open connections?

I'm setting up ELB, and I'm having trouble finding a suitable metric to use to adjust the size of the pool. RequestCount doesn't work because some requests are much cheaper than others. Latency ...
Bryan Larsen's user avatar
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EC2 automatic windows updates disabled by default on Windows Server 2008 R2 - why?

I spun up an Amazon virtual instance for Windows 2008 R2 Datacenter Edition and when I went into Windows Updates in control panel, automatic updates were turned off. I turned them on and checked for ...
sa289's user avatar
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SSL - Apache and Node.js on the same Amazon EC2 instance

I hosted my website on an EC2 instance, using Apache. SSL was also set up properly, running on HTTPS, port 443. Currently, I just added a chat application to the website using Node.js + ...
Danh Nguyen's user avatar
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Apache Server Stops Serving Requests Temporarily with Apache 2.4.12 on Amazon Linux with PHP 5.4.40 FPM/Worker

We have an apache server stopping serving requests constantly due to the following error: (70007)The timeout specified has expired: [client] AH01075: Error dispatching request ...
David Eisen's user avatar
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Does AWS Elastic Beanstalk Swap Environment Url swaps environments for git push?

I have read the docs for zero downtime on aws but cant seem to understand what happens in this scenario? I have a environment running in production called 'red' I duplicate the environment as 'blue' ...
Pinser's user avatar
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EC2 disk goes to 100% util, but fine after reboot

We've been running some production services on Amazon EC2 for a while, using mainly t1.large and t1.xlarge instances (non-EBS). Every so often one of the attached (ephemeral disks) will get into a ...
yegg's user avatar
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Can't open port 443 on AWS EC2 fresh instance

I created a fresh EC2 instance, this is the setup: Security Group Inbound rules IP version Type Protocol Port Range Source IPv4 HTTP TCP 80 IPv6 HTTPS TCP 443 ::/0 IPv6 HTTP TCP 80 ::/0 ...
Ralexrdz's user avatar
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Can an instance profile's condition reference EC2 instance's tags?

I'm trying to setup an instance profile for an EC2 instance that limits its access to a particular path within an S3 bucket, based on the Name tag of that EC2 instance. I've gotten a policy that's ...
leedm777's user avatar
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How to show instance names in CloudWatch graph labels?

We have a couple of machines in AWS EC2 and are running the Amazon CloudWatch Agent on them to collect metrics. Instead of the default ImageId, InstanceId, InstanceType triplet, the agent is ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How can I count EC2 instances over time in AWS?

I want to know the number of EC2 instances I have running over time. I am able to view this data from the following menu: ec2 dashboard Auto Scaling Groups select my group from the table of groups ...
auerbachb's user avatar
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Run Systemd Service Unit After AWS EBS Volume Mount

I launch m5.large (nitro-based) EC2 instance from Ubuntu AMI and attach EBS volume. There is systemd as a default init system. As AWS documentation "Making an Amazon EBS Volume Available for Use on ...
Tensho's user avatar
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Preventing Ubuntu EC2 server locking up with high CPU

I have a server that runs celery tasks. It runs a couple of worker threads with celery multi start 2, configured using systemd. Sometimes, it gets overworked and hits 100% CPU. When this happens, ...
user31415629's user avatar
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How to create a Linux virtual machine in AWS with multiple network interface cards each having a public IP

AWS. Centos 7.5 m5.large EC2 instance. VPC with 2 subnets. The instance has two network interfaces, one per a subnet. A Network Security Group is configured to allow all TCP inbound and outbound ...
Mr. Raspberry's user avatar
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How to pass environment variables to packer in AWS?

I am building a custom AMI in AWS using packer and bash + salt provisioning. However, I am in need of being able to pass some variables from my local environment to the build system and I don't really ...
Andrei Dascalu's user avatar
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New AWS Linux EC2 loses all networking about 7 minutes after bootup

I created a new AWS EC2 instance (error occurs with AWS Linux & AWS Linux 2). And I can SSH in fine to start installing thing but every time after 5-10 minutes I can no longer type in the terminal ...
LightDisk's user avatar
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haproxy session rate lower than single server qps

I setup a haproxy(1.6.3) on ubuntu 16.04 to load balancing two web servers. From my earlier tests, the web servers can handle over 20k request/s. The web servers were tested against wrk2, and I ...
cwhsu's user avatar
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AWS ALB Connection Draining not Closing Connections after Deregistration Delay

I have three instances configured as targets in an ALB. Connection draining is disabled (deregistration delay set to 0 seconds). Sticky sessions are enabled for 5 minutes. I get stuck to one web ...
user avatar
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Task scheduler startup bat script not running on AWS EC2

I have an EC2 WindowsServer2016 image with a scala project on it. I want it to start when I spin up an instance without me having to log in or do anything. I have a .bat script with the following: ...
JackMahoney's user avatar
3 votes
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How to get HTTP/2 working with a AWS ALB and Tomcat 9

So I'm having difficultly getting HTTP/2 working with the newer version of the AWS Application Load Balancer, and Tomcat 9. I added the <UpgradeProtocol className="org.apache.coyote.http2....
Zipper's user avatar
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Can the Amazon AMI Operating System (in particular 2016.03) use huge pages on a paravirtual (PV) instance?

I don't believe huge pages work on PV machine running Amazon's AMI OS. I would like to know if this is related to the Amazon OS, or the virtualisation type. I believe huge pages can be enabled (...
Jordan Stewart's user avatar
3 votes
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Getting Connection error while running AWS commands in powershell in windows 2012

We have installed AWS powershell tools with the given below version. When we try to run the AWS commands we get connection error as specified below: ---- AWS Powershell version--- PS C:\Users> ...
Neetika's user avatar
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Clarifying EC2's system log following crash

We've recently had an issue with an EC2 instance that bought down our mySQL service. I've checked the system log (AWS Console: Action > Instance Settings > Get System Log) However the output isn't ...
Dan382's user avatar
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Authentication vsftpd account using remote LDAP user

I'm trying to authenticate vsftpd from LDAP logins which hosted remotely another server . vsftpd hosted on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-48-generic x86_64) amazon aws . from the LDAP server ...
Ruwan Ranganath Senarathne's user avatar
3 votes
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Linux user to access and execute only on one location

I am trying to figure out a solution for this: I have some user which I created using command useradd. I want to allow this user do whatever he wants on a special location, say /var/www/. He might ...
serverstackqns's user avatar
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amazon ec2 No route to host error suddenly, public IP ping fails with general error

amazon EC2 instance is running perfectly fine. But when trying to connect using putty or via browser its not pinging. My security group is set correctly because this issue happened when everything was ...
Squapl Recipes's user avatar
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PHP version conflict in Amazon Linux EC2 instance

I've lunched a fresh instance from the AWS -> EC2 console panel. After that when I logged into the instance via SSH and executed the following line: (note I executed first the sudo yum update before ...
FR STAR's user avatar
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Tuning Amazon Linux worker tier

I have a worker tier that is using PHP process control (pcntl) functions to send multiple requests to the SNS service in parallel. My question is how best to tune MPM_PREFORK directives to get the ...
Mike Miller's user avatar
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SSH "operation timed out" on ec2 instance

I have performed the following steps: Clicked on existing instance > Actions > Launch more like this Kept all the settings the same aside from selecting a different instance type (same key name and ...
DT.DTDG's user avatar
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EC2 AMI instance store backup grub utility required

Working on backup of whole ec2 volume and image to upload to s3. Using RHEL7 and it internally uses Grub2 as bootloader. EC2 AMI tools requires grub legacy loader and I'm struck up in this loader. ...
Sva's user avatar
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High Performance AWS EC2 / RDS + Nginx + PHP-FPM setup

General description of the issue We're currently running an application on a PaaS type solution for PHP. Their solution is based on AWS cloud and due to the fact that their plans don't fit our ...
Carvefx's user avatar
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Does AWS EC2 have limits on concurrent connections?

No matter what I do to my EC2 instance, any size and with apache/ubuntu. I can't get it to go over 1400 concurrent connections. Have set the prefork settings high, set ulimit to 1000000 Is this ...
Nabil A's user avatar
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Difference between AWS Software Subscription and Launching a Custom AMI?

Amazon AWS seems to provide two methods of launching an instance of Ubuntu 12.04 that confuse me, one of them is the Software Marketplace the other method is by launching an AMI on the Ubuntu website ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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security group not allowing connection to postgres ec2 aws

Hey im having some trouble allow remote connections to postgres from other ec2 instances using the named security group feature to rules. I have set the listens directive in postgres.conf to "*" and ...
Mike Waites's user avatar

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