Questions tagged [amazon-s3]

This is for questions on Amazon's cloud storage service.

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Download files from S3 without listing

I have a s3 bucket with more than a million files and about a thousand files added each day by various applications into various folders. I would like to download and keep all the files locally as ...
Debianuser's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I connect Cloudfront to a private s3 bucket with terraform?

So I'm 90 percent there, but it appears that cloudfront is getting 500 errors from s3? I'm sure I'm just doing something wrong. I've read the various amazon documentation, but to me it seems so vague ...
xenoterracide's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Problems with Gzip compression on Amazon CloudFront

I had a CloudFront distribution configured with S3 as an origin. I have enabled "Compress Objects Automatically" as per Amazon guide. Waited for the distribution status to display "online" then ...
Lukigi's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

AWS S3 Bucket name already exists

I in S3 Buckets if ill create a new one or Bucket name already exists but I can I have two visible buckets. Edit: In other words, my bucket's been orphaned and I cant see it to delete it and I ...
D.King's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Performant Reverse Proxy to S3

I want to prevent direct interaction with my S3 bucket. While my S3 bucket is properly configured, I want to find a (performant) method to lock down access to a single i.p while still serving files ...
MrSynAckSter's user avatar
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Can we point godaddy DNS to aws s3 static website?

I have a domain which is registered in godaddy . I have hosted a static website in s3 bucket .my s3 endpoint is <bucket-name>.s3-website-<AWS-region> . I want ...
Arun Kumar's user avatar
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Is AWS CloudFront useful if I need to serve just one region?

We are serving videos from a S3 bucket(in Mumbai) to users in a single region(India). We expect thousands of users to access these files only from India. Is it worth to have a CloudFront distribution? ...
Anik Raj C's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Amazon S3 Console: How to find total number of files with in a folder? [duplicate]

So I can see S3 console and can get into my folder with files listing but I don't find way to find total number of files in it other than going thru pagination which does not work considering ...
Volatil3's user avatar
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1 answer

How to copy more than 300GB files one AWS EC2 server to another EC2

I need to copy more than 300 GB files (most them are images) one EC2 instance to another EC2 instance, what will be the best method for doing this? EBS Snapshot will be not work in my situation ...
Mi2's user avatar
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IAM user policy to RW to specific folders

I am trying out CloudBerry Drive tool to attach S3 buckets as my network drive. I have a bucket and 2 folders inside that, assuming the bucket name as environment and 2 folders as dev and prod. I have ...
serverstackqns's user avatar
8 votes
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Proxy for a local mirror of S3 directories

We have an office that has increasing demand for accessing large files from our own Amazon S3 directories. Being able to access them quickly is important for our business, so we believe it is time to ...
Eric Simonton's user avatar
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Multiple server backups using kubernetes and rsnapshot

I am looking to setup multiple backups, from multiple servers in different geographical locations at different times using something like a docker/rsnapshot and kubernetes (master + a couple nodes at ...
Op4's user avatar
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4 votes
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Rewriting url with results from auth_request

I'm trying to use nginx to proxy requests to files stored on S3, however, I don't want to expose our bucket structure, and I need authorization that the user can access a particular file. I've managed ...
Richard's user avatar
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How to make daily database backups readily queryable

We have a production database that generates daily database backups that are uploaded to S3 in form of compressed .sql.bz2 files. We basically have a S3 bucket that has a large number of such backups, ...
rtindru's user avatar
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3 answers

Is possible to reduce AWS data transfer costs using any other AWS resource?

I do have a AWS EC2 instance that contains a very large blog. My data transfer is about 200Gb/month. 80% of it are only media and images. My data transfer costs are high due the server location in ...
Daniel Santos's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk: IAM policy for deploying a multicontainer Docker environment from a private repository

How do I enable my environment under Elastic Beanstalk to talk to S3 so that it can get the authentication info and then pull my Docker image from a private repository in a multicontainer environment? ...
Dustin Oprea's user avatar
2 votes
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Backup strategy for user uploaded files

Note: Backing up data stored on Amazon S3 is similar but quite old, and doesn't address common practice. Our service involves each user upload a couple of files. There are hundreds of thousands of ...
Aditya's user avatar
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Subdomain pointing to deleted S3 bucket [duplicate]

I am stuck in my present (AP-SOUTH) and deleted (US-EAST) S3 bucket. I had mistakenly created a bucket in US-EAST ( and mapped my subdomain - cdn....
kandav's user avatar
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68 votes
2 answers

Why does AWS recommend against public S3 buckets?

"We highly recommend that you never grant any kind of public access to your S3 bucket." I have set a very granular public policy (s3:GetObject) for one bucket that I use to host a website. Route53 ...
Andrew Johnson's user avatar
3 votes
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S3 cross-account bucket permissions

Similar to what is described in this article[0], the company I work for uses a bastion AWS account to store IAM users and other AWS accounts to separate different running environments (prod, dev, etc.)...
c4urself's user avatar
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Minimum AWS policy actions required for retrieving Glacier files through S3?

I'm trying to create a policy for an IAM account that will allow an employee to have full read permissions for our S3 (lifecycled to Glacier) buckets, with no unnecessary write abilities as to avoid ...
Cyanara's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Streaming PostgreSQL pg_dump to S3

Is it possible or advisable to stream/pipe pg_dump output to S3? We are dumping large datasets to our instance and the database size is big. So trying to optimize for local disk space (avoid temp ...
kapso's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why is only index.html available from an S3 bucket served by CloudFront, and nothing else?

I am trying to expose a static site hosted in S3 though CloudFront. The S3 bucket (testyop1) is set to host static websites (not in public mode) and its bucket policy is { "Version": "2008-10-17"...
WoJ's user avatar
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Redirect naked domain to www with SSL in cloudfront/route 53

I have setup two buckets on s3 one for my actual angular 2 app: and one for redirecting to I have also created two distributions in cloud front and added a ...
alizoli's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Serving website from Cloudfront and S3 without public bucket

When serving a website via CloudFront from an S3 bucket, I would typically apply the following Bucket Policy to allow access to my files: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { ...
Steve's user avatar
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5 votes
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Syncing / backup from S3 buckets to openstack swift containers

I need to backup/sync few hundred GB of files in S3 buckets to openstack swift containers. I have thousands of files in several S3 buckets I want to copy/sync over openstack swift containers but I ...
ict4ngo's user avatar
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Redirect naked domain to www in cloudfront/route 53

I have a static website hosted on s3 with cloudfront distribution. I've found tons of answers on redirecting to www with only route 53 in front of s3, but nothing on how to do it with cloudfront. I'...
Akababa's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Migrate Big Data from AWS S3 to Azure

We have 85TB of data in AWS S3 bucket. What is the best option to move it to Azure? I see two options right now: To buy AWS Snowball Edge. Will I be able to import data to Azure from it? To buy ...
oddtwelve's user avatar
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-1 votes
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AWS Lowest latency infrastructure

I'd like to setup the most correct and lowest latency infrastructure for AWS. I would like to serve static Javascript files over CloudFront, and on top of that - a call to a dynamic server that will ...
Adam Schindler's user avatar
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Error writing from S3 to EBS

I'm trying to copy from an S3 bucket to a mounted EBS volume on a Windows EC2 Instance. I have the following IAM policies in place: AmazonEC2FullAccess AmazonS3FullAccess ...
GeneralBear's user avatar
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Route53 subdomain not resolved with nslookup

My problem I am trying to build a personal CDN to share static file with my contacts. The design includes an S3 bucket, a CloudFront distribution and a subdomain registered via Route53, all ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
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How to identify which account a given S3 bucket lives in?

I come across many S3 buckets... is there a way to tell which AWS account a given S3 bucket was created in? I can only think of iterating through each account I have access to, but I don't have keys ...
AXE Labs's user avatar
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How can I reduce the number of get requests for s3 bucket? [closed]

I have an apache2 server living on an ec2 instance in AWS as well as an s3 bucket that holds mostly just image files. What I want to do is implement some sort of caching for a user on my server or ...
DJSweetness's user avatar
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Restricting access to files on Amazon S3 on per-file basis?

I have an interesting requirement: There's various files on the same S3 Bucket. The task is to restrict access to the files on a per-file basis using usernames and passwords. I tried using an FTP ...
Aayush Agrawal's user avatar
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How to setup DigitalOcean DNS link to AWS CloudFront Distribution

I have a DNS setup with DigitalOcean for the domain What I want to do? I would like a sub domain i.e. to be linked to the CloudFront Distribution, which then ...
Ghazanfar Mir's user avatar
2 votes
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How to find owner of a aws account with account number

I inherited a couple of AWS environments. I have been recently doing security audits of s3 and found several policies with principals containing aws account numbers I don't know and nobody at my ...
user176373's user avatar
-1 votes
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Cannot access or delete AWS S3 bucket from console

Learning AWS and mucking about with buckets. I tried to configure a logging bucket for a project, with the following logging.json used for the put-bucket-logging command in the cli: { "...
user242007's user avatar
1 vote
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AWS, S3 + VPC Endpoints

Not sure what I'm missing here. I've got an S3 bucket. I've got an EC2 instance. I created a VPC endpoint and associated it with ALL the subnets in my VPC, with the default policy: { "Statement": ...
Tom's user avatar
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cloudwatch log to kinesis and s3

I want to use my cloudwatch logs which are basically website access logs. Need to use these cloudwatch logs for data analytics with kinesis stream since firehose and analytics service is not ...
Shailesh Sutar's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

AWS Windows EC2 instance does not recognize assigned IAM role

Initially I launched a brand-new Windows Server 2016 server EC2. I assigned a S3 full admin IAM role to this instance when launching it. I installed CLI on it. I started a CMD window, and typed in "...
AussieDude's user avatar
1 vote
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AWS CLI - S3, why do I need to specify a region?

So my bucket Alpha is in a region called REGION1. My bucket Beta is in a different region, let's call it REGION2. I go into my EC2 instance, and use this command: aws s3 cp s3://Alpha/meh.txt ./meh....
Kurosaki Ichigo's user avatar
9 votes
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How to backup a s3 bucket to the glacier?

I'm having some difficulty setting up my S3 to make an automatic backup to Glacier. That is, I want a copy of my s3 on the glacier every day. How to do this?
Paloma Macetko's user avatar
3 votes
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Just created S3 bucket, getting a bunch of access denied logs

I've created an AWS S3 bucket to backup my Postgres DB. It was all going well but then I enabled Logging and started to get a bunch of Access Denied logs. I thought I had messed something up in my ...
bplmp's user avatar
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Restore original visitor IP for static site on AWS S3 using Cloudflare

I've a static site on S3, with cloudflare as my DNS provider. The server logs are collected in an S3 bucket. However the visitor IP address in the log files points to cloudflare servers instead of the ...
user's user avatar
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What do cloudwatch s3 metrics count as an object?

I was recently using the metrics under the management tab in the aws s3 console and notices that for a few of my buckets the NumberOfObjects (count / day) graph seemed to be way off. I had roughly 50 ...
KingCrab's user avatar
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scaling up when new object is inserted in s3

I want to setup auto scaling in following way. I am storing website data as zip in aws s3 bucket (versioning not enabled) when an instance is launched in auto scaling, user data will have shell ...
Shivanand's user avatar
3 votes
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Amazon storage gateway how do you get the storage usage without using CloudWatch (from the Storage Gateway Volume Page)

I can't find where to get the volume usage (used space) in the Storage Gateway Volume page. I don't want to use CloudWatch to have the information, there should be a way to add the column "Used space"...
Léa Clément's user avatar
4 votes
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AWS CodeBuild script fails s3 sync with AccessDenied

I am using CodeBuild with Image: aws/codebuild/nodejs:7.0.0 service role: code-buid-some-service-role In my buildspec the following command runs aws s3 sync ./webroot s3://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws....
Sean256's user avatar
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Subdomain from different S3 bucket on same cloudfront distribution

I have served from, this goes to S3 bucket nr 1. This works well. I now need to also be served from same cloudfront distribution, and point to ...
Amc_rtty's user avatar
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S3 to Swift middleware proxy

We have an application which is ready for AWS S3 Storage. Recently we had an requirement to write also on a Swift Object Storage. I know that Swift stack has an option to enable S3 compatibility but ...
Marcio Jasinski's user avatar

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