Questions tagged [amazon-web-services]

Amazon Web Services (AWS) delivers a set of services that together form a reliable, scalable, and inexpensive computing platform "in the cloud". If you have a question about a specific web service, consider asking on its tag, e.g., amazon-ec2.

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How to set up Cloudflare, Custom Domain, SSL, and Elastic Beanstalk without a Load Balancer

Background & Research I am currently in the process of polishing off the infrastructure for a project of mine and I have realised that I have a slight issue when it comes to the SSL certificate ...
Ben Carey's user avatar
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Does modifying the listener of an ELB in AWS gracefully drain connections in ECS?

My team and I are trying to come up with the best way to implement blue/green for AWS ECS but we can't seem to definitively answer one question about application load balancers. So far, the method ...
Matt Martinez's user avatar
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Is there a way to terminate spot fleet instances automatically if Status Checks are failed?

I have been using EC2 spot fleet plugin with Jenkins and configured few spot request with that, however, there is a frequent problem I face where one or two of my spot instances fails at "Status ...
Gaurav Bhaskar's user avatar
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How to configure AWS classic load balancer to use AWS SSL for both 80 and 8080?

We are using Nginx-RTMP Streaming and trying to redirect both 80 and 8080 to https. We have tried with redirecting different SSL port in AWS Classic load balancer but its doesn't work. Nginx RTMP ...
bhuva nesh's user avatar
2 votes
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AWS Connect WorkSpace Desktops to EC2 SQL Database on Same VPC

Ec2 SQL Database server: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : ec2.internal Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::9ca:e9d1:a7b5:3e42%16 IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask ...
bumble_bee_tuna's user avatar
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Can you directly restore / overwrite ec2 volume from snapshot?

I'm familiar with the operation of creating a new volume from a snap then mounting it separetely , but through the console or aws cli is there a way to restore a volume from a snapshot in such a way ...
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How does AWS Route 53 weighted routing policy record TTL affect clients after expiration?

Say I'm testing a new version of my application and I create a weighted routing policy for my domain that sends 25% of users to the new version and the remaining users to the old version. A user ...
Dave Rager's user avatar
5 votes
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AWS Application Load Balancer Duplicate Requests

Has anyone experienced duplicate requests sent to multiple EC2 instances using application load balancer? We have an API on EC2 fronted by ALB and recently noticed that some requests are being sent ...
AliK's user avatar
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Not able to run ansible-playbook against ec2 host, SSH through terminal is working fine

I created an ec2 instance with port 22 open and I am able to connect to this instance using the private key from my terminal, however, I am not able to connect it when I try ansible-playbook. I have ...
Gaurav Bhaskar's user avatar
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AWS Bucket Policy - when to use it

I'm trying to create a bucket policy that will grant access from an ec2 or ecs instance in order to grant them to putObject on a specific bucket. I have a few basic questions: 1) Is a Bucket Policy ...
Drongo's user avatar
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Whitelist google cloud function on AWS security group

I've some services running on google cloud functions which need to connect to an endpoint on AWS. Since there is no fixed set of IPs which I can whitelist, can you share your thoughts on how best this ...
Anjca's user avatar
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Can a target group have more than one asg in aws?

I want a target group for an alb to be able to add a second asg. This is that so it can slowly replace the current asg.
andrew .stern's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I specify an option group when upgrading RDS database?

I have a Postgres database in AWS RDS currently running version 9.6.11, and I'm trying to perform a major upgrade to version 10.7. I've followed the Upgrade Guide to create a new version-compatible ...
Nic's user avatar
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Allow EC2 Instance to be Shutdown or Blocked by Another Party

I am working on a project with another person, call him Bob. I would like to run a piece of proprietary software on an Amazon EC2 instance. This software will being send out network packets (HTTP ...
galpo's user avatar
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Schedule the reboot of an AWS RDS (Postgres) instance at a certain time?

Is there a way to schedule the reboot of an RDS instance to a certain time? I know how to manually reboot it but I didn't see any UI or documentation on how to trigger a reboot at, for example, two ...
ThinkBonobo's user avatar
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How do I rename a default AWS RDS option group?

I'm trying to bring our AWS account under terraform but it's throwing an error the that RDS Option group name isn't supported it has a colon in it. How do I rename it either via the GUI or CLI so it ...
digital's user avatar
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mongo: /data/db not found on AWS ec2 t2.micro after launching an AMI image of the instance

S.O.S!! I had my t2.micro with Bitnami Parse image running for a good while. everything was fun and games until I needed to upgrade to t2.medium. In order to do so I cloned my server to an AMI ...
Hudi Ilfeld's user avatar
2 votes
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Does elastic beanstalk managed updates replace the need for patch manager (Windows)?

With version 2 of the Elastic Beanstalk platform for Windows, managed platform updates are enabled in immutable update scenarios (
Shawn's user avatar
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How to improve initialization (start up) time for AWS EC2?

The time for an EC2 to launch an intialize seems to have come down in the past 9 years (at least they are now much faster than 10 minutes. But it can still easily take a few minutes. Are there any ...
stevec's user avatar
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Creating an AWS Cloudwatch Alarm to monitor an AWS SQS Dead Letter Queue

I want create a CloudWatch Alarm that triggers every time a message is sent to an SQS Dead Letter Queue and then clears 5 minutes later, unless one or messages are sent in the interim in which case ...
maxown-mgmt maxown's user avatar
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What if my public address is same as one of the IP address in my AWS VPC CIDR Block? [closed]

My public IP address (of my personal computer) from which I access the internet ranges from 112.110.x.x. For experiment, I created a VPC in AWS and chose the CIDR block as In the route ...
Sanjay Vig's user avatar
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How to download file from url and store it in aws s3 bucket? [closed]

As stated, I'm trying to download this dataset of zip folders containing images: and store them in an s3 bucket so I can later unzip them in the bucket, ...
Yufa's user avatar
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Unable to set up an Envoy Front Proxy on Amazon ECS

I am trying to set up an envoy front proxy using envoy sidecar containers on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) referring to this link. The envoy sidecar configuration is : #service-envoy.yaml ...
Ashish Sharma's user avatar
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AWS Systems Manager Bug?

We are currently assisting a customer with an issue they're having, and the solution was to use AWS SSM to copy a file from an s3 bucket to a windows directory location. When we go to 'setup ...
Ross Williams's user avatar
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Resource aws_acm_certificate does not have attribute 'domain_validation_options.0.resource_record_value'

I'm trying to create a set of verification records for my ACM certs using Terraform, and I'm running into a strange issue. resource "aws_acm_certificate" "cert" { domain_name = "${element(var....
Soviero's user avatar
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Why can not I connect to Webmin on my AWS centOS server? [closed]

I have a centOS server on AWS and I can not connect to Webmin. I followed the installation steps that (shows this page), but when I click on the link that is generated after completing the ...
agricolaparra's user avatar
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Calculate pm2 ram consumption on basis of hit or traffic

I have deployed loopback backend application in ec2 instance. I am using Pm2 server. How can I calculate ram and cpu for traffic or hit ?
MD. Ashfaqur Rahman Tahashin's user avatar
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Managing AWS Test & Production Environments

What is the best practice to separate Prod and Test Environments in AWS? I can think of 2 options (let's assume my website is called: Create 2 AWS Accounts: blue-sky and test-blue-sky (...
Hooman Bahreini's user avatar
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Downloading fails at random for our users from S3, need help figuring out what's wrong

We have a file sharing service where users can upload, share and download their files. We are using AWS S3 to store our files. We're facing an issue where small files download fine, but when files ...
Jahanzeb's user avatar
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Trouble with routing on VPN with Openswan IPSec

Good morning, I'm having trouble configuring access to the servers through a VPN. The client can connect to the VPN perfectly, but access to the servers does not work. The conf of my connection is ...
Alexssandro Gottschalk's user avatar
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S3 bucket back-up NOT on AWS [closed]

I'm looking for a service to back-up s3 buckets that isn't hosted on Amazon so that there is complete separation but there doesn't seem to be much. It's for periodic (daily) back-up of < 500GB ...
bloke_zero's user avatar
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Kubernetes Ingress Controller & LoadBalancer on AWS

I want to create a single node K8S cluster on AWS and run a simple demo app, exposed to the outside world on port 80. How do I do this? Conceptually I understand that I need a pod which is defined by ...
A. Gardner's user avatar
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AWS CloudWatch Alarms

I am new to AWS. I have a very basic question that needs binary answer. Situation: I've been using API Gateway, Lambda Functions, DynamoDB for about 3 weeks now. I use cloudwatch logs but never ...
AnoNym's user avatar
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Terraform-RDS Aurora-VPC - different VPCs error

I’m trying to create an AWS RDS Aurora with Terraform and other EC2 instances. The EC2 instances are being directed to the VPC with no issues but the RDS can’t join the VPC due to The DB instance and ...
Gal Gibli's user avatar
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Using blkid to check if an attached EBS volume is formatted

I have an issue with part of a script that is attempting to check if an attached volume is formatted before formatting. The grep used in this check returns zero when the volume isnt formatted when ...
berimbolo's user avatar
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Path specific load-balancing over multiple AWS Beanstalk applications

I currently have two AWS beanstalk applications: One for my web app server (web_beanstalk_env) and one for my api (api_beanstalk_env). They are currently routed through Route 53 as =&...
Andreas Jarbol's user avatar
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Cannot ssh to aws ec2 instance (t2-micro)

I am trying to ssh to my ec2 instance ssh -i key.pem [email protected] -vvv However, I am getting an error: Connection to closed by remote host. Connection to closed. here is the ...
Andriy's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk, Certbot does not recognize port 80

I have very simple app running single index.php file on the elastic beanstalk, and now I tried to install https using Letsencrypt. But unfortunately I keep geeting this error: PluginError: Unable to ...
Yusuf Ibrahim's user avatar
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Allowing external access to bastion hosts on aws

I am trying to create a few bastion hosts in my VPC on aws to connect to my databases that are located in a private subnet. I am using this aws Quick start. I understand the basics of CIDR blocks ...
Marwan's user avatar
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How to automate the Re-sizing of servers in aws

I am working in the AWS environment. I am re-sizing the production environment, changing the instance type. Until now I was doing this manually. I go to console, stop the instance, change the ...
Sanjeev's user avatar
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Kubernetes Unable to connect to the server

I have a Kubernetes cluster running for months on AWS. I do not know why when I am running a kubectl command to my server from my deploy pipeline or my local computer I have Unable to connect to ...
Ajouve's user avatar
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Simple AWS Appsync app hits already 50k+ AWS Key Management Service requests

Last month we developed an Ionic app using AmplifyJS. It basically runs on top of an AWS Appsync API. It was an unpleasant journey so far, especially the @connections between DynamoDB tables. For ...
user3411864's user avatar
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Fargate task losing connection to MySQL running on AWS RDS when this is set to publicly accessible

So we have a Fargate task running in a private subnet. It connects to a MySQL instance running on AWS RDS in a different VPC that is linked. So far so good, the RDS security group allows communication ...
Duckslayer's user avatar
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PHP cURL on AWS starts returning error 0 after long uptime

We're using Ubuntu 16.04 on AWS (4.4.0-1066-aws x86_64) to send pushes to Android and iOS clients from PHP application using curl. This is the bit of code used to send a push to Firebase: $ch[$i] = ...
roundowl's user avatar
3 votes
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Lightsail instance requests time out with domain name but work with IP address

I'm attempting to create a BookStack site on an Amazon Lightsail instance. I'm having an issue where my static public IP address attached to my Lightsail instance will go to my site just fine, from ...
Ash's user avatar
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Assign an Elastic IP to an AWS Transfer SFTP

I want to assign an elastic ip address to an AWS Transfer SFTP service because outbound SFTP connections have to be whitelisted for clients of mine. The FAQ for the "AWS Transfor for SFTP" service ...
David's user avatar
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AWS CLI create bucket inside another bucket

How can I create a bucket inside a bucket using the aws cli? When I use the "mb" command it states that I already own it (but I don't). The top level bucket "example-bucket" already exists. I need to ...
Jeight's user avatar
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Why are database queries running so much slower on AWS RDS?

I've been working on performance-sensitive features. I've been developing locally, running a MySQL server on my Mac. One key query runs in about 1.2 seconds on my machine, which is in the acceptable ...
fnsjdnfksjdb's user avatar
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AWS - Lambda cannot access Apache served content on EC2 instance

Can anyone tell me how/why my Lambda function cannot 'see' a website served by Apache on an EC2 instance when they are both in the same VPC? My setup: Amazon Linux v2 Lambda function in the default ...
Gareth's user avatar
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What permissions do I need to access a SQS queue?

I am trying to open a SQS queue but I got this error: 2019-07-09 07:20:31,855 pid 3604 tid 800 ERROR connection <?xml version="1.0 "?><ErrorResponse xmlns="
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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