Questions tagged [amazon-web-services]

Amazon Web Services (AWS) delivers a set of services that together form a reliable, scalable, and inexpensive computing platform "in the cloud". If you have a question about a specific web service, consider asking on its tag, e.g., amazon-ec2.

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0 votes
0 answers

Rancher with AWS LB controller fails health checks

I'm trying to launch Rancher with the AWS LB controller and i'm getting health checks failed for the ingress. Can someone please look at my set up and let me know if something that's obvious? EKS ...
2 votes
1 answer

Setting up CloudFront [Custom Origin] for EC2 instance

I have been checking things up & down on Google & AWS Documentation but can't seem to nail this one. I have an EC2 instance setup with a domain being served via a virtual host and I need to ...
1 vote
3 answers

terraform: Configuring load-balancer to use dynamic port of ECS task/service in AWS

This is sort-of a general question for how dynamic port assignments are supposed to work, though my specific context is trying to figure-out if there is a natural way for a target-group to know the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Cannot connect to RDS from Elasticbeanstalk - Connection timed out

I set up RDS (mysql) with Elastic Beanstalk/EC2 on AWS for my PHP API. The API is reachable through http and https, but it seems the connection to the DB is having troubles, as I'm getting error: "...
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0 answers

RDS in the same security group does not allow connection whilst another does

I had a similar issue with EC2 (not solved yet: SSH to EC2 times out, but other instances in the same security group are reachable) and here is the same with RDS. I have existing RDS running with SG ...
-1 votes
0 answers

How to view AWS Resources Groups - All supported resource types using AWS CLI

I'm attempting to replicate the ability to view all resources via cli. The way to perform this in the aws gui is Resource Groups > Tag Editor > select all supported resource types from Resource ...
5 votes
3 answers

How to change Elastic Beanstalk launch configuration to launch template?

I want to replace the launch configuration with a launch template for my existing Elastic Beanstalk environment. In the EC2 dashboard I created a launch template and selected it in the existing EB ...
0 votes
2 answers

SSH to EC2 times out, but other instances in the same security group are reachable

Something really weird happened to one of my EC2 istances. So I have a security group and a bunch of instances associated with that group. I can SSH into all of those intances. I created a new ...
1 vote
2 answers

Terminate EC2 Instance When DDoS'd, Then Launch New Instance

I'm planning on migrating my website and API to EC2 on Amazon. If one of my EC2 instances were to be DDoS'd, can I terminate the instance, then launch a new instance and update my CloudFlare DNS ...
0 votes
0 answers

Wrote a ansible-playbook code, In that code other than restart all the others things are working; Handlers not working

Cant restart by using handlers, - hosts: all remote_user: ec2-user become: yes vars: ports: 1024 tasks: - name: Add repository yum_repository: name: jenkins ...
2 votes
2 answers

How can I know which AWS S3 bucket(s) an AWS key and secret key that can access?

I have an AWS key and secret key that can access some AWS S3 buckets. How can I know which ones?
0 votes
1 answer

Fluent-Bit - How to extract part of a file name and append it to log_stream_name for Cloudwatch log group

New to Fluent-Bit and looking for some guidance on this. Latest version of Fluent-Bit is installed on ec2 and successfully running and working. I am pushing logs from /var/log/nginx... to Cloudwatch ...
6 votes
2 answers

Access Denied when calling the CreateInvalidation operation on AWS CLI

I am attempting to create a command that will invalidate CloudFront distribution when pushing out new code. This is an attempt to fix the issue that new HTML pushed out doesn't take up to 24 hours to ...
12 votes
2 answers

Updating AWS CLI on Ubuntu 14.04

I installed awscli on my EC2 instance using apt-get install. The version is still aws-cli/1.2.9 and no longer updates if I use apt-get upgrade awscli. The latest release from what I Googled is 1.10....
2 votes
2 answers

User is not authorized to perform: iam:PassRole on resource

I'm attempting to create an eks cluster through the aws cli with the following commands: aws eks create-cluster --name ekCsluster --role-arn arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/eksServiceRole --resources-...
1 vote
1 answer

NAT gateway costs on AWS

I have a django app on AWS using ECS Fargate behind a VPC. A NAT gateway is required with this setup, but most of the costs are from the NAT gateway. How I can reduce this? My docker image is 600 MB. ...
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0 answers

AWS IAM policy for partial username match (extract username from SSO)

We are using single sign-on for AWS users, so when a user logs in they assume a role, and they don't have an actual IAM user account. We use CodeCommit, which requires an SSH key added to an IAM user. ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why would you use AWS Elastic Beanstalk in conjunction with AWS CloudFormation?

It states here of Elastic Beanstalk and CloudFormation that... These services are designed to complement each other. From my reading, I don't understand why you would want to use them together. The ...
2 votes
1 answer

403 forbidden error going through aws load balancer

I am running an IIS 7 Server behind an AWS load balancer. I am using a Verisign SSL certificate which is installed properly but whenever I put in the URL, or the DNS name of the load balancer I get a ...
1 vote
1 answer

Velero Web UI for kubernetes

Does Velero supports Web UI or is it just CLI, I have seen couple of Github repos with the SC.
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0 answers

Client --> AWS ALB --> AWS Lambda: connection lost somewhere, how to identify?

The client made an API request. Client --> ALB --> Lambda Lambda worked fine with a response. Lambda duration is only about 3 seconds. The client encountered timeout at 15th second. The ALB ...
0 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to deploy Milvus on Kubernetes without using Helm?

I'm trying to deploy an application on Kubernetes using a Helm chart, specifically the storage classes, following the instructions provided in the documentation ( ...
0 votes
1 answer

Secure websocket connection to server running on EC2 fails

I have a node.js websocket server running on an EC2 instance on port 8080. Normal websocket connections (ws://) work fine but when I'm trying to make a secure connection (wss://), the websocket ...
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1 answer

AWS SSL Certificate for Laravel on EC2 instance

I have Laravel application on EC2 instance on Ubuntu, also I have Application Load Balancer and verified AWS SSL certificate. But logically I can’t run Laravel without, NGINX or Apache. I can adjust ...
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0 answers

Redirection of Domain in Route 53 and AWS

I have help desk created in Zendesk, but the zendesk provided an URL with their domain (""). I wanted to redirect this service with my domain name, so I added an Route 53 ...
0 votes
2 answers

Why use AWS API Gateway instead of naked Lambda?

This is more of a suggestion that I need. What is the need for API Gateway when we can directly execute Lambda functions from the apps? What are the missing pieces provided by API Gateway which we ...
0 votes
1 answer

Best practices on managing Terraform project repositories

As part of a new job role, I have started learning Terraform recently. Before, my main orchestration/provisioning tool was Ansible, and the best practice at my previous place was to hold the state for ...
6 votes
2 answers

Using an IP Address to Point to Amazon S3 Storage

Is there a way to get an IP address to refer to Amazon S3 Storage location? The current solution my company is thinking of going with involves setting up a EC2 server with an Elastic IP and using ...
1 vote
1 answer

Migrate AWS ECS cluster IPV4 to IPV6

I'm trying to avoid this new cost (public IPv4) in aws for small projects because it will represent a big percentage of the cost. In my ECS cluster, I use EC2 instances as capacity providers, ...
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2 answers

Windows server spot instance shuts down randomly (status failed / bad-parameters)

I've been using AWS for decades at this point and I started using spot instances for various reasons including professional reasons such as testing software I develop, etc. I mostly use Windows Server ...
0 votes
2 answers

Wordpress and MySQL on same EC2 instance, different subnets. One public one Private

My goal is to have a single EC2 instance containing both WordPress and its MySQL database on same VPC and have the WordPress available on the public subnet and MySQL on the private subnet. The purpose ...
1 vote
1 answer

Domain to S3 Bucket AccessDenied

Hello i have a problem i recibe AccessDenied in my domain I upload my site in to a AWS S3 Bucket, i make public, create a static page, but when i access via my i get a AccessDenied. ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to upgrade to IPv6 for AWS EC2?

Starting yesterday, AWS is charging for IP addresses (IPv4). I would like to upgrade my EC2 instances to IPv6, but I must be missing the docs on how to do that? I can't seem to get an EC2 instance ...
2 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between --query and --filter in aws cli? Which is suggested to be used?

I am starting to pick up aws cli and I just wanted to know the difference between --query and --filter in aws cli? When we should use --query and --filter options?
0 votes
2 answers

On AWS during DS record creation I get an error, DS record with DNS name not permitted in zone Why might this be?

Environment: AWS, DNSSEC When I attempt to create a DS record to establish a chain of trust I get an error that I don't understand. My full error. Error occurred Bad request. (InvalidChangeBatch 400: ...
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0 answers

Enable HTTPS with letsencrypt on Amazon Linux 2 with Apache

Server: AWS Linux 2 (EC2 Instance) I'm attempting to renew a SSL certificate (with Let's Encrypt) for a webpage/application Trend Micro Deep Security. Unfortunately, I didn't setup the server so I'm ...
5 votes
2 answers

AWS "No credentials specified" even when EC2 IAM policy applied

This is an odd issue which we can't find a solution for. On AWS, we are running Microsoft Remote Desktop Services on Windows Server 2019. All servers are joined to an AWS AD Directory Services ...
0 votes
1 answer

AWS Load Balancer is unable to parse my certificate, the PEM format is requested. How do I convert my certificate?

When trying to add https listener to the AWS load balancer as instructed in this guide, using AWS console, I get the following error: Unable to parse certificate. Please ensure the certificate is in ...
2 votes
2 answers

AWS vmimport - stuck on booting phase

Currently importing an OVA from an S3 bucket. Windows 2008 R2 Standard Process stops at the booting phase "StatusMessage": "FirstBootFailure: This import request failed because the instance failed ...
0 votes
1 answer

What exactly is aws load balancer "Protocol : Port"?

I have never been able to figure out what this configuration is or does when creating load balancers. The documentation says Choose a protocol for your target group that corresponds to the Load ...
3 votes
3 answers

How can one copy an S3 bucket as faithfully as possible (e.g., copying all permission settings)?

I want to copy an S3 bucket as faithfully as possible (e.g., copying all permission settings). The standard: aws s3 sync s3://old-bucket s3://new-bucket --source-region us-west-1 --region us-west-2 ...
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1 answer

How to show which resources are connected to (depend on) which other resources in AWS

Is there a way to show which resources are connected to what other resources in AWS? Basically the kind of information that would allow one to understand/view the current architecture. There are CLI ...
0 votes
1 answer

AWS Device names; /dev/xvda

I kind of know that sda comes from SCSI device from early Unix/Linux days. However, I had some trouble when I was playing around with detaching/attaching Volumes to my AWS EC2 Instances. What I ...
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0 answers

Charts of Lambda Function usage in AWS

I have multiple Serverless PHP applications deployed at AWS via Vapor for Laravel. The Lambda bill is high since a few months. I wanna know which Lambda are causing the higher usage. But I can't find ...
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0 answers

Unable to join EC2 worker to VirtualBox master

Im deploying a Hybrid Cloud(VirtualBox-AWS) Kubernetes cluster. What I have done so far: Set the control-plane on Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS via VirtualBox 6.1. Change network adapter to bridged Ran the ...
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1 answer

unable to login via putty ssh to my ec2 linux instance in aws : no supported authentication methods available

i am new in aws, i created two linux instances : amazon linux and ubuntu linux I downloaded RSA ppk key pairs + imported to putty, however I am unable to login via putty, i get this error no ...
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0 answers

Lambda horizontal scaling when consuming from FIFO SQS queue

We have messages which need to be consumed by a lambda. We opted to use a FIFO SQS queue solely for the deduplication ID feature, but do not otherwise need FIFO features. The lambda is not scaling ...
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0 answers

Options to enforce transitive routing in 3 peered VPCs in AWS

To start this off, this is strictly a test scenario that I'm playing with, I know transitive peering is not allowed but I would still like to know what technical workarounds are possible to enforce ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to create AWS RDS user using Terraform?

I'm trying to create an application users for my Aurora RDS using Terraform. I can only find links for creating a MySQL user or a Postgresql user but not a generic one for Aurora.
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1 answer

Outbound IPv6 connection replies not routed back to firewall in VPC

In a newly-built AWS VPC (deployed with Terraform to minimise typos), I have one "DMZ" subnet and one internal. A firewall appliance bridges the two, with an interface in each. Both ...

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