Questions tagged [arptables]

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2 answers

Windows Server 2008 ARP Cache Poisioning

Recently ran into a very strange problem. Several applications were having issues communication through our F5 Load-Balancer. When we looked into it we found that the router had an incorrect ARP and ...
user770395's user avatar
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Questions about bridging VLANs

If, across the same building, I have two physically separate networks to connect devices together via simple switches, my understanding is that I could save myself some hardware-complexity if I were ...
Markus A.'s user avatar
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Which are the possible reasons for an arp request that is not being solved/answered?

This weekend I was testing a new data link connection from a service provider, and I went through some address resolutions problems. I tested reachability to hosts at the far end using a laptop on my ...
Jorge V.'s user avatar
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Why can't ndisc6 update the kernel neighbor table?

I've been doing some work with ARP/NDP and discovered that ndisc6 doesn't update the neighbor table (unlike arping). arping example: is configured on a device connected to a VLAN member ...
theasianpianist's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the QUEUE in arptables

I use the nfqueue target of iptables in order to get packet to the nfqueue and do some business rules on them. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -j NFQUEUE --queue-num 0 I need to do the same on arp reply ...
Avihai Marchiano's user avatar
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esxi arp cache not showing VLAN neighbours

On my ESXi 5.5 host I have 3 VLAN's plus one management (non-VLAN) LAN. When I print the arp cache (as show below) I notice that only the management LAN addresses are show (192.168.1.x). How do I ...
TSG's user avatar
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How to disable ipv6 neighbor discovery for a given address?

I have a centos load balancer using piranha and direct routing. This uses arptables on the real servers to keep them from claiming the virtual ipv4 addresses. I would like to expand this setup to ...
abatie's user avatar
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WINDOWS 2012R2 Server - edit arp cache default timeout values

I'm trying to edit / change the default duration of the ARP cache entries stored in a Windows 2012R2 server TCP/IP stack (for IPv4 entries). I've tried to edit the following OS registry keys: -"...
Ottootto's user avatar
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Router in half bridge floods arp cache

I've set up a Slackware (14.0) box as a gateway for my adsl connection. I have a modem set up in half bridge mode between the NIC and the phone line, and the interface takes up the dynamically ...
Rob M's user avatar
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Manually building an ARP table

I am using a real time operating system called Vxworks 5.5. The address resolution protocol is disabled and now I need to build up an ARP table manually to initiate IP to IP communication. The IP ...
Anish Basnet's user avatar
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arp table contains addresses asigned to 00:00:00:00:00:00 mac address

What mean 00:00:00:00:00:00 MAC address in arp table? On my OpenWRT router on interface connected to ISP I have seen 24 entries with this MAC address and on local network there are 7 entries. What ...
Misaz's user avatar
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Can a machine(physical or virtual) accept and process UDP packets with a different IP address coming from a known device?

Before everything, thanks for reading the next question. I have script,(ipUDPspoof.rb), which is a client/server script in Ruby (you choose the parameter 1 to be server and 0 to be client, at ...
Gonçalo Paiva's user avatar