Questions tagged [barnyard2]

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barnyard2 for snort permission denied

I installed barnyard2 for snort, but when i run command below this error appear. [root@localhost snort]# barnyard2 -c /etc/snort/barnyard2.conf -d /var/log/snort/ -f snort.log -w /etc/snort/bylog....
Mohamad's user avatar
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Barnyard2 error on start

Been setting up a snort box with barnyard2, run into the error below. Can someone please help? $Starting Snort Output Processor (barnyard2): ./barnyard2: 35: ./barnyard2: barnyard2: not found /etc/...
user3329963's user avatar
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setting up snort 2.9.x with barnyard2

These how to guides on the interent are outdated also the software it is relying on is not up to date with PHP5.5. I have done some hacks with ACID and ADODB to make part sof the gui to work. I have ...
shorif2000's user avatar
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Snort/Barnyard2-1.10 LOG_SYSLOG_FULL Output Logging

With log_syslog_full opertion mode set to complete you get the below output. Can some explain to me what the bold parts are? I have been searching and cannot find any documention explaining the new ...
Ron's user avatar
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Configuring Barnyard2 Output Plug-In Per Input Source

I am currently using snort- outputting unified2 log format and using barnyard2-1.9 to process the alerts and send them to both syslog and a database. In some cases I have multiple instances of ...
Scott Pack's user avatar
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