Questions tagged [centos6.2]

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7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Using autofs to mount under each users' home directory

I have a CentOS 6.2 box up and running and have configured autofs to automount Windows shares under a /mydomain folder, using various howtos on the internet. Specifically, I have three files: /etc/...
jimbobmcgee's user avatar
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SAMBA CUPS Samsung ML-191x two printers exact model both wont distinguish which is connected on which port

I have installed a version of Cent0S 6.02 with SAMBA and CUPS 1.4.8 installed, I have two Samsung ML-191x that I need to install in the server so anyone can access the, both printer, if installed ...
Samuel Lopez's user avatar
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Running Testdisk from CentOS 6.2 command line?

I think this will be a very simple answer from an experienced nix user but unfortunately I am clueless. I have a CentOS 6.2 server which is not mounting a EXT4 share at boot, it would appear to be ...
Adam's user avatar
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How can I create a bash script for MySQL status/replication that only notifies of failure once per hour?

I am using CentOS 6.2. I followed Alex Williams guide to configuring MySQL through HAProxy found here. Instead of having HAProxy check the status of MySQL and replication, I have the scripts running ...
Joe Gibson's user avatar
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Heartbeat active/passive not working

I've installed Heartbeat in two CentOS 6.2 machines which are running http service. I want these machines to be in Active/Passive state. I want only one machine to be active. Here's my file: ...
Minhaj's user avatar
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Xen domU cpu speed change

I've a 2.6GHz dual core machine with 8G memory. I want to set CPU Speed (Change to Hz i.e. 1GHz or 500MHz processors etc) for VM. I could not found it in xm and virsh commands help. Is there any way ...
User4283's user avatar
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installing kvm on centos 6.2 getting error: virsh sysinfo error: failed to get sysinfo

# virsh sysinfo error: failed to get sysinfo error: unsupported configuration: Host SMBIOS information is not available # virsh -c qemu:///system sysinfo error: failed to get sysinfo error: ...
Grant's user avatar
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