Questions tagged [chmod]

A Unix tool for changing file permissions

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0 votes
2 answers

Efficiently removing x-bit from files in large directory

I have a directory /some/dir containing millions of files and directories. I need to remove the X-bit for all file, but not from the directories. The following works: find /some/dir -type f -chmod -x {...
1 vote
0 answers

permissions and rights on a shared drive

I don't understand exactly how things work and how to solve the following correctly. I have a mounted HD to my server, to this I upload and download photos from domain X. This works perfectly. Domain ...
1 vote
0 answers

What are the proper permissions and ownership (including wp-config.php and .htaccess) for Wordpress installations on a LEMP server

I am running an Ubuntu based Linux/Nginx/MariaDB/PHP (LEMP), server with my Wordpress installation in the root account at /var/www/ My Wordpress is running as the www-data user, and Nginx ...
0 votes
1 answer

User unable to access files in a folder with SUID S bit set

I have a folder which I want to share with users of a group named frx. I had applied chmod g+s to the folder, but for some reason the SUID bit (for folders in the /home/frx directory) came out as S ...
7 votes
2 answers

Why would chmod give "No such file or directory" when running recursively?

I can change the permissions of the file directly: # chmod --changes --recursive ug+rwX /var/www/shared/tmp/cache/assets/BA0/280/sprockets%2F286302903364106648b609d708884f78 and I can also ...
0 votes
1 answer

set the permissions on all the files and folders within a directory (CentOS 7.0 )

I kind of new to Linux/Centos world, is there any way to set the permissions on all the files and folders within a directory. I know chmod 777 will set permissions on the directory, but if it already ...
0 votes
1 answer

apache user directory access permission denied

I've run chmod 777 on /home/cache/, however the apache user is still unable to write to it. My php script is writing to this directory but got a permission denied error and don't know why. ls -ld ...
1 vote
1 answer

Cannot access directory via SFTP - "locked"-Flag

I'am trying to access a remote Directory via SFTP. ls in the parent dir says that where the d for directory should be, there is an l. Manpage of chmod says something about "mandatory locking", but ...
17 votes
5 answers

CHMOD - Applying Different Permissions For Files vs. Directories

I've been trying to clean up permissions on a few boxes and have been scouring the chmod man as well as all the internet documentation that I an handle without any luck -- so here we go. Basically, I'...
0 votes
1 answer

Webserver and permissions - two users having rights to modify specific (but not all) files

So,the typical situation is like that: webserver (in this case nginx) works under the www-data user. And then there is also 'konrad' user, which is just an ordinary user. And now, the whole website (/...
0 votes
0 answers

How to preserve file access time when using `chmod`

I would like to know how can I preserve file access time ("atime") when using "chmod". Sometimes I need to use the code below: chmod -R 777 /directory It works fine, however all ...
0 votes
2 answers

Protecting sites contained in the same Apache directory

I've set up all of my sites in different /var/www subdirectories. Let's say I have 5 sites based in a CMS like WordPress in /var/www/, /var/www/, /var/www/, /var/www/ and /var/www/...
12 votes
9 answers

Is there a way to run chmod on Windows

Is there a way to run the chmod command on Windows?
0 votes
2 answers

Permissions Numbers Linux

Going through with permissions and understanding permissions, I understand thats the 3 is not part of the owner, group, other. I also know that 7 is the highest permission for those three sets, what ...
1 vote
1 answer

home/username directory chmod 750 best for security but are some errors

in directory /home/username/public_html I have a website with CMS. When I change chmod of /home/username directory to 750, my site doesn't work. I believe my CMS have no access to it. Is there any way ...
1 vote
1 answer

Should both root and wheel users own the files that originally were only owned by root?

Should a wheel user that was created to disable root login and secure SSH have the same ownership as root from a security point of view?
1 vote
1 answer


I'm just starting off with NFSV4 and had a few questions. So normally when creating an NFS share on a NAS filer and mounting on a client I would run a chmod & chgrp to set things up the way I want....
1 vote
0 answers

Noexec vs chmod -R -x for malware interogation?

I am setting up a Linux box to examine malware samples. I wanted to create a directory where I could safely unzip each sample and run very basic triage commands against the file to collect ...
1 vote
2 answers

rsync: [generator] failed to set permissions : Operation not supported (95)

I want to virtualize correctly Android 10 on top of my Jetson nano (arm64) using qemu and kvm on ubuntu 18.04. This is the tutorial that I'm following :
11 votes
2 answers

Using chown to change the group owner of a directory is not permitted....Why?

I am trying to execute chown on a directory that has the following permissions and owners: drwxrwxr-x 2 justin devs 4096 Jan 1 20:42 test I am trying to simply execute the following as the justin ...
1 vote
1 answer

Permissions to use for Wordpress on Ubuntu with Webmin

What are the best permissions for a Wordpess install on Ubuntu managed by Webmin? Currently, root owns all the files and all of the files are also set to the root group. I'm using the virtual server ...
1 vote
2 answers

screen inside systemd daemon on CentOS 8

So I want to run screen inside a systemd service so that I can give the process (inside the daemon) commands while it is running. See at the end of the question for examples of what I want be be able ...
2 votes
1 answer

change permission of mounted folder in linux

i mounted a folder from windows to Linux's like so in windows end the permission is set to everyone and on my linux end i did this # mount -t cifs -o username=sprite// /mnt ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to change folder permission using FileZilla Client on Windows for Filezilla Server on Windows Server?

I have tried many things including using Cygwin with a domain user because Windows Server cannot use CHMOD which FileZilla tries, but nothing worked sadly. I am open to using a different FTP Client if ...
16 votes
4 answers

How do I copy ACLs on Mac OS X?

Most unix derivates can copy ACLs from one file to another with: getfacl filename1 | setfacl -f - filename2 Unfortunately Mac OS X does not have the getfacl and setfacl commands, as they have rolled ...
0 votes
0 answers

chmod or cd to a directory is not working

I have a file in a directory with root root permissions. But even with root user I am not able to change the permission or cd to that directory, even not able to change the permissions. $ lsattr AWS/ $...
8 votes
3 answers

Change all file permissions to 644 and all folder permissions to 755 recursively

How to change all file permissions to 644 and all folder permissions to 755 recursively using chmod in the following two situation: If they had 777 permissions Regardless of the permission (with ANY ...
0 votes
2 answers

How can i protect my php files on a server (chmod ?)

I have a dedicated server, on this server i have two vhosts. and i will give the access of the server to two people. In my php file there's the database password and i don't want to share that with ...
1 vote
1 answer

Different permissions for guest and non-guest users in Samba

I am configuring a samba server for file sharing. I was wondering if there is a configuration setting to map different file or directory masks to different users. I am attempting to allow admin users ...
0 votes
1 answer

Security-wise file ownership & permission setup for LEMP server to be managed via wp-cli and wordpress dashboard?

I'm on a LEMP VPS with the following setup; cd /home/$USER/public/ # change directory to chown -R nginx:nginx . # change file ownership find . -type ...
1 vote
2 answers

chmod issue - Incorrect Command Issued

From this linked post (answered by @dmourati): How can I make a user and give read only access? On a CentOS box When attempting to create a readonly account, the command chmod -R o+rx / was executed ...
7 votes
2 answers

Still confused by Permissions - linux, nginx, php-fpm

I have read the canonical answer at What permissions should my website files/folders have on a Linux webserver? However I'm still stuck. My setup is: A developer user 'ade' who owns the directories ...
16 votes
5 answers

vsFTPd default uploaded file permissions on Ubuntu not working

I have a Server running Ubuntu 12.10 x64, and the last version of vsFTPd. My user has its home folder set on /var/www/, I created a public_html folder inside and gave 777 ...
0 votes
2 answers

Recursive chmod of all vhosts httpdocs directories on CentOS/Plesk [closed]

A shared web hosting server running CentOS 7.8 with Plesk has the following directory structure for a few hundred vhosts: /var/www/vhosts/ /var/www/vhosts/ /...
0 votes
0 answers

Security best practice: revoke execution (-x) permissions for directory, or do recursively to change every contained file?

I have a question about security best practice when configuring a device to be used to users, who should be able to use a programme, but not modify the system. Let's say I have a folder /opt/myapp ...
0 votes
1 answer

crontab not working for deleting a old files from log folder

I have this line in my crontab to delete old files: 1 * * * * find /var/log/abc/ -mtime +7 -type f -delete Unfortunately, it does not work. I have attempted to give all users permission to clear ...
0 votes
1 answer

Effect of chmod -R 777 *

A newbie here. Can someone help me understand what are the effects of running the following command from a directory: sudo chmod -R 777 * Will it effect the whole file system or the contents of ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to set permissions for a CIFS mount with autofs?

I've set up a CIFS mount on my CentOS 6.4 server with autofs : File /etc/auto.mnt : Photos -fstype=cifs,perm,rw,uid=505,forceuid,gid=505,forcegid,file_mode=0770,dir_mode=0770,credentials=/root/...
0 votes
1 answer

Proper rights and owner for web executable file saving/reading sensitive information

I have app wrote in php that saves and reads sensitive information into file /sensitive/sensitive.txt. File that is saving and reading sensitive information is user.php. The whole app is in a separate ...
76 votes
7 answers

How to setup linux permissions for the WWW folder?

Updated Summary The /var/www directory is owned by root:root which means that no one can use it and it's entirely useless. Since we all want a web server that actually works (and no-one should be ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to add write permissions to php/apache? [duplicate]

I've got the following scenario: There's a folder named "uploads". It's owned by "root" and it's group is "webmasters". Permissions are set to 755. drwxrwsr-x 2 root webmasters 4096 Mar 20 22:49 ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Cannot write with dir permission 666, but can write with 777 [closed]

I am using Kali as root user. I did setup an atftp server in a folder (created and owned by root) and gave 666 permission on that folder. But I noticed users get permission denied error while ...
0 votes
0 answers

chmod permissions in an ACL folder

I set up a folder managed by ACL, meant to let specific "manager" users have total control over files in it. File access seems ok (e.g. a manager user can delete a file owned by any other user) but ...
30 votes
5 answers

chmod not working correctly in Docker

I'm building a Docker image for my Symfony app and I need to give permission to apache server to write into cache and log folders #Dockerfile FROM php:7-apache RUN apt-get update \ && apt-...
0 votes
1 answer

Can't see files when browsing nginx webserver. Incorrect permissions?

I am using centos 7 with nginx 1.12 to host a yum repository locally. When I try to browser the files via the browser, I can see the folders, but no files inside them. Im wondering if i might not have ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to have multiple users access to chmod() the same file?

I have a system where multiple users are running an application that chmod the same file. I've tried using setacl to add both users as user owners of the file to do this, but it doesn't work. The ...
3 votes
1 answer

chown or chgrp NFSv4 with idmapd error: Invalid argument

I only found 1 or 2 other posting on this, without any solution, so I am creating a new, more specific question for my case. System set up: NFS server running NFSv4. NFS client running RedHat 6, ...
0 votes
0 answers

SSH login are disabled after chmod 444 -R myfolder / [duplicate]

I have accidently ran chmod 444 -R myfoler /. Because of a space it changed root dir permission , I have immediately stopped but now all my login are disabled except root. Please need help asap. ...
-3 votes
1 answer

CHMOD file and directory permissions changing back [closed]

I have a website and I am trying to link an image stored in a directory, however when I change the file permissions to 775 they change back to 644 and the image isn't displaying. It is showing a Error ...
0 votes
0 answers

Allowed SSH user can't edit files in Centos 7

I am working on a remote virtual machine running Centos 7 via ssh. I want to give my user read and write permissions on /var/www/html. What I did is: sudo groupadd webdev sudo chgrp -R webdev /var/...

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