Questions tagged [cluster]

A computer cluster consists of a set of loosely connected computers that work together so that in many respects they can be viewed as a single system.

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ActiveMQ Artemis: Quorum-only instance?

For a fully redundant ActiveMQ Artemis cluster, either a set of three broker pairs or network ping is required to avoid split-brain scenerios. In some installations, only two datacenters or ...
Stephan's user avatar
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Gcloud create node-pool hangs forever in auto-repair with no nodes

Adding a new node-pool to an existing cluster is failing with no nodes registering. The command used to add the node-pool is as follows (project name changed): gcloud container --project my-project ...
Peter Evans's user avatar
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Failover cluster of 2+ servers for disasters with only 2+ physical machines

TL;DR: Question in bold below Here is an (I assume) old blog post, explaining how to setup 2 server machines (one master and one ...
dockerwonderer's user avatar
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What is meant by Multi-Cloud Clustering? Can anyone help me in understanding it in detail? Any helpful articles will be highly appreciated [closed]

Can someone help me in understanding what Multi-Cloud Clustering is? How can it be done and which are the best options for Multi-Cloud Clustering in the market today? Thanks.
Shreyas Pillai's user avatar
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mariadb galera cluster, resync nodes behind

I've followed this tutorial, and have a 3 server cluster set up behind a NGINX reverse proxy.
MrPHP's user avatar
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Ubuntu server vs Ubuntu desktop for Beowulf cluster

I want to create a beowulf cluster using Ubuntu 18. Looking at some guides they all seem to use ubuntu server for this an my question is why? Is it not possible to use ubuntu desktop for the client ...
Rickard Johansson's user avatar
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Resolved - Only 1 nodes out of 2 have registered on my node-pool if I have a GPU activated on my cluster

I have a managed k8S cluster with 1GPU (Tesla K80) activated in west1-b and west1-d (Each zone has this GPU model enabled, and my quota is ok). Each time that I create a node pool with 2 nodes only ...
Baptiste GAILLET's user avatar
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Connection timeouts when scaling more than one pod instance in Kubernetes

Running Kubernetes with flannel on a local ESXI server with 3 VMs, a master and two nodes. On all of the nodes, I have Kubernetes 1.15.5, Ubuntu 18.04, and Docker 18.09.7. A green field install. ...
Dave Brunkow's user avatar
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Kubernetes, partitioning around clusters and namespaces

Let's say we have 2 subsystems: A & B. And we have 2 env: QA & Prod. What would be a better way to organize it around cluster & namespace?. Is it: One cluster for subsystem A, another ...
Cokorda Raka's user avatar
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Cluster using virtual machine software with 2 workstations

I want to do a benchmark between databases (MySQL Cluster, HBase and Cassandra). I need 8 nodes. I have 2 workstations Dual-processor Z600: 1. workstation1: 16 core - 16 Go RAM 2. workstation2: 8 ...
abouyahya85's user avatar
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Bare metal to Big Data: Can all of these operate together on the same cluster? [duplicate]

I am a VERY new sysadmin (Class of '16) and I've been asked to create a big data cluster with 3 bare metal PowerEdge Servers. I have the following request to be put on the cluster: *Hadoop2 *YARN *...
Beth L's user avatar
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Why a separate user for MPI jobs?

Many of the tutorials on setting up a cluster with MPI suggest creating a separate user with limited permissions (1, 2). This means running jobs requires logging into a separate user, and is obviously ...
JeffThompson's user avatar
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2012 R2 DNS server and failover cluster file server - AAAA

I have a file server running on a Windows Server 2012 R2 two-node cluster. The cluster role's real name is dept-server, as the university's central IT wants computer names in AD to be dept-xxxxx. So ...
user2007854's user avatar
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Pacemaker - Cluster does not pass to another node after a disconnected interface

I have the next scenario in Corosync + Pacemaker Node1: eth0: eth1: (Corosync Comunication) eth2: Node2: eth0: eth1: (...
M. Aparicio's user avatar
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Pacemaker not detecting node disconnected

I have set up three Centos 7 KVM VMs on a Centos 7 host for the purpose of testing various aspects of the clustering configuration before we deploy a production system. The nodes are called clua, ...
harmic's user avatar
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HAproxy - SSL and virtual hosts issues

HAProxy Config: frontend https-proxy bind *:443 ssl crt /path/to/certs default_backend web backend web balance roundrobin option httpchk option forwardfor option ...
Matt's user avatar
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extend virtual machine across physical machines [duplicate]

Is it possible for two or more physical machines to be "grouped" into one virtual machine such that the CPU cores are shared?
Bob's user avatar
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How to use Haproxy to forward https requests via http

I have an haproxy setup, with a several of haproxy servers that route to a cluster of application servers. I'd like haproxy to do all the ssl termination. Right now https requests are forwarded to ...
Rafael Baptista's user avatar
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Best practice for autoscaling virtual machines

when i create a clustered environment on Google Cloud Platform i create a vm image and from there i enable autoscaling based on this image. Let's say i need to change anything on this vm, like a ...
x86fantini's user avatar
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I/O usage high on drdb drives

The I/O usage is high on drives of drdb, but the usage is very low on the underlying drive. Is it right to ignore usage of I/O on DRDB drive as the underlying disk usage is fine. We have 4 Redhat ...
Manu's user avatar
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No High Availability on oVirt Self-Hosted Engine Cluster

I'm trying out oVirt's cluster HA for virtual machines (specifically Red Hat Virtualization 4.0, but I'm not having any luck getting the Manager VM to be highly available. The steps I took are ...
Marc05's user avatar
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Nginx with node and lingering_close keeping connections open for 5 seconds

We have a collection of servers set up to use our new shiny API, which will replace our old API written in an arcane language. The new application is a cluster of servers using node, just behind ...
Nicholas's user avatar
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Is it necessary to secure TCP traffic for PHP FPM over shared private VPS network?

There are lots of recommended practices and tutorials for securing various components of a LEMP/LAMP stack when running in a cluster whose private network traffic is shared by other, potentially ...
Paul d'Aoust's user avatar
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How to get statistics about pending jobs in a specific SGE queue (e.g. using qacct)?

I know I can use qacct to get all kind of statistics about running jobs. Now is there a way get some statistics about how many jobs are pending and how long do they need to wait on average? Bonus ...
Pavel's user avatar
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Adding a new node to a Cassandra deployment

I have a basic Cassandra deployment that contains a single node. I want to add a second node to the deployment, and I want clients to have access to the same data regardless of which node they happen ...
aroth's user avatar
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Can one machine be the part of two Microsoft failover clusters?

Can one machine be the part(the node) of two Microsoft failover clusters or not?
Brans Ds's user avatar
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Pool of machines without authentication?

I am working on a cluster of linux machines. What I need is for authentication to not be needed between the machines in this cluster, but required from outside. I have considered the idea of setting ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Galera cluster implementation questions

I've just successfully created my first Galera cluster using MariaDB 10.0.20 between three servers. I have a few questions regarding my implementation: 1. what will happen if one server becomes ...
gijs007's user avatar
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Pacemaker and Stonith : passive node won't bring up resources

I'm working with Pacemaker and Stonith for High-Availability with a 2-node cluster (nodes called here A and B). Both nodes have one IPMI as fence device. The deal is : A is currently running ...
Matlink's user avatar
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Cluster vs Virtualization [closed]

I’m working in releasing a video hosting website (files are from webcams) Each file size will be less than 1 mb. I would like to be able to easily extend my storage capacity and have high availability....
Nathann's user avatar
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How does load balancing work for a coreOS cluster?

Preface: I don't know much about load balancing. Say I have a few virtual machines on a cloud service like Amazon, running a few instances of coreOS each. How exactly does load balancing work in ...
dsp_099's user avatar
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Adding hosts to existing 2012r2 Hyper-V cluster

Situation: Two separate clusters, server 2012 and server 2012r2 In process of disassembling the 2012 cluster and upgrading those hosts to 2012r2 Prior to this I must move all of the guests to the ...
milkman's user avatar
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apache proxypassreverse ServerName not working

I have a secondary development wordpress site. (Centos 6.6 x86 ,LAMP) Since the size of the site is growing. (300GB+). Now I divide it into 3 server. domain: server1 /...
fish man's user avatar
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centos single domain multiple server

I have a secondary development wordpress site. (Centos 6.6 x86 ,LAMP) Since the size of the site is growing. (300GB+). Now I have 3 server totally. domain: server1 /...
fish man's user avatar
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Windows 2012 R2 Hyper-V vs Datacenter edition

We need to deploy a Windows 2012 R2 Hyper-V cluster with 4 physical server. We going to use Datacenter edition licencing, but consider installing the Hyper-V edition on the serveres. Just to install ...
Jacob Bach Pedersen's user avatar
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Mounted gluster volume only accessible by root

I have a 2-node cluster with each node having two HDDs. The home directory of mpiuser is shared between the nodes via NFS(Used guide here). The 2nd HDD of each node was used to create a gluster volume....
laali's user avatar
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How do I know which node in a cluster answers?

I have set up an NLB with two servers (nodes) which are running the same service. The filtering is single host, because I don’t want them to run at the same time, because there is data in the cache DB,...
Horaceman's user avatar
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Riak does not allow to add a node because it is in its own cluster

(this is a repost of my question from stack overflow, it was offtopic there, here is right place to ask it) I was trying to build a Riak cluster on Raspberry Pi. Created an image with Erland and Riak,...
Marek's user avatar
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Tomcat cluster - how to verify node starvation?

We have a tomcat cluster with a load balancer (haproxy). As part of our upgrade script we would like to starve a single tomcat in the cluster of 3, wait until all the requests are handled for that ...
Urbanleg's user avatar
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Pgpool configuration with Liferay cluster

I'm using a Liferay cluster connected to pgpool2 and when I run heavy user activity against the web servers I see a lot of exceptions regarding liferay unable to establish a connection to the DB. ...
Crushing's user avatar
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Windows failover cluster - virtual node with multiple Client Access Names

I recently encountered a customer environment in which they had failover cluster where one of the virtual nodes had more than one 'Client Access Name' (i.e. more than one IP address and DNS name for ...
mclaassen's user avatar
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Is there any way to achieve a network fault-tolerant print server?

Our infrastructure is actually composed by a main datacenter in headquarters, where are centralized almost all of the services and aplications, and a smaller datacenter, in a building accross the ...
ekms's user avatar
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Running jobs in a HPC cluster [closed]

I'm quite new to HPC environment. Is there any difference in running a job on a node utilizing 8 cores and running the same job on 8 nodes utilizing I core in terms of performance or walltime used. ...
Ashwin's user avatar
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Intelligent, Location Dependent DNS

I'm new to complex network infrastructure but I'm quickly realizing that we're outgrowing our centralized load balanced cluster. The way we have things setup right now means that in order to add a ...
Matthew Salsamendi's user avatar
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Authenticate ftp users on mysql through secure channel

I've to face this problem regarding security: some sFTP servers (proftpd) in a dmz that need to authenticate users against a mysql (native cluster|percona cluster|MariaDB cluster) through a secure ...
user2523783's user avatar
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Failover Cluster Migration Wizard (SQL Install Portion)

Have 5 SQL 2005 to 2008 R2 clustered instances. I've setup a new cluster to prepare to use the cluster migration wizard. As I understand it you have to install SQL before running the cluster migration ...
Untalented's user avatar
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LDAP URL example: is it possible / correct to use only the domain without the hostname?

We have an application which connects to an Active Directory (MS) using LDAP protocol. We give usually the following parameters: ldapUrl = ldap://myserver.mydomain.ext:389 ldapBaseDn = ...
рüффп's user avatar
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Memcached distribution

I have a question about memcached distribution across nodes. We have 20 memcached nodes with 200GB memcached on each. Our apps are PHP apps. $memcache->setOption(Memcached::OPT_DISTRIBUTION, ...
François's user avatar
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Autoscaling set-up on EC2

I'm new to web development and design (I moved over from construction where answers are much larger), and I'm trying to build a scalable AWS architecture for a Wordpress site that lives in the free ...
crockett95's user avatar
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remove a mongodb replica set when into a sharding cluster

I have this configuration: mongos> db.adminCommand('getShardMap') { "map" : { "RS13" : "RS13/mongo09-02:27003,mongo09-01:27001", "RS13/mongo09-02:27003,mongo09-01:27001" : "RS13/mongo09-02:...
freedev's user avatar
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