Questions tagged [configuration]

Configuration is a general term that can refer to the arrangement of functional units according to their nature and characteristics. Also, it can refer to software configuration which more suitable for server-related topics.

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8 votes
1 answer

How do I get an aggregate of all the stats from all uWSGI vassals using uwsgitop?

TL;DR Can anyone tell me how I may get uwsgitop to monitor all of my vassals in my emperor-vassal setup in one shot? I have an emperor-vassal setup for my uWSGI server, and I need to monitor all my ...
Anish Ramaswamy's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Can't successfully run Sharepoint Foundation 2010 first time configuration

I'm trying to run the non-GUI version of configuration wizard using power shell because I would like to set config and admin database names. GUI wizard doesn't give you all possible options for ...
Robert Koritnik's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Creating a fallback error page for nginx when root directory does not exist

I have set up an any-domain config on my nginx server - to reduce the amount of work needed when I open a new site/domain. This config allows me to simply create a folder in /usr/share/nginx/sites/ ...
Steffan Donal's user avatar
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HAProxy subdomains and path redirection

I'm new to StackExchange and am trying find some assistance with a configuration problem. I need to create a configuration for HAProxy that will allow me to dynamically proxy a Tomcat application ...
Matt Healey's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

exclude IP from nginx access log

How to exclude some IP address from access log? This is my config: server { listen 443 ssl; [...] access_log /var/www/web/log/access.log; error_log /var/www/web/log/error.log; location / { ...
omfo's user avatar
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Latency (wait ttfb) on EC2

My application is crawling a website. I use this crawler : On my dev environment, the latency is acceptable (3-4 sec) but on my prod server (ec2 T2....
Julien Malige's user avatar
4 votes
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Occasional excruciatingly slow resources transfer with Tomcat on AWS EC2

I have a running Tomcat v9 instance in a Docker container on an AWS EC2 host. It works perfectly, most of the time, and will once in a while deliver resources very slowly. What exactly is served ...
ccjmne's user avatar
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mysqld_safe Can't log to error log and syslog at the same time. Remove all --log-error configuration options for --syslog to take effect

When I'm trying to install MySQL 5.5 community edition on my Ubuntu 10.04 by compiling the source code, I met the following problem: $ fg % 1 sudo ../bin/mysqld_safe --basedir=/usr/local/...
photon's user avatar
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IIS 7.5: How do I compare the configuration of two "applications"?

On my Windows 7 dev machine, I have two applications configured on IIS 7.5: Both have the same web.config, but one of them works and the other doesn't (no HTTP reply, browser keeps waiting forever). ...
Heinzi's user avatar
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Trying to get a new user up on pfSense IPSec VPN; Config file import failed, now getting gateway errors

Caveat: I am not a sysadmin, so please forgive the n00bness of the query. We have a new user and I'm trying to get them up on VPN. We use pfsense as an IPSEC endpoint. This person is using Shrewsoft ...
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3 votes
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Redis maxmemory on ElastiCache instance lower than expected

I have an AWS ElastiCache instance hosted on a cache.m5.xlarge instance type, which advertises 12.93gb of ram. from the AWS ElastiCache documentation it says that a cache.m5.xlarge instance should ...
Matthew's user avatar
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access_log gets duplicate entries unless the default directive in nginx.conf is commented out

I tried to configure a custom access_log format by adding this at the root of a conf in sites-enabled: log_format main '[$time_local] [$http_x_forwarded_for] [$status] [$body_bytes_sent] [$request] [$...
davidtgq's user avatar
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3 votes
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Docker, Nginx and PHP7: ERROR 111 Connection refused while connecting to upstream

I run a NGINX-PHP7-COMPOSER image that works well but when using Slim Framework I had to change Nginx's default config to make the URL rewrites work. And now it show this error in the logs: 2017-...
Lazhar's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Securing my NTP configuration

Need some assistance configuring my ntp.conf file for my primary NTP server. Does my configuration accomplish the following: Prevent the servers being polled from changing my configuration? Allow my ...
hilburies55's user avatar
3 votes
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RANCID - timeout connecting PALOALTO in HA

When rancid try to connect via SSH to PALO (the active one) i get a time out message. Connecting manually everything is ok. I believe is something related to prompt containing parethesis. add user ...
PB034's user avatar
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Nginx proxy to Go dramatically reduces performance

I just finished coding up a small Go script listening with the Go http package. I wanted to put nginx in front of it (I need to serve static files in a subdir as well), but noticed that req/sec and ...
Alfred Xing's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Enforce loading of php.ini files from current folder

My goal is to increase the maximum file size for uploads in WordPress. I have followed the steps on this SE answer and this tutorial (except the .htaccess part, because it's runnning nginx and AFAIK ...
That Brazilian Guy's user avatar
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Change network connection without hanging a program

I have a program on a remote computer that I run and if I change the network by specifying another gateway and dns address in the adapter proprietes the program works as usual, no problem will occur. ...
obeliksz's user avatar
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How do i configure a simple dante instance?

I'm trying to set up a simple SOCKS proxy on Amazon EC2, but I'm not able to figure out the documentation and configuration file for dante. For now i've been able to set up a proxy without ...
Maciej Swic's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I configure a guest VM's static IP address automatically in Citrix XenServer?

To facilitate automation of guest VM provisioning, how do I set (in a script) the IP address on a guest VM's NIC (or NIC's) once a new VM has booted? Is there a way to "inject" netsh commands via the ...
Kev's user avatar
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Docker Postfix Admin bulk aliases, custom maps, and custom config files

I'm in the process migrating my bare metal postfix implementation over to docker to essentially upgrade my old box to a more docker/vm-centric server and hopefully add virtual domain support. I'm ...
Pavman's user avatar
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1 answer

Vuejs router with Nginx not handling correct routing

I'm developing a VueJS single page application, and for local development I'm using Docker with a docker-compose.yml file to handle an Nginx container for the webserver and a Node container for the ...
fudo's user avatar
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What are the conditions to have ssh_config re-parsed?

When setting up an ssh_config, we make use of host-name canonicalization. Unfortunately, in some unique cases, this canonicalization is not always possible and has to be done by adding an additional ...
kvantour's user avatar
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OpenVPN - How to suppress WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this

In OpenVPN GUI, I am getting the red message WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this. I do not want to always re-type my password ...
Honza Zidek's user avatar
2 votes
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Conditional directives based on User-Agent with Apache 2.2.x?

I want to implement something like the following in our Apache httpd configuration: <If "%{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !~ /something/"> RemoveEncoding .gz .tgz AddType ...
Ed Sabol's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Proftpd :Multi configuration TLS /and unsecure

I want to have 2 configurations on 1 server: 1 connection FTP/TLS on a public address 1 connection unsecure on local network. It is working on TLS, and it is working on local network. But it does ...
alain91620's user avatar
2 votes
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Where is the Pure-Ftp configuration?

It looks so confusing to me. After OVH fire I'm re-installing Pure-Ftp in a new fresh and fireproof Ubuntu 20.10 server. I discover that this new version has a single config file in /etc/pure-ftpd/...
Tobia's user avatar
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PHP-FPM Upgrade Problems

We've recently upgraded to PHP-FPM from CGI. We're having issues on a Ubuntu server which just runs Apache and PHP-FPM controlling 5 or so sites. We've built a new server with a fresh install of ...
James's user avatar
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Why solaris doesn't see all the DIMMS installed?

This is a SPARC T4-2 Server. It has installed 128GB memory in 16 DIMMS 8GB each. The prtdiag -v output shows ======================= Physical Memory Configuration ======================== Segment ...
Tomas Delgado's user avatar
2 votes
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NGINX split config in multiple files

I am still learning NGINX and I came across one issue. So before is start my project I am having issues with splitting the config file. So the idea is to have one "main" file where server config is, ...
Vuzimir's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How do I disconnect a VM from a Log Analytics workspace that has already been deleted?

I created a Log Analytics Workspace (LAW) and connected the SQL Server to it in order to test a theory. I then deleted the Log Analytics Workspace (LAW) but did not "Disconnect" it from the LAW. I ...
YellowPill's user avatar
2 votes
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NGINX reverse proxy multiple custom SSL ports

EDIT: After the comments, more reading and several rounds with good colleagues we've come to the conclusion that as long as we do not have control over the back-end server, the usage of custom SSL ...
OnkelJ's user avatar
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nginx nested location try_files priority

What is actual order of applying rules like: index,location,try_files ? Configuration: server { listen; listen [::1]:80; server_name localhost; root /www/public; ...
Mertuarez's user avatar
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Wildfly: http to https redirect on the same port

Question How does one redirect a http-request to a https-request on the same port? Use case Someone opens mypage:1234 but omits the protocol. The user would expect to enter the page none the less. ...
Gerrit Sedlaczek's user avatar
2 votes
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Logrotate not rotating without size config

On RedHat, I have a logrotate configuration as follows : /custom/path/kibana/logs/*.log { missingok daily create 0644 suuser suuser rotate 7 notifempty sharedscripts compress dateext ...
Pierre's user avatar
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user pam.d configuration files to prevent updates overwriting them

My server is running and I have modified /etc/pam.d/common-password. When certain programs are installed or there are system updates, it needs to update that file so it asks me if I want to the file ...
IMTheNachoMan's user avatar
2 votes
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Disable logging of requests from certain IPs apache2

I wan't to stop logging accesses from two of my local IPs, this is what I added to apache2.conf: ... <VirtualHost *:80> SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "" dontlog SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "192....
technical_difficulty's user avatar
2 votes
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Elastic Beanstalk environment and security group config for ELB health checker?

I have an Elastic Beanstalk environment that I can't get Health Checks to work on. Here's my Elastic Beanstalk's Load Balancer configuration: My healthcheck URL is /status/ My EC2 security group (...
Dustfinger's user avatar
2 votes
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Disable FTP commands on a per-user basis

I'm in the process of configuring an FTP server, using vsftp. I wish to have a couple different users. Some of these should only be able to read files, others should only be able to put files and some ...
Giacomo Alzetta's user avatar
2 votes
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IIS rewrite to add a query variable to every request

I know next to nothing about configuring IIS, but have been assigned a task to add a query variable to every request that is made through an IIS server that's being used as a Web proxy. We look for ...
r b's user avatar
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2 answers

Resize Azure 1 TB Unmanaged Premium storage to 4 TB storage

Good day We currently have 16x1TB Unmanaged premium storage disks on a Standard DS4 v2 (8 vcpus) in 1 storage pool. For cost efficiency we would like to rather make use of 4x4 TB premium disks since ...
jeevadotnet's user avatar
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How to configure HSTS in Wildfly the proper way?

I want to set the HSTS header on Wildfly. I haven't found any specific method to do this, so my first approach would be setting it manually via an undertow filter: <filters> <response-...
Demento's user avatar
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nginx not serving subdomains correctly

My nginx.conf is pretty much the default conf with a fallback server block added: user www-data; worker_processes auto; pid /run/; events { worker_connections 768; # multi_accept on;...
fr3d-5's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy multiple services to multiple ports

I learned about Nginx yesterday and to be more accurate I learned for the first time all the topics covered on the following urls: Initial Server setup with ubuntu 16.04 How to install and secure ...
elios264's user avatar
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I'm trying to solve extremely high disk IO wait times. Can you tell me what this iotop output should have me look at?

Total DISK READ : 526.37 K/s | Total DISK WRITE : 111.99 K/s Actual DISK READ: 526.37 K/s | Actual DISK WRITE: 89.59 K/s PID PRIO USER DISK READ DISK WRITE SWAPIN IO> ...
ComfortMoose's user avatar
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How to specify chef-client settings on bootstrap?

I'm trying to bootstrap nodes via knife. Executing: knife bootstrap user@server-1 -P XXX --sudo -N java-server-1 I found a bunch of properties in client.rb on the node side that I would like to ...
Silk0vsky's user avatar
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how do i turn off postfix bounce notice

In currently I have notify_classes = delay, policy, protocol, resource, software bounce_notice_recipient = 2bounce_notice_recipient = Followed another thread, and it recommends setting ...
charleslcso's user avatar
2 votes
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Trust certificate for OCSP, but not for client certs?

According to the nginx docs, you can specify certificates to be trusted for both OCSP response and client certificate verification: ssl_trusted_certificate / ssl_client_certificate Specifies a ...
dst's user avatar
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Check_MK: How do I create Notifications based on groups of services instead of just one service?

I'd like to be able to create a notification that alerts based on the availability of a group of services, instead of just one threshold. For example, say I have 10 AWS servers that all do the same ...
Emmel's user avatar
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How to configure Tomcat7 server.xml Environment to take as value Network path?

I am trying to configure Tomcat7 serer.xml the <Host appBase="webapps/testweb" name="" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"> <Context docBase="." path="" reloadable="...
Renat Gatin's user avatar

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