Questions tagged [continuous-integration]

Continuous integration (CI) is the software engineering practice of integrating code continuously and frequently rather than wait for changes to accumulate causing code conflicts to accumulate. Usually these changes are verified automatically using build and test processes.

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-1 votes
2 answers

Is there a free rocky linux monitoring tool? [closed]

I am currently looking for a tool to monitor the performance of two Rocky Linux desktop computers. It should monitor aspects such as the CPU, RAM, disk, and network usage (similar to the Windows Task ...
1 vote
2 answers

Installed gitlab-ci but only nginx welcome page shows

I installed gitlab-ci using this guide and everything has gone pretty well. I got to the end of the tutorial and when I go to the ip address of the server I only get a Welcome to nginx! screen. I'm ...
0 votes
0 answers

Jenkins in Docker sharing docker.sock

In order to set up a Jenkins CI pipeline, I run Jenkins in a Docker container, configured to build with Docker Cloud Agents. So, I have one container that runs the Jenkins master, and n containers ...
1 vote
1 answer

Gitlab CI/CD with conditional scripts

Here is what I wish to do in GitLab CI/CD: Whenever something is pushed into a specific branch I wish to have multiple scrips and CI/CD should decide which script should be run based on the pushed ...
1 vote
2 answers

How should databases be configured for different environments to not lose data

How to configure databases for development, staging and production environments so that there will be no any data loss. Many Applications such as Wordpress, Django, etc... use some database to store ...
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot execute nested command on remote host over ssh tunnel

Im running the following command in my GitLab CI job: ssh ${REMOTE_HOST} "docker restart $(docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' | grep '^backend')" The problem is that it returns me the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Continous delivery using Gitlab, Foreman and Puppet

We are using different tools to orchestrate our environment. On one side, we have Puppet and Foreman to deploy our different server applications, on the other side, we are using Gitlab in order to ...
3 votes
1 answer

Docker/Podman in Docker fails as a GitLab CI job

Context I am running my own GitLab instance with an extra server for CI. In case it matters my host for the gitlab runner has CentOS 8 and the gitlab runner is version 14.4.0 and the gitlab instance ...
4 votes
1 answer

Upgrading PHP and installing libraries in non-interactive mode

Problem I m trying to install php 5.5 and php5-memcached for my machine which has php 5.3 pre-installed. Also, I can not change default configuration as it is staging box provided for CI.So let's ...
3 votes
5 answers

How to reset Jenkins to its factory settings?

I have installed Jenkins on my Red Hat server following this tutorial. But by mistake I skipped the default plugins part. I tried deleting /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml but this file getting created ...
2 votes
0 answers

System call failure when executing CI script in Docker

I'm currently setting up GitLab CI/CD. The Runner is installed on a Windows Server 2019 VM which has Docker Engine running. My gitlab-ci.yml looks something like this: variables: GIT_STRATEGY: clone ...
1 vote
0 answers

Password auth works, but Public Key auth fails while connecting to OpenSSH server installed on Windows Server 2019

I'm trying to connect to a Windows Server 2019 via SSH for me to deploy my web app with GitLab CI/CD pipeline, so I installed OpenSSH server on it, and everything works fine if I logon using password ...
4 votes
3 answers

Why is Jenkins not pulling in a browser?

I installed Jenkins on my debian server. It is set on port 8080 and when I try connecting to it nothing happens. I know it is running because when I do: root@jini01:/etc/default# /etc/init.d/jenkins ...
9 votes
1 answer

GitLab CI deployment without Docker for NodeJS application?

Is it possible to implement GitLab CI workflow without using any Docker image? All the examples I see for GitLab runner are based on docker only. Even for production deployment. How can I implement ...
4 votes
0 answers

Is there a way to configure Bitbucket to show compiler warnings in PRs?

A common problem we have at work is people committing code without having noticed that they're increasing the number of compiler warnings. The ultimate goal is to make warnings errors, but until the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Keep GitLab environment running in Docker container

I'm aiming to deploy an environment for testing. It's a PHP application, and I could simply serve the PHP files using the embedded server. My .gitlab-ci.yml is plain simple: docker_test: stage: ...
2 votes
1 answer

How can I get Azure to use an SSH key when doing a node.js deploy via git?

I'm deploying a node.js app to Azure Web Services using git from my local machine via: git push azure master One of our npm packages is a private repo hosted on BitBucket. Without Azure having an SSH ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to transparently cache git clone?

I would like to offer a continuous integration service (I'm planning to use hudson, but the solution should work for others as well) with a web interface where a user will define a SCM URL (e.g. a git ...
3 votes
2 answers

Is there an equivalent for docker testing something like tox for Python?

tox allows you to test your code against different versions of Python. Is there something out there similar to tox that allows me to test my deployment code against different version of a distribution ...
0 votes
2 answers

Docker login from GitLab CI without possibility to access Docker registry password from .gitlab-ci.yaml?

I'm trying to set up a CI environment to build and push a Docker image for a project. The Docker registry I'm trying to push to is a private registry that requires me to log in. I can log in to the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Independently config test an .htaccess file

I know apachectl has the configtest option, but as far as I can tell it's only for checking the entire config chain for the system apache. I would like to have a tool that can test an individual ....
0 votes
1 answer

Deploying monorepo without SSH

Full Disclosure: I'm a DevOps noob. I am running a MERN mono repo on an EC2 instance. Originally, I would always SSH into my machine, pull from the repository, and build again. But there are problems ...
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0 answers

Mount volume to build image used by gitlab runner

I have custom image where I want to run some tests which require installed app which in turn need openGL context. I can run it in container composed this way and manually build project and run tests. ...
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0 answers

Build pipeline to upload .jar package to AWS Lambda

So far according to the documentation at, the only way to upload .jar code to an AWS Lambda function would be to manually upload the file ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to implement Continuous Integration with Puppet and multiple services

We're trying to implement a Continuous Integration pipeline in our environment. We have a lot of different services, each with its own Git repository. Deployment is done via Puppet, using an external ...
2 votes
2 answers

port mapping didn't happen for a container deployed on AWS ECS(uses EC2)

Context: I am using Circle CI's aws-ecs/deploy-service-update orb to deploy my docker container by pulling the latest image in AWS ECR and deploy it in AWS ECS with AWS EC2 instance. This container is ...
0 votes
1 answer

Jenkins Linux Master + Windows Build agent?

Will a Jenkins Linux master work with a Windows build agent? Does anyone know if this set up can be achieved and is supported? Just looking for a proof of concept and that this can work so I can ...
1 vote
1 answer

Jenkins: Difference between job and workspace/job?

In most recent version of Jenkins on centos 7.9, what is the difference between /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ and /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/? They both look like they house the same thing (artifact of a ...
0 votes
2 answers

How does Google Cloud Platform handle database backups with --async flag?

I'm currently working on adding an extra step to our companies CI/CD pipeline so we make backups of the database before making a deployment that could potentially run migrations on our database. To ...
0 votes
0 answers

Azure: When Deploy FunctionApp to slot -> Error: Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details

I'm using Azure DevOps and their CI/CD pipelines. When I deploy my Windows FunctionApp to a slot I get this error: 2021-05-04T13:10:14.0501876Z ##[error]Failed to deploy web package to App Service. ...
3 votes
1 answer

CircleCI cannot specify region to deploy to in GKE

I have been tying to update a deployment in a GKE cluster using CircleCI. I was able to make container build and upload to GCR work just fine. But I could not find a way to specify the GCP region ...
1 vote
1 answer

Kaniko (GitLab CI, K8s) can not push to Nexus Repository Manager: UNAUTHORIZED: access to the requested resource is not authorized

my GitLab CI job build a example container image with Kaniko with the GitLab runner on K8s. All services are in my LAN behind a static IP. The build process pulls an ArchLinux image from my first ...
0 votes
1 answer

juju on local server + wrapping my own application server custom built wtih charm

I'm interested in juju before starting with it i would like to ask a few questions. Can juju be only be used with ubuntu? is it possible to use it with CentOS? I have my own application server which ...
5 votes
0 answers

GitHub SSH action failing: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain

I have recently rented a VPS running CentOS 8. I want to make countinuous deployment from one of my repos, so that when I push to main the repo is updated. I followed this tutorial on a fresh CentOS ...
0 votes
2 answers

Build Pipeline ARM Templates - TFS 2018

My client is using TFS 2018 as their CI/CD tool. I know you can use TFS to deploy ARM templates to Azure but I've never done it before. I usually just use the portal or powershell. I know I need to ...
0 votes
1 answer

dockerized jenkins failed building dockerfile work dir issue

I have a jenkins container and a pipeline which consist of building docker images. I have mounted the necessary mounts (/var/run/docker.sock, /var/run) for jenkins to use docker commands. I also bind ...
3 votes
1 answer

Cloud Build: How to restrict when to build depending if a directory got modified?

I have a Cloud Build in GCP that pulls from github and builds images when a PR merges to master. However I would like to restrict builds to occur only when a particular folder gets modified. There is ...
4 votes
0 answers

Setup 2FA/MFA on Jenkins

I'm trying to find how to setup 2FA/MFA on users who login to Jenkins, with Google Authenticator. Everything I'm finding is about logins to servers/git/etc, but not for the actual USERS in Jenkins. ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to configure CruiseControl.Net for Windows Authentication?

I am using CruiseControl.Net for continuous integration which is now accessing the dashboard through login plugin, which in turn is authenticating and authorizing after verifying it with a set of ...
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0 answers

Managing and installing packages for applications in a Windows Environment

I have been tasked with the mission to setup development pipelines in a predominant Windows environment, using mainly Devops Server 2019. I personally come from a strong Linux background, and been ...
1 vote
1 answer

OS limits ignored by bamboo

Our developers wants bamboo because of integrations to other Atlassian software and we have regularly problems with this buildserver. Often the buildjobs fail with OutOfMemory exceptions like this: ...
2 votes
1 answer

Configure gitlab-ci.yml to run pytest in docker container on Gitlab CI

I have a Cookiecutter django project which uses Docker. I write my tests using pytest and I run my tests using docker-compose -f local.yml run django pytest. My local.yml file is in my root dir (where ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to make custom docker image for Gitlab CI

I have CI on Gitlab for creating of my android application. This is example of my .gitlab-ci.yml: image: openjdk:8-jdk variables: ANDROID_COMPILE_SDK: "28" ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS: "28.0.2" ...
0 votes
0 answers

Could not resolve hostname nodename nor servname provided, or not known only with rsync

I work with sensitive data, so my host requires that I use a bastion to access the server. I can connect to the server without any problem in SSH using the following command: ssh userremotemachine@...
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1 answer

What is a good way of securing credentials when deploying software to a remote server?

If I want to deploy some software to a remote server (e.g. Heroku or my own VM with SSH access) via a CI server like Jenkins Atlassian Bamboo, what's an effective way of keeping things like MySQL ...
4 votes
2 answers

TeamCity: 'git fetch' command failed. stderr: Socket Closed

We have been working for years with TeamCity and for several weeks with git as version control system. I have set up integration with TeamCity and that has been working fine. We have four different ...
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot connect GitLab to GKE Cluster

I am trying to create a CI Pipeline for my GitLab project to deploy my microservices automatically on a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. Sadly I am unable to use the build-In native Google Cloud ...
0 votes
0 answers

Jenkins failing to load in linux Centos

Configured Jenkins, tried to change the port to: 5555 as 8080 is used by tomcat apache. Edited: vim /etc/sysconfig/jenkins and updated JENKINS_LISTEN_ADDRESS="" AND JENKINS_ARGS="" ...
1 vote
1 answer

Azure Use Auto-Deployment from Bitbucket and My Local Git Concurrently?

it is possible that an Azure website even after being configured to use Bitbucket for automated deployment, can still accept updated triggered manually if it previously had a git (SCM) repository ...
0 votes
1 answer

Deploy containerize project using Jenkins and Ansible

I have project running using several docker containers. Now I want to automate deployment using Jenkins (push triggers). I have three scenarios but I like none of them. here are these three different ...