Questions tagged [cp]

cp is the copy command.

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1 vote
2 answers

How can I check if a transfer initiated with `aws s3 cp` was 100% successful?

I've uploaded a large number of files and folders to an AWS S3 bucket via: aws s3 cp . s3://mybucket --recursive How can I check if the transfer was 100% successful?
9 votes
4 answers

Best way to copy large amount of data between partitions

I'm looking to transfer data across 2 lv of an HP-UX server. I have a couple of those transfers to do, some of which are mostly binary (Oracle tablespace...) and some others are more text files (logs.....
0 votes
1 answer

How to make cp report an error when file was not copied?

I am using cp command with -n option meaning if the target file exists it should not be overwritten, in short -- file is not copied. The thing is, if I run cp and all files are copied, its exit code ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why I can do a wildcard copy from one location, but can't from another?

One wildcard batch copy works for me: sudo cp /home/jenkins/dist/*.war /opt/tomcat/webapps/ but another similar doesn't: sudo cp /opt/tomcat/webapps/*.war /home/jenkins/archive cp: cannot stat '/opt/...
0 votes
1 answer

Self-Hosted Github runner, how do privileged commands work?

What I'm trying to achieve: A fully automated deployment for a React App, on any commit to the live branch, by my own defined Github Runner, which is running Ubuntu Server 20.04, with npm 6.14.8 What ...
7 votes
2 answers

What's faster for copying files from one drive to another? [closed]

Running linux. I have two identical drives mounted on the same machine. What is faster CP, MV, or RSYNC? Why is one faster than the other? Are there any faster alternatives?
1 vote
1 answer

nfs file transfers fail, "cp: cannot stat 'dir_name': No such file or directory" but sshfs works fine

We have a strange issue on our file server (Debian Wheezy 32-bit), where some files within folders contained in an nfs share fail during transfer using the cp command. Howerver, if we mount the same ...
0 votes
1 answer

Rsync : Preserve date after copying

I have an issue with files attributes since I changed my company's file system from an old ubuntu 12 to a Synology NAS. I initially mounted NFS shares on my old file system, then with cp I copied ...
24 votes
3 answers

Turning off cp (copy) command's interactive mode (cp : overwrite ?)

Does anyone know how I would turn off the interactive mode when using cp? I am trying to copy a directory recursively into another and for each file that is getting overwritten I have to answer 'y'. ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Safest way to move a mount point that is a parent of other mount points on Linux to a new physical device

I goofed up and /var/lib/kubelet was not mounted on a server. So it was on the root. I noticed this and I want to fix it. I did the stupid thing and just tried to stop the associated services (kubelet)...
14 votes
2 answers

cp -p will preserve times for some files but not all?

I have a source directory on a machine with a bunch of files, all with the same permissions, that I want to copy to another directory, that is mounted via SMB. [tmark@dexter JR09141045 ...
38 votes
6 answers

cp without overwriting destination permissions

How do you use the cp command without changing the target file's permissions? For example: cp /tmp/file /home/file I don't want to change chown and chgrp on /home/file.
0 votes
2 answers

Making a copy of all .acignore->.gitignore in place, recursively

I have the following file structure as an example c -Git -GitBranchTest .acignore [lots more files] -subfolder .acignore [lots more files] I am ...
6 votes
5 answers

cpio VS tar and cp

I just learned that cpio has three modes: copy-out, copy-in and pass-through. I was wondering what are the advantages and disadvantages of cpio under copy-out and copy-in modes over tar. When is it ...
0 votes
1 answer

using find, exec and cp to copy specific files while preserving directory path

I set up the following folders with empty text files: 1/a.txt 2/b.txt I want to copy only txt files to another directory while maintaining their directory structure. So I tried the following ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why nginx give different results with files whose same file-system Permission?

Every time if I put a file into the doc dir of nginx by using the mv command, it always results in a 403 Forbidden error, but if I do that by using the cp command, no error occurs. I tried very large ...
1 vote
3 answers

How to move and partially rename files on linux

I have versioned files which come out of a build pipeline. foo-1.3.4.war and I need to move these files to have the name foo-dev-1.3.4.war How would I go about this? I was thinking something ...
1 vote
1 answer

UNIX Copy/Move files in same directory preserving timestamp

Following is the scenario. There are multiple files in a directory created by users belonging to same unix group. Unix Group: Prod. User in Prod Unix Group: User1 User2 User3. All 3 users have same ...
0 votes
0 answers

aws s3 cp 'Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')

I am actually writing a simple script to zip a local game save then upload the zip file into my s3 bucket. Somehow it gives me this error though. The most I can find googling around is about filesize ...
0 votes
2 answers

Copying files in Linux keeps full path

I made a script to, every 6 hours, copy a folder to a backup folder, then put them in /var/www/html/backup/. My command to copy the files was cp -vR ~/world ~/backups/Backup\ on\ $date/world My ...
47 votes
10 answers

Linux (mv or cp) specific files from a text list of files?

I have a directory of many files, something like 50,000 pdf's and other files on a server. I need to move specific ones to another directory. I can generate a list of the files that need to be moved ...
0 votes
3 answers

Copy latest created directory

I would like to make a second backup from the latest created backup. So I tried the shell command: last='ls -tr | tail -1' cp -r /path/.../"$last" /path/.../backup/ but it copies a randome backup. ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to escape all file names in big directory copy with cp?

I'm trying to copy an archive of user data in a folder from one disk over to another for our new NAS system using cp -r dev-disk-by-label-MainAllData/ /root/backup/ but am getting many 'Invalid ...
2 votes
0 answers

'reboot' command doesn't work properly after 'cp' command, 'mv' behaves weird, as well

I have compiled C code running as a binary on an ARM. The ARM boots Linux from an SD Card using an old Image that was generated using buildroot. Within the C code I call a shell script that moves the ...
44 votes
2 answers

preserve permission with scp

SCP does not seem to preserve ownership stamps even if used with -p option. scp -p /mysql/serv/data_summary.* some_server:/mysql/test/ The files are owned by mysql and I want the same ownership to ...
1 vote
2 answers

what is the best approach to copy /var content

we have linux redhar 7 we want to keep the /var on other volume so the plan is to: mkdir /var_copy cp -rp /var/* /var_copy umount /dev/mapper/vg-a-var /var rm -rf /var mkdir /var mount /dev/mapper/...
0 votes
2 answers

Create copy of file in the same location

I often need to create copy of files in varios locations(, and want to avoid excessive typing). (Then I will edit them) Basically commands are like: cp very/long/path/to/file/ ...
2 votes
1 answer

cp is too slow, same with rsync (I assume) - is there a way to share files in two locations?

I am using Docker and Docker cannot COPY symlinked files into the image. But the files that are symlinked are not in the 'build context'. So I was going to copy them into the build context with cp, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Copy files from /var/www/html while they are used by nginx

I have a lot of data in /var/www/html. It's more than 2GB. Now I have the possibility to host the website on the host (nginx is using /var/www/html) or I can use docker. For the user of docker I am ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is it OK to copy files installed with rpm to another location?

I have a script I'm using to install some rpms in my docker image which is shown below. yumdownloader common-jars-${RELEASE_VERSION} \ test-jars-${RELEASE_VERSION} \ rpm -ivh --force --...
0 votes
0 answers

linux copy directory over another directory and if the same rename older files appending the modification date-time

In Linux, I am wondering how one can copy (maybe some sort of merge) one directory over the second directory - which can have the same name - and if two file have the same name then rename whichever ...
4 votes
1 answer

mv fails but cp succeeds on nfs mount

I am trying to move a file from a local directory to an nfs mounted directory on a CentOS 7 server. The export is provided by FreeNAS. Both directories are owned by the current user with at least 755 ...
0 votes
1 answer

ACL mask not updated when cp a directory with g=r-x to directory with default:mask::rwx and default:group::rwx

I want to create a directory, in which all files are read/writeable by a specific set of users. This should work for new files/dirs in this directory, as well as for files/dirs copied to this ...
-1 votes
3 answers

copy files, get file names from a list

I am using a command: xargs -a file_list.txt cp -t /path/to/dest but the filenames with whitespace get cut and therefore are not copied. what can be done?
23 votes
6 answers

Recursively copying hidden files - Linux

Is there an easy way to recursively copy all hidden files in a directory to another directory? I would like to back up just all the settings files in a home directory, not the normal files. I tried: ...
7 votes
3 answers

Linux file copy with ETA?

I'm copying a large amount of files between disks. There's approximately 16 GB of data. I'd like to see progress information, and even an estimated time of completion from the command line. Any ...
2 votes
0 answers

RHEL 6.7 cache causing out of memory errors

I have a (large) system that has cache behavior that I don't understand. It seems that the cache ran the system out of memory. How is this possible? Doesn't the kernel clean up the cache when there'...
2 votes
2 answers

Copying between lzo compressed BtrFS's: de/re-compressing?

I'm copying a large number of files between two lzo compressed BtrFS filesystems on different drives mounted on the same machine. It appears that the files are being de/re-compressed. Is there a way ...
26 votes
4 answers

Continue aborted cp

Is it possible to run cp again after it was aborted and make it start where it ended last time (not overwrite data that's already copied, only copy what's still left)?
1 vote
2 answers

Most side effect-free way to archive a large file while it is being modified

I am looking after an application that generates a large amount of data in a log file (about 5G a day) on a Red Hat server. This process runs for 24 hours during the week, so there is no point in the ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to cp only into the latest directory name?

mkdir test_dir test_dir1 test_dir2 test_dir3 touch file1 file2 file3 cp -v file* test_dir*/ This copies only to test_dir3 and not in test_dir, test_dir1, test_dir2. Why? For that matter it copies ...
0 votes
2 answers

SecAst: Potential documentation issue, Ubutunu 12.04.4 LTS and the command: cp -v

To Generation D: I am writing you about what might just be a documentation issue which hopefully doesn't have significant repercussions. This is something I encountered immediately at the start on ...
2 votes
1 answer

/bin/sh: /bin/cp: Argument list too long

I have problem with this command: 'cp' -fr /www/*-aws/* /www/mainhost/aws/awstatstotals/tmp/ Error is Argument list too long - I know many /www/-aws/ folders. I know that I can use FIND command, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Linux cp with gzip and numbered backup in one step?

I'm wanting to copy a file and gzip it in a single command/step But I want to do numbered backup if the file already exists i.e. "cp --backup=numbered" or similar. The reason for the single step is ...
0 votes
3 answers

How can I copy all files in one tree to another tree except those matching a pattern?

I have a directory tree under ./src/ I have another matching directory tree under ./work/ I'm trying to copy all the files in src to work, while keeping the directory structure and excluding all ...
-1 votes
3 answers

CP command making recursive directories [closed]

Okay so what I'm trying to do is that I have a file and I have to replace about 100 files in the location: /home/*/service*/files/ using that file recursively. I used the following command: cp -r ...
5 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu cp -p on mounted ZFS pool

On my Ubuntu server, I have several automounted zfs pools. The problem that I have, is that when I try to copy a file while preserving permissions, I get the following error: cp: preserving ...
0 votes
1 answer

Rotating Backups with RSync and CP - Excludes not working perfectly

My script looks essentially like this: cp -al $yesterdays_snapshot $todays_snapshot rsync -vadlH --exclude-from excludes.rsyc $source $todays_snapshot This works great except for one problem: If ...
3 votes
3 answers

Creating an iso file in Linux

I have created iso files by using two commands: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=filename cp /dev/cdrom filename What's the difference between the two, both have worked for me.
14 votes
6 answers

Unix copy command that has a progress bar, but not as heavy as rsync

I need to copy lots of files. Usually I use rsync because I pass it the -aP options and I can see (a) how many files are left to process and (b) how much of each individual file is copied. However ...