Questions tagged [directory]

A directory, also commonly called a folder, is a filesystem object used for organizing files and other directories.

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2 votes
1 answer

Apache proxypass trailing slash / directory issue

I have a legacy site for a charity running on an old Apache 1.3 instance, behind Apache 2 running proxypass. When a request comes to, Apache 2 sends it internally to localhost:8080 which ...
1 vote
3 answers

Is it possible to redirect to another geographically separate server based on folder-name in URL?

What I'm looking for is to direct visitors to geographically separate servers based on their choice of language. Our URLs are structured like and (Thai). As on now ...
0 votes
1 answer

Problems with windows user account permissions

Inherited the maintenance of an existing (C#) web based system. It is running on Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6. PDF files are generated via a background process - Omniformat. It runs as a ...
1 vote
3 answers

/var and /home folders clogged up on cPanel (Linux)

Recently the /var and /home folders have been clogging up on my server and I received a 'critical error' email saying that the /home folder was 100% full. I managed to fix it using the LVExtend ...
0 votes
2 answers

Domain authentication used for kerberos based authentication of users on my server

Suppose a user process has authenticated itself against domain's directory server via kerberos, and then attempts opens a network socket to my server application. My server application has a white-...
1 vote
1 answer

Emails disappear when moving from Inbox to anywhere else

Whenever a client of mine has a message open, they click on Move To Folder and the list of recent folders comes up. That person selects a folder but the message does not appear in there. What I have ...
1 vote
1 answer

common directory for all hosts in a shared hosting

I have many many many domains in a single machine. (redhat apache php mysql) and all have own admin pages. but when I update admin code it is very difficult to update all folders. then ı decided to ...
0 votes
2 answers

Debian add user permission

I'm giving my friend a host on my dedicated server. I created a new user for him: Debian server. adduser friend Adding user `friend' ... Adding new group `friend' (1000) ... Adding new user `...
0 votes
2 answers

Set security on pattern of sub folders (Server 2003)

I have a folder structure similar to the one shown below these paragraphs. How do I change security on every 'Photos' folder without clicking through each individually in Windows Explorer? There are ...
1 vote
3 answers

subdomain redirects to subfolder

I have created a subdomain for my website ( and after 24 hours it became active but it redirects to the subfolder that I poited to ( Is there a problem? why ...
0 votes
1 answer

Add users to a server folder

I use Windows Server 2003 R2. I am logged in as user Administrator. I want to give myself permission to add a user for a certain folder. I granted myself all possible permissions for the parent folder ...
1 vote
1 answer

IIS7 two directories, one site

I have one site where I got an application program and now we're going to put our web site here too. The problem is that the application is untouchable, and want to keep it out from ...
1 vote
1 answer

Wordpress htaccess redirect destroys my non-www to www redirect

In my root domain I have an .htaccess to redirect non-www to the www, and to redirect to a subdirectory (containing a temporary website). This is done using the following code: Options +...
1 vote
3 answers

Point domain name to subdirectory with .htaccess

I have a server under one main domain, and I want to point another domain to /example/index.php to make another site. Is there anyway i can do this with .htaccess? cheers
1 vote
2 answers

linux: share directory between different users

i need to have this directory, which is created under FTP User1: /home/User1/public_html/jobs_html readable by a different FTP user, call them User2 ... ie, when logged in thru SSH under User2, '...
2 votes
3 answers

Is there a Folder/File Syncronization Tool that can generate a synchronization script

I am looking for a tool that can synchronize folders by generating a script that can then be run from a command line, and the script generated does not require the tool to be installed to work. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Reset Security on Win7 Windows folder

Is there a way to reset the security settings on the c:\windows folder of Win7. I have found this approach here, but formatting an copying back seems a little complex. Any ideas?
-1 votes
1 answer

A protected by password directory started to redirect to the home!

Everything was working perfectly a few hours ago, but now, when I try to access one protected directory in one of my websites hosted on my dedicated server that runs Cent OS and apache, it just ...
5 votes
3 answers

nginx: redirect subfolder to subdomain

I'm trying to redirect a subfolder to a subdomain in nginx. I want to be redirected to I tried the following: location ~ ^/\~meow/(.*)$ { ...
2 votes
1 answer

Apache Nested Limit sections

I'm trying to limit access to certain directories in SVN as follows using Apache httpd server to controll the requests. Basically I want to allow access to / for all authenticated users and only allow ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to get file directory trough .htaccess by using `RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ?id=$1 [L,QSA]`?

How to get file directory trough .htaccess by using RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ?id=$1 [L,QSA]? If .htaccess is located in http://localhost/some/dir/.htaccess and I'm opening http://localhost/some/dir/here/I/...
1 vote
2 answers

Move content of one folder to another

I Have a directory say abc in var/www/ on my server Now i want to move all the content of abc/ directory to var/www/ What will the linux command for this. New bie in linux
2 votes
1 answer

FTP - How to transfer a directory with multiple sub-directories?

I need to transfer a few gigs of files from server A to B. I own SSH access to server A, but I have only FTP access to B. Since I can not send one .tar file from A to B, for the reason that I can not ...
2 votes
1 answer

Storing user profile in a corporate environment. Where, how and why?

I'm a programmer and don't know much about Active Directory, LDAP, etc. What I'm trying to build is some kind of profile web page for each employee where I work. Something similar to this : http://...
3 votes
2 answers

Should http and https requests access the same files

Is it ok to have http and https requests point to the same directory such as var/www/? It seems like it would be alright since when you're say authenticating a user you can just make sure to call ...
0 votes
1 answer

VirtualHost for subfolder only in Apache

I have an Apache2 server. Most of my sites use PHP. One uses Ruby on Rails. So I want passenger in one subfolder. How can I tell Apache to make a virtual host in just one subfolder for passenger? I'...
5 votes
3 answers

directories with two one dot (.) entries

I'm trying to clean up my lost and found, and I've managed to remove most things, but I'm left with "almost" empty directories, like: lost+found/#14042862: total 1324 dr---wx--- 2 76040 43010 ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to configure custom error page in Plesk 9.3 for non existing folder? [closed]

I'm trying to configure Plesk in order to show website visitors a custom error html. The current hosted site is an ASP.NET site. This site shows its custom errors on error403.aspx and error404.aspx ...
0 votes
2 answers

What is the best way to share a folder over the Internet using OSX 10.6 Server?

I have a new OSX Snow Leopard server and would like to be able to have other Macs mount drives from this server over the Internet. FTP is not good enough for sharing files because we want the files to ...
17 votes
4 answers

Windows Service: Can I configure the current working directory?

By default, Windows services start in the sytem32 directory (usually C:\WINDOWS\system32). Is there a way to set up a different working directory? I am thinking of some registry parameter beneath ...
0 votes
3 answers

How to protect a local NTFS folder so only it's owner can access (i.e. not a local / domain admin)

What i'd like to do is to set up such folder permissions so the folder can be accessed only by a user who created it (or one, who knows his password). Is it possible? Is it secure? I tried to set ...
3 votes
4 answers

Migrating a subdomain to a subdirectory, whilst running on a separate server

I'm currently working on a site that's hosted across two different servers. One server hosts the main site (, the other server hosts an ecommerce application (Magento) and is currently ...
1 vote
4 answers

Can someone explain a bit about Unix folder permissions and safety?

Why would I change folder permissions to 755 or 777 for example? I read that it means read write and execute but what I want to know, can anyone steal php codes depending on these permissions? Thank ...
0 votes
1 answer

creating folder with date range linux shell or C

Hi i need to create a series of folder with a range of date for exmaple createdir 2010-02-02 2010-02-05 will create : 20100202/ 20100203/ 20100204/ 20100205/ What the best way to do this with ...
2 votes
4 answers

Tar directory contents without parent and exclude subdirectories/files

Simplified directory structure: /root/test /root/test/dir1 /root/test/dir2 /root/test/dir3 /root/test/dir4 I want to tar /root/test so that when I extract the archive I get dir1 and dir2. I want to ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to set a PHP ini config setting for a specific (virtual) URL path in the apache conf?

I want to set a specific upload_max_filesize setting for a specific URL on my webserver. The URL path is not a real path since it is a apache rewritten seo friendly path. This does seems not to work:...
2 votes
1 answer

Rename folder using wildcard windows

I've got a piece of software that includes its own backup utility, but it generates folder names with the current date and time appended. I'd like to write batch script that will remove the date/time ...
1 vote
2 answers

how to restore a mysql dump FOLDER

After having a vps crash, I asked my hosting to give me the dumped file of my drupal database. It is a folder filled with of *.frm *.MYD files of the database tables. I used to restore mydb.sql files ...
3 votes
4 answers

File and Folder Organization for IT Staff

We are working on a project that will require the creation of new file servers and a migration of countless years of legacy data. Part of that legacy data is this random collection of IT staff files ...
0 votes
1 answer

short script to read and create matching directories

I need to do a z:\music\: dir *flac* to get a listing of directories... (they are named Artist - Album [flac]) and from that list of directors, create new matching directories, but replace the [flac]...
0 votes
2 answers

Why does my Win Server 2003 R2 have a bunch of empty folders in the root of the D: drive, each with a different random string of numbers and letters?

On this server, I have a D: drive for data. What app could be creating empty folders such as: 9308c1f8cd5c852ef53a425e 75a2dde71d4ff73400cdb384fbbc c8ad258c663ff0632c They're created every few ...
0 votes
1 answer

Nginx html folder

The files in the folder "/usr/share/nginx/html" belongs to the user "nginx" (or root ?), the primary user "2x2p1p" can't modify these files, then the best thing to do is: 1 - Change the user and the ...
0 votes
2 answers

How do I change folder timestamps recursively?

I was wondering if anyone knows how to change the timestamps of folders recursively based on the latest timestamp found of the files in that folder. So for example: jon@UbuntuPanther:/media/media/...
0 votes
2 answers

Restricting web requests to a particular domain or subfolder

Is it possible to setup a website so that it only accepts requests from one particular domain / subfolder? If so, how is this done?
0 votes
2 answers

Automatic folder backup from XP to Windows Server 2003

My HR/Finance manager stores important files & records in her Win XP desktop PC and she rarely copies all her files into our file server that runs on Windows Server 2003 (the last time she did it ...
1 vote
2 answers

revert chmod 777 / -R

while executing a command i made a mistake and executed (ubuntu 10) sudo chmod 777 / -R # okay you may laugh now all my filesystem has 777 permitions , obviously i dont know which ...
8 votes
3 answers

On linux, what does it mean when a directory has size 0 instead of 4096?

Here's a strange thing I haven't seen before -- a directory whose size is reported by ls as 0 instead of 4096, and I can't create any files within it. # ls -ld lib home drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 0 ...
2 votes
2 answers

delete dirs in a specified period of time

I have a list of +30.000 directory and I have to delete all the directories and their content from 2005 to 2006, via terminal. Thanks for help
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1 answer

VPS multiple sites help

I have a VPS which has a single website associated with a single IP, This website is in wordpress and it is directly placed or installed into the /html directory, which means inside /www/html/ my ...
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6 answers

Unable to remove Read-Only attribute from folder in Windows XP

I have this directory which I cannot remove the read only attribute from. The computer is running XP SP2 (or SP3, not sure) and the directory sits in a NTFS file system. Looking into the web I found ...