Questions tagged [disk-space-utilization]

For questions related to disk space utilisation.

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Apparent Negative free disk space and FreeBSD 12

Just curious as to what's happening here. This is just a non-prod VM that I have at home. Curious as to what leads to the 'negative' available diskspace. This is FreeBSD 12 running under VMWare ...
Patrick Rynhart's user avatar
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Fresh Ubuntu 20.04 install no disk space on / and unable to extend

I have fresh Ubuntu 20.04 with 50GB disk size installed using defaults. Now I don't have any space left on /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv. df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail ...
wojcieh's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20.04 new fresh LVM on 5TiB shows just 4.1 TiB space

On a fresh installed Ubuntu 20.04 I attached second disk with size of 5 TiB. I used following commands to create LVM. Disk /dev/sdb: 5 TiB, 5497558138880 bytes, 10737418240 sectors Disk model: Virtual ...
wojcieh's user avatar
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Does vCenter/VMWare have a tool/command that shows Actual Usage (Written Data) within thick Provisioned Storage in a DataStore

I am very familiar with our storage footprints. All our storage is thin provisioned (is there any Enterprise Array these days that does not use thin provisioning. Don't think so). And of course see ...
Italo Michelassi's user avatar
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Best and simple way to prevent automatic backups filling all disk space in Linux, before it actually happens

Which do you think is the best and most simple way to prevent automatic backups filling all disk space in Linux, before it actually happens? I would like to automatically recycle the oldest ones when ...
fjcobas's user avatar
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df shows low disk space. It includes a directory which uses mount --bind for chroot sftp

I've setup a chroot environment for sftp access (sftp only, no shell). The sftp user needs rw access to a host directory. I mounted it via /etc/fstab /var/www/html /home/sftp-user/jail/html none ...
RafaelKr's user avatar
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How to increase available disk space in thinly provisioned VM?

I created a thinly provisioned CentOS VM on an ESXi instance. To use nice numbers, let's say I configured a max disk space of 500 GB. After installing the OS and booting, when I open File Manager and ...
Jake Reece's user avatar
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Not enough space in /var/cache/apt/archives/

Debian 10 desktop with persistence root@debian:~# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /dev tmpfs 767M 19M 749M 3% /run /dev/...
t09's user avatar
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Resizing VM's size having only boot partition

I've to increase my KVM guest's partition, I followed steps as explained in the accepted answer here. For step 3, there's a link mentioned in the accepted answer comment section (tried to paste it ...
y_159's user avatar
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Expanding synology virtual machine disk - disk space not recognized

I've created a Virtual Machine in Synology Disk Station Manager (an ubuntu server) with a specific amount of storage space in a virtual disk, but I have depleted it. Went to Synology Disk Station / ...
BMM's user avatar
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MySQL Ubuntu doesn't start anymore after disk storage was full

MySQL Version: Ver 8.0.22-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu)) Today I encountered that my MySQL stopped running, all my websites are offline. When I try to run manually I get the following ...
Tarik Hacialiogullari's user avatar
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Do PHP session files normally count towards disk usage on shared hosting?

Do PHP session files normally count towards disk usage on shared hosting? The title is pretty much the question. The files are outside of my home directory, so I can't delete them. They include some ...
mekineer's user avatar
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Best way to archive journald logs in a space-efficient way?

It has been established that journald logs are huge. On this specific system, the logs grow about 3GB per week. For audit purposes I would like to preserve system logs for a longer time than what can ...
liori's user avatar
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How to extend disk space in the current partition (with cmdlets)

I have my current partition disk space (found at /dev/mapper/cl-root) set at 50Go on my CentOS server. I want to extend the current disk space (to become 500Go) used in a neat way with commands. How ...
welwelwel's user avatar
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How much disk space is required to install KVM hypervisor on a CentOS machine?

I want to install KVM on my CentOS machine. But the main partition size of my CentOS is about 50GB with only 15GB available. My question is should i extend the main partition in order to install KVM ? ...
welwelwel's user avatar
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HDFS. How to free 1 particular disk

I have cluster with 3 servers. 2 of them have 2 TB disks and another one have 500 Gb SSD. I am trying to use balancer, but I still get 70% of usage on 2TB disks and 99% on 500Gb due to non-dfs files. ...
John Brown's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

Windows 2019: can't figure out why my drive is full

On a Windows 2019 Server the drive D: is 100% full (500 Gb used): I'm trying to understand why the disk is full but I can't because both File Explorer and Total Commander reports no more than 33 Gb ...
Mat's user avatar
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Artifactory disk space usage much higher than reported repository size

Our artifactory installation has 500GB data disk allocated to it. Yesterday it ran out of space and went about cleaning up old artifacts (something I thought was being done automatically but it wasn'...
Aleks G's user avatar
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PowerShell script to report free disk space on servers

I am required to get reports about free disk space on our exchange servers. I found this link : But I am unable to ...
David Kent's user avatar
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Balancing Docker images between SSD and HDD

I have a Docker installation inside a VM, which has access to 64 GiB SSD and 1 TiB HDD, these live on RAID controllers outside the VM. Now I'd like to keep images that are used by active containers on ...
Simon Richter's user avatar
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Soft quota on GPT partition

I have a GPT partition on Windows Server which is shared over the network and works with RAID controller. I want it to be extended automatically when it reaches it's limit and users are adding files ...
ATX-750K's user avatar
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Check XFS project quota on NFS client

I am implementing project quotas on a file server (Centos 7.8.2003) that has data volumne formatted using XFS. File access to this server will occur using NFS. I know how to check user quotas on the ...
Vince's user avatar
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increase the space in var partition on Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

I'm running docker containers on my machine which puts it all in /var/. DF shows that /var/ is 6.9G and no free space. The Linux system is running under VMWare and I've given the server extra 100 GB'...
resolver101's user avatar
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Can I remove docker aufs files?

One of our hosts is being clogged by lots of docker junk. I'm cleaning dangling images and volumes regularly, but recently I've noticed it doesn't help that much, and the reason was a load of aufs-...
Milkncookiez's user avatar
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What is filling my /var/log/messages (db-k450-hd2-1 IngrianActivity)?

My /var/log/messages is getting full with the following logs and can't figure out what is writing the logs. Any help would be much appreciated. Jun 13 00:12:28 db-k450-hd2-2 IngrianActivity: [2020-06-...
SutuwaShell's user avatar
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Windows server 2012 R2 VM doesn't see full space on virtual disk

I have a windows server 2012 R2 VM on vmware esxi 6.7. Have 2 virtual disks for C and D partitions respectively. Partition C - thin provision, part D - thick provision lazy zeroed. I extended second ...
d3fault's user avatar
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Root partition slowly filling up | about 10GB lost in the warp

Summary I'm running a debian on a dedicated server hosting multiples things. The root partition of the server is +/-20GB wide and 95% used. This usage is growing over time (from 90% to 95% in 2 ...
Slivo's user avatar
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How to reserve some disk space (e.g. for backup)

I have a VPS with Wordpress (including storage and database on the same machine). Now I want to make daily backups to an external service (AWS S3): the issue is that first I need to generate a tar of ...
collimarco's user avatar
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How to extend root disk

Trying to figure out how to take from the 200G disk at /dev/sde and add that to root...or maybe the way to say it is how do I extend / into /dev/sde? I've only ever dealt with lvm before or at least ...
tadamhicks's user avatar
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Why does docker say my container's disk is full when it's not (QubesOS)?

Why does a fresh container on a small-ish docker image say that its disk is full of 10G when it's not? I'm running this in a Debian 10 AppVM in QubesOS. In Debian 10, I do: sudo apt-get -y install ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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/var/log wrongly shows as 100% space used [duplicate]

On some of our servers /var/log, which is a separate ext4 partition, shows that 100% of the 4.8G of space is in use. But it actually occupies around 200M of disk space. Application can still write ...
aardbol's user avatar
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Ubuntu Not Detecting Free Space In Root Partition

My server has a 40GB HDD and runs Ubuntu 18.04. The output for the command: sudo lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT,LABEL returns: NAME FSTYPE SIZE MOUNTPOINT LABEL loop0 squashfs 91....
SidS's user avatar
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Tracking down disk space usage on a machine with docker network volumes

I have an Ubuntu server 16.04 VM running my docker containers. It has a relatively small disk (~60GB) which I thought would be fine because I have dedicated NFS storage that I mount via docker to the ...
Ansel Santosa's user avatar
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Partition didn't resize after increasing OS Disk Size in Azure

I have a Ubuntu VM which has an unmanaged OS disk associated with it. When we increased the size of the unmanaged OS disk from 30 GB to 50 GB(after deallocating the VM and increasing its size from ...
Sameer Keluskar's user avatar
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GCP: Docker taking up too much of disk space (47%, 69 GB). How to free up disk space?

Out of the 148 GB disk space of my Compute Engine Instance, /home folder is taking up only 55 GB whereas /var/lib/docker/containers is taking up a total of 69 GB, which is too much of disk space usage ...
Safwan's user avatar
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Partition didn't reflect the changes after increasing OS Disk Size in Azure

I have a Ubuntu VM which has an unmanaged OS disk associated with it. When we increased the size of the unmanaged OS disk from 30 GB to 50 GB(after deallocating the VM and increasing its size from ...
Sameer Keluskar's user avatar
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Why does df say my EFS disk has a capacity of 8 Exabytes?

This is a screenshot from my AWS EC2 instance, which the EFS disk is mounted on: How can this be?
Josh Withee's user avatar
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How to check and free up disk space in CentOS 7

I have a160 GB VPS with pre-installed CentOS 7 and Webuzo. Using the du -sh command in the www dir I noticed that my sites consume barely 60GB, while the total used space is 120 GB. Which means my ...
andreszs's user avatar
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`nixos-rebuild switch` fails with "No space left on device"

I keep filling up /boot with old kernels, at which point nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade will download a bunch of derivations only to eventually fail when installing the new kernel (or initrd) because ...
aij's user avatar
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Reclaim free space after deleting NFS file

I deleted a 137G file in a NFS mount (from a Linux host), and it dissapeared from the directory but the free space reported by df is still the same the NFS server is a NAS device with almost no ...
golimar's user avatar
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Find the used hard disk data and solve disk pressure [duplicate]

I have a server which is running Ubuntu 18.04 and it is also a worker node for K8s. Sometimes I see that K8s is killing pods on this machine because of disk presseur and when I get df -h --total I can ...
AVarf's user avatar
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AWS CloudWatch alarm not populating data points - Insufficient state always

I am configuring CloudWatch alarm from the custom metric. Custom metric for disk space is configured, and I can see that every 5 minutes I am able to see the data. But when I set the alarm, the data ...
serverstackqns's user avatar
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New large HDD on Ubuntu server

I am running Ubuntu 18.04 on a server which at present only uses the system SSD for file storage. I have now connected a SATA HDD of 16TB which fdisk recognises at dev/sda as 14.6TiB. System disk ...
Simon Lindgren's user avatar
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Unable to extend logical volume on RHEL Appliance

The Issue I am facing an issue while upgrading an RHEL virtual appliance for the CA/Broadcom API Gateway The issue shows its face during the upgrade from 9.3 to 9.4 where the 2GB /tmp directory is ...
naildrone's user avatar
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ZFS reports wildly different sizes from Windows and what should be available

Before we start, yes i know the setup is not optimal, but we're working on a plan to setup everything from scratch. I inherited this from a part time student that doesn't work here anymore. This is a ...
Robin Sandström's user avatar
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Disk usage metrics missing from Prometheus node exporter

I used Prometheus and node exporter a while ago and had access to node_filesystem_* metrics to monitor disk usage but I've recently fired it up on some other servers (Ubuntu Linux) and those metrics ...
Sam's user avatar
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CentOS running out of space for website files

Disclaimer: I know my way around Linux, but I'm out of the loop for a while. I have a CentOS 7 server where I host a couple of my small websites in /var/www/website1, /var/www/website2 and so on. Now ...
6bytes's user avatar
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Do file systems exist which can intelligently handle redundant blocks for saving disk space and instantaneous copying?

If I have a very large contiguous file in the gigabytes that I want to copy, my disk has to allocate all of the necessary space and write a duplicate of every block. Why can't a copy be "fast" in a ...
Zhro's user avatar
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CENTOS, problems to identify why a user is using so much space [duplicate]

I am having disk space issues with my CentOS server, a single user is using up to 1,7tb of data, or it is what the du -sh* /home command is telling. But when you enter the user folder and use the du -...
Bruno Gabriel Andrade's user avatar
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How to expand the root disk partition without LVM

I was wondering how to increase the size of a root partition without LVM. We have a root partition of 21GB in total and another partition with 2TB in total. Ideally, we'd like to keep everything on / ...
b8016374's user avatar

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