Questions tagged [elastic-beanstalk]

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a PaaS (Platform as a Service) service that allows you to quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud. Elastic Beanstalk handles the deployment details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling, and application health monitoring.

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Utilizing SSL on Multi-domain, Autoscaling Elastic Beanstalk Setup

We are creating a Content Management System for our company. It is important that this CMS support dynamic domain names on a dynamic number of servers. After many hours of research we felt that Amazon'...
Patrick Stephan's user avatar
5 votes
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Updating to latest Docker images in Elastic Beanstalk Multicontainer

I'm running a site on Elastic Beanstalk using a multi container set up. I'm wondering what is the preferred strategy to pull in the latest images. On the CI server, after successful commits to master,...
Juan Delgado's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Automate war deployment in VPC's private subnet on tomcat7

I have a VPC with public and private subnets. Public subnet contains my Nating and Bastion instances Private subnet contains my application servers (3 ec2 instances running tomcat7 with my project ...
PHP Avenger's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

If you can't change the RDS endpoint of an AWS Beanstalk instance, how do you do a blue/green deployment?

From what I can tell, one can't change the Amazon RDS (RDS) endpoint of an existing Elastic Beanstalk (EB) instance? If that is the case, than you can't have your code deployed to a stage server, ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Is is possible to set a default profile for different environments in EB CLI?

I have a project where the testing env is inside my company, and the production env is in the client's AWS account. I was looking for a way to set two different profile names on my project/....
igorsantos07's user avatar
4 votes
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AWS ElasticBeanstalk: container keeps restarting

I'm trying to deploy a multi-container docker Elastic Beanstalk cluster on AWS and my situation is; I have 7 docker containers, six of which are Scala applications each listening on port 9000 for ...
Ashesh's user avatar
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1k views referring to bucket of another account

I have the following { "AWSEBDockerrunVersion": "1", "Authentication": { "Bucket": "bucket-of-another-aws-account", "Key": "docker/.dockercfg" }, "Image":...
Alexander's user avatar
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4 votes
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Does AWS Elastic Beanstalk Swap Environment Url swaps environments for git push?

I have read the docs for zero downtime on aws but cant seem to understand what happens in this scenario? I have a environment running in production called 'red' I duplicate the environment as 'blue' ...
Pinser's user avatar
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3 votes
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Elastic Beanstalk environment stuck in invalid state with "resource(s) failed to update: [AWSEBAutoScalingGroup]"

I'm in a catch-22: I cannot change the configuration of my Elastic Beanstalk environment because it is not in a "READY" state and I cannot put it in a ready state without changing the configuration. ...
Jason's user avatar
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Terraform "wait_for_ready_timeout" not working on elastic-beanstalk environment resource

Default setting for "wait_for_ready_timeout", is 20 minutes. Within the "aws_elastic_beanstalk_application_version" resource I set this to 40m with the hopes of overriding the default. It will only ...
retroCheck's user avatar
3 votes
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AWS Elastic BeanStalk .ebextensions Package Manager for Ubuntu

The AWS Elastic BeanStalk Documentation specifically wrote: Elastic Beanstalk currently supports the following package managers: yum, rubygems, python, and rpm. So, what should I do if I want to ...
pepoluan's user avatar
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Deploying CloudWatch Agent Config to Elastic Beanstalk

I have two environments (production, staging) within an Elastic Beanstalk environment and wanted to set up CloudWatch Agent logging for the EC2 instances being used with these environments. When ...
cphill's user avatar
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Steps for setting up HTTPS using elastic beanstalk with a load balancer

I have recently used AWS elastic beanstalk to migrate my parse application server. Everything is working well with just plain HTTP, but I need more security so I've tried diving into the AWS ...
Peter Kaminski's user avatar
3 votes
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Running Consul Agent on AWS EB / Elastic Beanstalk

Does anyone have experience of running Consul Agent on AWS? I have a cluster of consul servers running, but want to use the AWS EB to deploy a docker app, and a docker consul agent (progrium/consul) ...
Nevyn's user avatar
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Why EBS keeps waiting for terminated instances?

Why EBS keeps waiting for terminated instances? 2016-03-02 01:41:22 UTC+0100 INFO Still waiting for the following 3 instances to become healthy: [i-1b5e9691, i-7f5c94f5, i-5d5e96d7]. Only ...
Wojtek Dmyszewicz's user avatar
3 votes
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Unable to deploy a rails application using eb cli

I recently updated my environments configuration to :64bit Amazon Linux 2015.03 v1.4.6 running Ruby 2.2 (Passenger Standalone). After deploying my application using eb deploy i now get an error in my ...
Colin Wagner's user avatar
2 votes
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I want to get the instanceId and environmentName of an elastic beanstalk instance at boot time

How can I do this in an .ebextension or .platform script? OR is this data available already perhaps in an environment variable?
iss42's user avatar
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Disable nginx version in Server header on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I want to disable the default nginx behaviour where it adds a Server header including the nginx version: nginx/1.18.0. I'm fine if it just says nginx. From what I can find, I can do that by adding set ...
Jorn's user avatar
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Nginx + uWSGI + Flask Connection Reset

Problem I have a Flask app deployed using Elastic Beanstalk's "Single Container Docker" platform (latest revision 3.2.5 at the time of writing), with an "Application Load Balancer" ...
jlucier's user avatar
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Elasticbeanstalk - Apache and htaccess

I'm trying to get a WordPress site working on Elasticbeanstalk using apache. When i run it using nginx, everything works fine, but with apache, i get the following error: var/www/html/.htaccess: <...
sipher_z's user avatar
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Set CPU options on Elastic Beanstalk environment via Cloud Formation

I have an Elastic Beanstalk worker app that is doing some memory-intensive single-threaded computation. All the available instance types that meet my memory requirements (16 Gb) have 2+ vCPUs, so I ...
Mike Rippon's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a way to provide a config file or private key to an Elastic Beanstalk instance?

I have an EBS instance running a Golang webserver application, which uses a config.json that contains important and private configuration values like Database address, user and password. I've been ...
fabiofcferreira's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to do immutable managed update in single instance environment in elastic beanstalk

I am unable to successfully execute immutable managed update in single instance environment. Process always timeouts with this error as shown in events page: Service:AmazonCloudFormation, Message:...
malarkey25's user avatar
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aws elastic beanstalk nginx reverse proxy settings

I think I might have posted in the wrong place (stackoverflow) but instead of reposting here which would make it duplicates, I will paste the link in stackoverflow.
Dora's user avatar
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Is there a way to change ciphers accepted by a Tomcat server running in AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

We've got our Tomcat application running in a load-balanced Beanstalk environment, and we've got HTTPS up and running. But I've found that if I try to connect to web services hosted by that ...
hbquikcomjamesl's user avatar
2 votes
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Elastic Beanstalk environment and security group config for ELB health checker?

I have an Elastic Beanstalk environment that I can't get Health Checks to work on. Here's my Elastic Beanstalk's Load Balancer configuration: My healthcheck URL is /status/ My EC2 security group (...
Dustfinger's user avatar
2 votes
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AWS EB with python 3.6 errors and uses python 2.7

How do I get the aWS EB instance to use the python 3 version that is already installed on the instance? I can't get a new environment running with Python 3.6 running Django 2.1+. Local (not in ...
chris Frisina's user avatar
2 votes
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CannotPullContainerError when trying to deploy AWS multicontainer using elasticbeanstalk with eb cli

I've been trying to deploy a simple docker image to AWS ElasticBeanstalk using eb cli, but I can't get the docker service to start in ECS due to the following error: invalid reference format: ...
GabLeRoux's user avatar
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How to associate existing RDS instance to Elastic Beanstalk, with the right storage size?

I found the post How to associate an existing RDS instance to an Elastic Beanstalk environment? and tried to associate my existing RDS instance to Elastic Beanstalk by following it: First, creating a ...
Jorge Orpinel Pérez's user avatar
2 votes
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What are the environment tier options in aws elasticbeanstalk cli?

This has been driving me nuts. Can anyone point me to the docs section that has this information? The cli-input json to aws elasticbeanstalk create-environment command { "ApplicationName": "...
AlexanderF's user avatar
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Support for docker data volume in AWS Beanstalk

I am wondering if AWS Beanstalk supports docker data volumes or does it only support host volumes? I am reading the beanstalk documentation and I see that Volumes in the is for the ...
S1r-Lanzelot's user avatar
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Kestral, IIS and Port Exhaustion

Deploying a .NET CORE web-socket app via AWS Beanstalk. By default this uses IIS as a reverse proxy. Unfortunately reverse proxies use ports to do their work, leading to port exhaustion. How can ...
NPSF3000's user avatar
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Network problems when I create Beanstalk environments from an AMI

I'm using AWS elastic beanstalk web interface to create an environment based on an existing AMI that has our application deployed on it. The environment gets created, the app is accessible via the ...
SaryA's user avatar
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AWS ELB rewrite http to https

I am using AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I would like to rewrite all http traffic to https. I have the following configuration: But if I try change the Instance Protocol of either of the above two to ...
Richard's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Add ElastiCache Cluster to Elastic Beanstalk Application

I have an Elastic Beanstalk app setup utilizing the docker platform. Everything runs smoothly and I can redeploy the app using the eb deploy cli command. The app is setup on a custom VPC (something I ...
Patrick Stephan's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I deploy this web app (Sentry) to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk using Docker?

I am trying to deploy a popular web app (Sentry) to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. Beanstalk has support for Docker containers and the Docker Hub already has a configuration for Sentry here. I have ...
RainSear's user avatar
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Setup keystore and truststore in elastic beanstalk

Im new to AWS, mutual authentication. However I have not setup elastic bean stalk. I am working with a payment API. The organization that has setup the API requires a keystore and trust store to be ...
Brian Hawi's user avatar
2 votes
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git deployment to aws elastic beanstalk multiple tiers

We're using git and eb to deploy our elastic beanstalk application on aws, but have just added a worker layer. Given that so much of the code is common (models, etc etc), it seems sensible to have a ...
stevemarvell's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I create an Elastic Beanstalk example?

I have tried to create and deploy on Elastic Beanstalk. It never works. I have spent over 14 hours trying to get EB to work over the course of 1 month. I have followed online tutorials in addition to ...
BigMistake's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk deploy app in private VPC without public ip address for EC2

I'm currently developing a NodeJS application that I want to deploy in Elastic Beanstalk (EBS). To isolate & secure my cloud resources I'm using VPCs where I deploy the EBS app and also my ...
Marc Becker's user avatar
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How to manage app versions with AWS ElasticBeanstalk Docker platform

So I have successfully launched an app and an environment in AWS ElasticBeanstalk, using private image repository. I can build and push new versions of my app to the repository, and then run eb deploy ...
skrat's user avatar
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Elastic BeanStalk can't connect to ElastiCache Redis

I'm having issues connecting from Elastic BeanStalk to ElastiCache Redis. When I SSH into the EBS instance and try to use redis-cli to connect, it times out. This is how I set up my environment: I ...
Teotimo Garcia's user avatar
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Remove the default Security Group assigned by Elastic Beanstalk

I have created a Elastic Beanstalk environment and have created this .config to edit the security groups which worked. Now my EC2s are attached to the new SG and the default one. option_settings: - ...
Rami's user avatar
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alterando client_max_body_size: nginx + beanstalk

I'm trying the upload limit imposed by NGINX... I created a proxy.conf file that has: files: "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" : mode: "000777" owner: root group: root ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How do I migrate our existing Beanstalk application to Amazon Linux 2?

Our three Beanstalks are currently running on the "Tomcat 8.5 with Java 8 running on 64bit Amazon Linux" platform, either on the canned "ami-0e469f970b0c3b65c" AMI, or (for one of ...
hbquikcomjamesl's user avatar
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304 views core To elastic beanstalk error 404 after deployment

I have an core web api that run an 404 after it get's deployed to elastic beanstalk. Any version from 1.0 to 5.0 all show the same error 404. The api works just fine on localhost but once it ...
Aboubacar Traore's user avatar
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Deploying two applications on the same instance with clustering

I am trying to deploy two applications listening on different ports on the same instance (a Next.js application along with a Node.js API server). I will use a reverse proxy to route traffic to them ...
Marnix.hoh's user avatar
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sqsd failing on Elastic Beanstalk worker with network/SSL issues

I have recently, simultaneously upgraded an Elastic Beanstalk worker application on several fronts; from Amazon Linux 1 to 2, Django 2.0 to 3.1, Python 3.6 to 3.7, Apache to Nginx, so there have been ...
David Buck's user avatar
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ElasticBeanStalk URL directing to incorrect IP

I have two Elastic Beanstalk environments, running java applications on tomcat. Application/Environment A uses an ALB and Application/Environment uses an network LB. Environment B is within a private ...
pineapple303's user avatar
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Nginx responding with 429s but I don't have it configured in my config

I'm hosting a rails app on AWS elastic beanstalk and am noticing my nginx server returning 429s in the nginx log. The problem is, I'm not seeing where the limit_req is being defined so I'm struggling ...
Johnny's user avatar
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