Questions tagged [etckeeper]

etckeeper is a tool to monitor changes to /etc with revision control systems such as git

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3 votes
0 answers

Track multiple directories with etckeeper

I'm trying to provide a solution to use etckeeper as a keeper of multiple locations (directories). I'm using Debian 8. With the default config etckeeper "watches" the /etc directory but I want to have ...
Adam's user avatar
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Install etckeeper via ansible, and perform first commit at end of playbook

I'm using ansible to provision a server. One of the roles installs etckeeper, which automatically creates the git repo and makes the first commit. If many tasks run after that (which install via apt ...
lonix's user avatar
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Sortable list of all packages (dpkg)

I want to dump all installed packages on a system which uses dpkg. Up to now I use dpkg -l. But it has one draw back: Sorting the result does not make sense. Head: root@aptguettler:~# LANG=C dpkg-...
guettli's user avatar
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Log hwinfo output with etckeeper

I like etckeeper. It does store the etc/ directory in a git repository. This way I have a nice history of what changed. Of course we have backups, but this is convenient. I would like to store ...
guettli's user avatar
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2 answers

SaltStack: Do "etckeeper init" if /etc/.git is not there

I want to deploy the tool etckeeper via SaltStack. Installating the RPM/DPKG is easy. Next step is to call etckeeper init after the installation. My current idea is this pseudo-code: execute ...
guettli's user avatar
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Resolve a contradictory conflict in /etc tree (mercurial-based etckeeper)

I have an /etc file tree which is managed by etckeeper, based on Mercurial. After running apt-get dist-upgrade, I want to revision the changes which have been applied by the upgrade. However, when ...
Tobias's user avatar
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5 votes
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EtcKeeper: Switching from bzr to git

I've been using etckeeper on my Digital Ocean droplet for sometime and have made numerous changes to the /etc since that time. I now realize that i've been using bzr all this time and would like to ...
Quasaur's user avatar
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Can we get git-like functionality with a tool like puppet?

I'm thinking about a convenient way to track my vps configurations and to deploy them in one click (or more or less one). I have been reading up and looking into different config deployment tools of ...
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4 votes
2 answers

Why is there no git repository after installing etckeeper?

I installed etckeeper on my ubuntu 11.10 server, and after creating the etckeeper repository with: etckeeper init etckeeper commit "Initial version" I got the error: bzr: ERROR: No changes to ...
rubo77's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

etckeeper pushing to github

I set up etckeeper and added the file /etc/etckeeper/commit.d/60github-push in order to push the commit to github. [orschiro@thinkpad etc]$ sudo cat /etc/etckeeper/commit.d/60github-push #!/bin/sh ...
orschiro's user avatar
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How can I use etckeeper via sudo with different users and have the correct user in the commit message? [duplicate]

I'm working on a server with several admin users. Each of them can use sudo to make configuration changes. We're keepeing our /etc directory version-controlled using etckeeper. However, when I or ...
andreas-h's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

etckeeper on custom directory

I have been reading about etckeeper, but I can't work out if you can use it on any other directories other than /etc. There seems to be no reference to /etc in any configuration file (that I can find)...
Baldrick's user avatar
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etckeeper user and system diffs [closed]

I'm looking for a way to keep user and system-made changes to /etc using etckeeper seperate automatically. Basically different commits for user and system. I'm sure many other sysadmins could benefit ...
jiriki's user avatar
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etckeeper implementation in subversion (SVN)

How to setup etckeeper in subversion (SVN).I get to know that etckeeper works with git , mercurial (hg) etc, but it doesn't works with subversion. I am stuck with this etckeeper implementation in ...
shijin titus's user avatar
9 votes
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etckeeper, Git checkout, and broken file permissions in /etc

I wanted to figure out why, after a etckeeper commit, I had a problem with rebooting (already solved thanks to this great thing). I played with etckeeper, did git checkout some_commit_sha for a quick ...
koddo's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How do I turn off etckeeper. It's preventing me from upgrading Ubuntu

I'm trying to upgrade from Ubuntu Karmic to Lucid, but it fails because etckeeper detects changes which happen during sudo do-release-upgrade and prevents the running of apt. How do I temporarily turn ...
mclin's user avatar
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5 votes
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Using etckeeper - protection and other questions

Following the suggestion made Putting /etc under source control I have installed ETCKEEPER. It seems pretty good but I have some questions. Is the any way off putting the command you do into the ...
justintime's user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

Can etckeeper be used to track config files outside of /etc?

Specifically I would like to track my grub.conf (/boot/grub/grub.conf) and some oracle files (i.e. /db/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora). I attempted using links; however ...
ErebusBat's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

Is there a etckeeper equivalent for Windows? AKA Windows config revision-control

I want to make a central config file repository so that I can have the changes to any config under revision control (Mercurial). This will include some GNU/Linux boxes (which will use etckeeper), the ...
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7 votes
5 answers

How to store etckeeper repositories on a central server via git

I would like to have one central git repository for all my servers' etckeeper .git repos. Here the suggestion was to use a file in /etc/etckeeper/commit.d, which basically looks like this, assuming ...
andreas-h's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to setup etckeeper with Mercurial in Ubuntu?

I'm interested in installing etckeeper with Mercurial in my Ubuntu system. My reason is that I don't know how to use Git and don't want to learn at the moment. If I check the package description it ...
Deleted's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to use etckeeper with a single shared git repository?

I noticed that several people have recommended using etckeeper to apply version control to my /etc directory. It appears to me that the default install puts a repository on the same machine as the /...
Brent 's user avatar
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