Questions tagged [exclude]

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9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Rsync: Exclude files by maximum filename length (< 143 characters)

A cronjob copies files from a remote server (probably ext4) via rsync to a local encrypted partition (probably eCryptFS on top of ext4). Now rsync throws errors for filenames that are longer than 143, ...
Thomas Ebert's user avatar
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How to I get rsync to exlcude a file pattern within an flock?

I have an rsync command that I run hourly via cron, and to prevent it from having multiple simultaneous rsyncs (should the previous hour's rsync still be running when the next hour comes around) I've ...
Trevor Horsfall's user avatar
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How to handle these variables in rsync exclude file?

I have an ignore file for rsync but I can't figure out how to ignore this string of file names and the username: backup/cpbackup/daily/username/homedir/mail/cur/1244452567.H511146P7355.dwhs45.dwhs....
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2 answers

I want to exclude specific words from the results when piping tail into grep

I am using "tail -f /var/log/fail2ban.log -f /var/log/ufw.log | grep -e Ban -e BLOCK -e ALLOW" (without the quotes) and it is working but I want to exclude the results that have the words ...
Greg Azar's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 SSLClientVerify on top of Vhost, but exclude one URL

I have the following configuration: <VirtualHost *:443> SSLVerifyClient require SSLVerifyDepth 4 <Location /> ####SSLVerifyClient require ####SSLVerifyDepth 4 ...
Fozix's user avatar
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Rsync exclude does not work during remote upload

I prepared an rsync code as below: /home/ra/maindir/subdir/ --exclude="/dir/config" --exclude="/dir/include/x.php" --exclude="/maindir/include/x1.php" What I am trying to do is to exclude 'config' ...
Onur Göker's user avatar
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2 answers

Nginx SSL Rewrite Exeption for yust one folder

i force visitors to SSL on two ways in my serverblock if ($http_x_forwarded_proto = "http") { return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri; } and add_header Strict-Transport-...
Deex's user avatar
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FreeNAS - how to "Exclude from file" in Rsyncd (GUI)

I am trying to set rsync tasks to Pull user profiles from 11 Windows machines running DeltaCopy Server and then configure ZFS periodic snapshot tasks for a backup solution. So far this has been ...
user179181's user avatar
-1 votes
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What would be the easiest way to exclude 206 requests from apache xampp log ? Thanks

What would be the easiest way to exclude 206 requests from apache xampp log ? Thanks
SpEcTrE73's user avatar