Questions tagged [filer]

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What would cause huge amounts of snapshot lag with NetApp Snapvault?

Our NetApp filer shows huge amounts of lag for snapvault operations. What could be possible causes of such large snapshot lag? Snapvault is ON. Source Destination ...
Edilaic's user avatar
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Dealing with file permission on NFS NAS with multiple servers

This may sound dumb but I am asking because I think there is an easy solution to this before I scratch my head too much. We have a SAN with a filer on top that provides NFS share for other servers. ...
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Is there a way to create a consistent snapshot/SnapMirror across multiple volumes?

We use a NetApp FAS 6-series filer with an application that spans multiple volumes. For backup purposes I would like to create a consistent snapshot that spans these volumes at the same point in time (...
Tomer Gabel's user avatar