Questions tagged [geoip]

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23 votes
9 answers

Relatively easy way to block all traffic from a specific country?

I have a web app that has no users in the Philippines, but is constantly bombarded by spammers, carders testing cards, and other undesirable activity from there. I can see in the logs that they have ...
13 votes
3 answers

Best way to block a country by IP address?

I have a website that needs to block a particular country based on IP address. I am more than aware that IP-based blocking is not a foolproof method for blocking visitors, but it is a necessary step ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I install the ngx_http_geoip2_module module ? on Centos

I installed the GeoIP package using yum. I got the geoIP files in the /usr/share/GeoIP/ folder. I need to add some rules on some countries in the: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and to do that i need to load ...
Attila Naghi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why GCP Kubernetes Node host location for europe-north1 seems to be in US?

I am new to both Google Cloud Platform and K8s. I have launched Kubernetes cluster in GCP and chosen europe-north1 as the region (europe-north1-a as the zone). When I try to run my application on ...
Umeetiusbaarus's user avatar