Questions tagged [git]

Git is a distributed source control system.

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1 answer

teamcity, setup vcs root using bitbucket (git) behind proxy server

I've installed TeamCity on a Windows Server 2012 box behind a corporate firewall that requires user authentication via a proxy server to access the internet. I want to connect TeamCity to Bitbucket (...
Mike's user avatar
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1 answer

No Git deployment for Ghost blog deployed to Azure

I have deployed Ghost to an Azure (Shared) web app using the One-Click option here. I am trying to get at the source code but there is no option for Git deployment in the Azure portal: I have tried ...
NRKirby's user avatar
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Elastix 2.5 - Change settings via WEB GUI does NOT take effect

My PBX system is currently running Elastix 2.5, which has been installed & configured about three months ago. For maintaining purpose, I have used etckeeper to tracking changes in /etc folder, ...
xuansamdinh's user avatar
1 vote
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Making backup copy of whole git server with all repos

I have found that I can fully backup a git repo, backup a bare repo and much more. What I am interested in, though, is, how to backup the whole git server with all repos - daily, onto a server in a ...
Alexander's user avatar
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1 answer

Gitlab omnibus fails to add ssh key

tldr: there is no /home/git directory where .ssh/authorized_keys should be. Is this the expected with Omnibus installs? System is Debian 8.2 I'm trying to set up ssh keys for my gitlab user. I can ...
danielr's user avatar
0 votes
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How to merge Git and GitLab users

I am running a new GitLab 8.3 installation and I have imported my old/existing Git repositories. For commits that were created before switching to GitLab, it displays a link to that person's email ...
Erik Berkun-Drevnig's user avatar
2 votes
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Nginx / git / fastcgi server not working

I set up all the needed components for a Git server on Nginx using FastCGI and followed the combined suggestions of a few tutorials to end up with this configuration: server { listen 80; listen [:...
Lemon Drop's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Backing up a complete Git server

I have a CentOs 7.1 and a Git Server installed on it. The Git Server is configured with SSH keys so users need a passphrase and a private key to connect to the server. There are currently 7 ...
kiltek's user avatar
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1 answer

Automated app-deployment on cloud server

I've been hosting my applications at AWS EC2 and one of these days I tried OpenShift, what I liked of it was that the whole deployment process is automated, but I disliked the pricing since I know ...
Jonathan Solorzano's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

GitLab CE post-commit custom hook not working

I use GitLab Community Edition 8.2 and want to add post-commit hook. I created file path_to_project.git/custom_hooks/post-commit with rights $ ls -l1 custom_hooks/post-commit -rwxr-xr-x 1 git git 45 ...
strangeman's user avatar
-1 votes
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Syncing MySQL backup with GIT tags

We have a large Yii2 / PHP application using MySQL database and versioned by GIT. The application is under continuous development as customer require new features. The database gets changed quite ...
WeSee's user avatar
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1 answer

SSL certificate issue with git operation on pfsense

I have installed pfsense latest version and user are working on Phpstorm and Netbeans editors with git (https). On gateway, I have installed pfsense server and configure transparent proxy using squid+...
Nullpointer's user avatar
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Not able to provide Git-Repositories with Apache to remote clients

I have X Git-Repositories on a Debian Server and want to provide them via Apache. I also want to use the Redmine Authentication with the Repositories, but I would be even great, if I could access the ...
Twinhand's user avatar
2 votes
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git deployment to aws elastic beanstalk multiple tiers

We're using git and eb to deploy our elastic beanstalk application on aws, but have just added a worker layer. Given that so much of the code is common (models, etc etc), it seems sensible to have a ...
stevemarvell's user avatar
2 votes
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Symlinking config files

Our server has various services with it's own config file. Nginx, Dovecot, Postfix... All these config files are located in their own /etc/{service} directory. I'm trying to move these files to a ...
Jordi Kroon's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Git clone from on EC2 server using SSH keys

We have setup a EC2 build server and would like to use SSH keys to clone the repo. Steps taken: cd ~/.ssh ssh-keygen -t rsa created config: host HostName IdentityFile ...
Michael Hobbs's user avatar
1 vote
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Cronjob to push MongoDB Backup via git

Task: Create a Cronjob that executes a bash script once every night. The bash script should do a mongoDB Backup and push it to a Git Repo. So I created a cronjob as the root user via the crontab -e ...
Martin Golpashin's user avatar
3 votes
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Professional workflows to Deploy via Git?

I have written a set of bash + crontab scripts that basically let me take a new linux server and deploy a git repo to it. All fine and good, but it's a rather piecemeal process and am wondering if ...
JasonS's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Ansible with Github: Permission denied (Publickey)

I'm trying to understand the GitHub ssh configuration with Ansible (I'm working on the Ansible: Up & Running book). I'm running into two issues. Permission denied (publickey) - When I first ran ...
Sandwich Heat's user avatar
-1 votes
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Downloading .sh file from git repository [closed]

I am trying to download a file from my git repository onto a VM, and I do so running the following command: curl -O "" -k After I run this command I see ...
user2019182's user avatar
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Failure resistant git pull on a lossy and flaky connection

We have servers deployed in buses and trains with internet dongles attached. These servers at regular intervals do a git pull to update the codebase deployed on them. Now, due to lossy and flaky ...
Kartik's user avatar
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Configure Gitlab to work with a non bundled Nginx server using different port than 80

I have an Ubuntu 14.4 server which has Nginx on it, I installed Gitlab omnibus package on it which is bundled with it's own Nginx server, So for the sake of using only one Nginx server to save ...
Muhamad Bhaa Asfour's user avatar
1 vote
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Mirror team foundation server 2015 git repo to bitbucket

I have a tfs 2015 server with a git repo. When a developer carries out a sync, I would like tfs to also push the changes to bitbucket git repo. Can anyone suggest any solution to this?
Yash's user avatar
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Using git on os x 10.10 with samba

We have a development environment set up where we have two local machines (Macs with osx 10.10) and a linux box (Dev server) running ubuntu 14.4. Samba has been set up in order to share files ...
Alex Turner's user avatar
2 votes
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Debian/Apache - Set up a git server + gitweb without virtualhost

I'm struggling to set up a clean and working git server with gitweb without virtualhost. Software Debian 8 Apache 2.4 Initial setup mod userdir activated Apache DocumentRoot is /home/user/...
kursus's user avatar
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Jenkins: use ssh-agent and git plugins together

So, I have the following situation: a server with dedicated users for each project (e.g. foo) and a jenkins server which runs as a jenkins user. I've generated an SSH key pair for my foo user and ...
Creynders's user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

File permissions issue on OS X El Capitan and SMB share

Since we upgraded to OSX El Capitan we experienced some strange file permissions errors with our SMB server. We have a ubuntu server machine hosting our working files over a SMB shared folder to each ...
Ambroise Maupate's user avatar
7 votes
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Jenkins User Credentials Not Showing In Project

So I have Jenkins-CI running with the plugins: Credentials Credentials Binding Git First what I did in order to authenticate Git with the remote repository, is I added credentials to the server to ...
Qyriad's user avatar
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3 votes
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Puppet: how to install git package from Debian wheezy-backports?

I am using the Apt module ( and have added an entry for the Debian wheezy backports repository: apt::source { 'wheezy-backports': location => '...
nn4l's user avatar
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Using an HTTPS/SSL Certificate to establish the authenticity of an SSH session

I've just registered my website so people can accesses by HTTPS (and will be forced to, HSTS & redirects are part of configuration). It's set up with GitLab. I can access my repositories via ...
Sudrien's user avatar
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pm2 throws error in git hook

My Server throws an error if the following git post-receive hook is called: #!/bin/sh # pm2 start main.js --name powerapp If the command is entered by one by one into the terminal it will work. So ...
user1255102's user avatar
0 votes
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Build meteor app in custom GitLab hook

How do I build a meteor app (do 'meteor build .') in a GitLab custom hook? The custom hook is run by the user git who does not seem to have any possibility to run meteor build. Therefore I want to ...
user1255102's user avatar
0 votes
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Can I deploy a war or java web application into Azure with git?

I allways use control version to develop webs and apps. Now we will make an java web app and deploy it in Microsoft Azure and I've seen that you can upload content with git. But in the case of java ...
PhoneixS's user avatar
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Change Git server path

I have a Ubuntu 14.04 system with Git installed. I use it as a Git server for some of my code projects. To get my repository I currently have to use the Repository URL ssh://myserver/home/myuser/...
Socrates's user avatar
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Enabling SSH for deploy of a bitbucket git repo

I'm trying to deploy my git repo to my server. To make this work I first needed to setup ssh on my locale computer and on my server. for bitbucket I followed
Markus's user avatar
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deployment tool with feature branches

I would like to use a deployment tool that allows me to deploy feature branches, i.e., I would like to deploy every branch of my Git repository. In all deployment tools (e.g., Jenkins, Go, DeployBot,....
Nico Schlömer's user avatar
0 votes
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Using GIT to push to several node instances in docker containers

I am planning to setup a Docker environment with several docker containers for various services. These services include a few node instances of the same website. I develop on my local machine and ...
Karl Morrison's user avatar
4 votes
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Ansible git clone from private repo in Stash

For the life of me I can not figure out why I can not clone a private repo from Stash. Think I have tried: 1) Create 'ansible.cfg' with [ssh_connection] ssh_args = -o ForwardAgent=yes On my ...
Mazzi's user avatar
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Bacula configuration management in git, without passwords

I'd like to to use git to start managing our Bacula configuration files, but want to keep out (or mask) the passwords in these files. I've considered: looked for a setting within Bacula that allows ...
pufferfish's user avatar
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linking a local windows git repository to the aws linux git server

I want to create a git server on my aws linux server so that whenever I want to update my website in the public_html I dont have to manually transfer files to the server, I want to make use of git, ...
Chaddy Kumbirai Rungwe's user avatar
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SSH over WAN through reverse proxy to LAN git server

We have an URL to our external IP to our gateway that connects to a CentOS nginx reverse proxy behind which sits our CentOS6 Gitlab server on the company LAN Through this we currently have http ...
Toby's user avatar
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Automatically change remote user with sshfs

I have two remote servers, foo and bar. On both servers I have a user git (with different uid and gid). Both servers are running Debian distributions. Both servers have their each others' root ssh ...
Marandil's user avatar
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2 votes
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GitLab Automatic deploy

I will be creating a gitlab server at my school to host class code. I wish to make it so that every time any user pushes to gitlab it automatically deploys the project to /var/www/gitdeploy/<repo-...
Kaiden Prince's user avatar
1 vote
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Can't call "git reset" inside git post-update hook?

I have set up a git repository for my webpage (it's simple HTML, generated from markdown by Pandoc). The repository will only be updated remotely by me, and I have successfully configured it to work ...
Jay's user avatar
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Gitlab - "Server refused public-key signature despite accepting key" on a valid key

I need some help with keys. On my windows 7 machine I have created a pair of keys using Puttygen in order to connect to a private gitlab site. In the gitlab I've added my public key to my profile. I'...
A-Palgy's user avatar
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Git post-receive not working but post-commit does

Long story short, I created a test repo on github, cloned it locally on my linux machine. Created a post-commit hook with the following content: #!/bin/bash echo Test message Added perms 777 for the ...
Biggie Mac's user avatar
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Git fatal: unable to write new_index file

We are a web development company that is transitioning to Git. Eventually we intend to run it fully locally but at the moment we have development websites hosted on a Linux server, which is also ...
MikkyX's user avatar
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git clone ssh syntax difference?

Setup There is a host (H1) running gitlab-ce git server within a docker container (C1). The host's OpenSSH server runs on port 22 and provides a host key keyH. The gitlab container provides its own ...
ITL's user avatar
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66 votes
12 answers

Install a newer version of Git on CentOS 7

I like to enable Git "Push to Deploy" on my CentOS 7 server. Currently I only can get Git via yum. I need a newer version. Do I have to build it from source or is there any repo I can use? I ...
Oliver's user avatar
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5 votes
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Git: expire ssh keys just like passwords expire?

I'm setting up git in a corporate environment. Git operations will be primarily though SSH using a single account with SSH keys used for access control. (http will be used for account configuration, ...
Mort's user avatar
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