Questions tagged [graph]

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Why am I not able to revoke GraphAPI Permissions in Graph Explorer Sandbox?

When I go to and log in with my Azure account, I cannot revoke access to mail.send: And am presented with this message: "You require ...
Tikhon's user avatar
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HaProxy Configuration For Microsoft Graph API and OAuth Token

I am not an expert with HA proxy, that can be the first reason for my requests getting failed. I have a Java application that is on a server which dont have access to Internet. Access is only ...
Rehan Azher's user avatar
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Powershell Graph API: Cannot use AND within $search

I don't seem to be able to use AND in $search. Below just returns everything in the mailbox. What did I do wrong? $api = '[email protected]/messages?$search=...
Blue Tongue's user avatar
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Get-IntuneManagedDevice fails to return devices with an implied "Default" scope tag

We explicitly assign a scope tag to a group of devices. When looking at the properties of these devices they only show the assigned Scope Tag, not the implied "Default" scope tag. This works ...
Nathan Hartley's user avatar
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Reduced speed for Microsoft Graph API

Over the past two days the speed for retrieval of data through the Microsoft Graph API has diminished tremendously. Downloads that used to take above 5 to 10 seconds have now increased to 30 seconds ...
Noel's user avatar
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Zabbix 5 lack of individual charts.php page - how to restore?

As I can see Zabbix 5.x have no charts.php page so no way to get individual graph displayed without loading all graphs for the host. I tried to copy charts.php from 4.4.10 to 5.0 - no luck, it won't ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Plotting 2 distinct y-axis using rrdtool

I would like to create a graph with 2 different data sources for y-axis. For example, I would like to measure averages of some population on the left Y-axis, and I have another data source which ...
Rasmus's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is it possible to add another graph 10 years to munin?

Is it possible to add a fifth graph (following after day, week, month, year), e.g. "10 years" to munin? If yes, is it possible without losing the existing data/graphs?
hellcode's user avatar
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Moving docker storage to new (encrypted) location

I am trying to move docker image storage. OS Linux Mint 18.3 I tried multiple approaches including: daemon-configuration-file /etc/docker/daemon.json { "graph": "/new/dir/docker"} modifying ...
Juraj Bezručka's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there a better way to analyze Varnish hit rate

I currently analyze varnish hit rate like this While this is good, a major part of the request the server services is non-cacheable. This brings down the hit rate drastically. How can I modify this ...
Quintin Par's user avatar
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Cacti gets data but does not show a graph

I use Cacti to monitor the call load of a Squire MG1000. I have created a graph using the SNMP Generic OID template. In the graph overview, I also see data for current, average and maximum calls but ...
Sven's user avatar
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Generate graph in Grafana from API

I'm looking for a way to generate an arbitrary graph from the Grafana API, ideally by just feeding it a query. After looking in the doc I don't see anything to do it directly, so the only way I can ...
Ulrar's user avatar
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Grafana: can it graph the change in two measurements?

I'm trying to find a way to measure the delta of two measurements in a Grafana graph. For example, I have chart one with a plotted point 1 equal to 100 and five minutes later point 2 is 75, the second ...
Bart Silverstrim's user avatar
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difference between snmpwalk and check_snmp_int

what is the difference between check_snmp_int and snmpwalk command to get the ifInOctects my check_snmp_int gives wrong values for bandwith monitoring , ifInOctects and ...
xxxx's user avatar
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10 min. bursts of CPU usage: how can I find out which processes are the cause?

The CPU usage graph above was generated by running psensor overnight on my linux box. Note the 10 minute bursts of activity consuming up to 40% of the Xeon. The machine ought to have been at idle ...
mike's user avatar
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2 answers

Aggregated munin graphs file is empty

I'm unable to aggregate some custom graphs I wrote. I know aggregation is functional, because I'm able to aggregate default plugins, but am unsure what's wrong with mine. munin.conf: [myapp;web-...
w00t's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to change grafana units of measurement on Y-axis? [closed]

I am gathering data from servers by collectd and store it in the graphite. I want to use grafana dashboards. I am trying to create visualisation for memory plugin. In graphite I am seeing data in Mb, ...
Lad's user avatar
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Using multiple instances of rrdcached on a single server?

I'm trying to figure out the best way to use rrdcached on a single server for multiple graphing tools. Currently I'm using cacti, observium and collectd on the same server (running CentOS 6.7) that ...
croax's user avatar
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Exclude field in munin chart

I have written my first Munin plugin to monitor my WAN traffic at home. The chart includes the actual traffic (as DERIVE) and the maximum possible speed (as GAUGE) for my Internet connection. I want ...
Christian Stade-Schuldt's user avatar
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Zabbix graphs : using a previous timeshift as a background

I want to improve my zabbix graphs, Something like desribed in this netflix article (about sps) Show current data under the ...
Korjavin Ivan's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Munin not plotting all disks

I've inherited a fun munin set up, so this may end up being something weird. I've got a Windows Server 2008 server running "Munin Node For Windows". With the munin-server running on a separate linux ...
THJSmith's user avatar
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Export munin data, import it and rebuilt html and graph

I am trying to read data collected from a server to an other server. Reading Change a Munin server and keep the data seems show a way to do this. exporting rrd database using rrdtool dump importing ...
mpromonet's user avatar
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How do I get statistics on HTTP traffic from Wireshark? [closed]

I have captured traffic with dumpcap and filtered http only with Wireshark. I want to see statistics about that http traffic. For example: requests grouped by method and URL, ordered by number of ...
Wojtek's user avatar
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Munin reading apache graph

Do I understand / read Munin apache Graph correct that today aroung lunch (12:00) 9 Clients visited apache +- 50 processes were running at this time and the load was around 50K / s?
Anatol's user avatar
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Zabbix cross-host dependency in graph during upgrade

We are planning to switch from currently installed zabbix 2.0.1 to latest version. There is custom graph which aggregates few metrics from hosts in one group. Graph created and associated with one of ...
gemelen's user avatar
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2 answers

Munin bandwidth_ plugin not showing data

I'm trying to graph the cummulative bandwidth on an interface using Munin. Apparently there is a bandwidth_ plugin for this (see
SaeX's user avatar
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Generate CPU, memory, disk and network graphs from command-line [closed]

I would like to periodically (e.g. using cron) generate an image (e.g. png) containing graphs for CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O load and network usage. I would like something not too ugly, so a ...
Suzanne Soy's user avatar
2 votes
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Submit NULL values in Zabbix passive checks

Recently I configured some passive checks in Zabbix. Now, I saw that some checks failed for some periods of time, but this is not clear when looking at the chart. It seems that the value was stable ...
Daniel Alder's user avatar
20 votes
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Error - Unable to find `dot` command of the GraphViz package

Ubuntu precise (12.04.1 LTS) I'm rather new to PEAR. I installed PEAR. Then, using pear I installed phpdoc. It seems to be working great except for the graphing functions. I ran this command: /...
Buttle Butkus's user avatar
1 vote
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Aggregating more than two RRDs in RRDGraph returns empty graph

I am using rrd graph to manually generate a graph of aggregated data, based on RRDs that were collected via PNP4Nagios. My issue is that when I try and aggregate more than two sources, I get a blank ...
Geekman's user avatar
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Visualizing IO other then seekwatcher

Is there any other programs that can generate visuals/graphs/diagrams (movie and pictures) to visualize IO across a full device other then seekwatcher? NOTE: seekwatcher generates visuals(pic/movie) ...
kossboss's user avatar
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Munin disable dynazoom.html

Doing a quick google search for "Munin dynazoom.html doesn't work" yields many results. There doesn't seem to be a solution that works -- at least not that I have seen. I have munin installed on a ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Munin Interpretation - Server Limits

I've installed Munin to monitor my debian (squeeze) webserver (2 x Intel Quad Xeon 4x2.66GHz, 16GB RAM, 2x1000GB HDD Raid). There are around 50k visits per day. The scripts are very simple and there ...
Wolfgang Pürstner's user avatar
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Using munin for server monitoring

I want to use munin for monitoring my VPS servers. I'm just interested is it possible to use it without apache installing? So is it possible to install only munin-node on each node I want to monitor ...
Erik's user avatar
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Graph arbitrary data on the command line

I'm currently debugging an issue where I see a large number of threads in my application hanging on to a database connection even though they are asleep, often the threads sleep for a significant ...
Lee Hambley's user avatar
4 votes
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munin / rrdtool how to create graph with Y axis has different down and up scales?

It is possible to tell MUMIN plugin draw graph with different up and down Y axis scales? I looked for this on Internet but found nothing. I read mumin docs, but this points to RRDtool docs. In last ...
Znik's user avatar
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How to make munin graph (derive or counter) not per second?

I have values: 10:00 - 505 11:00 - 507 12:00 - 510 13:00 - 525 and i want get graph: 11:00 - 2 12:00 - 3 13:00 - 15 but have per second(munin run every 5 minutes): 11:00 - 2/300 12:00 - 3/300 13:...
askovpen's user avatar
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Make a new cacti graph by summing the values ​​of another graph

I just start using cacti and I would like to know if it is possible to create a new graph from the sum of values in an other graph (not in the same one) . For instance, I have a graph with: Memory ...
Virtuose's user avatar
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munin aggregate graph problems

Munin is driving me crazy. I'm trying to get an aggregate graph working. Here is my conf file: [Mydomain;machine-1] address use_node_name yes [Mydomain;machine-2] address
astralfenix's user avatar
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How to operate the plugin of munin membyuser?

I can not run this plugin membyuser The graph is not shown eg screenshots munin-node is configured as follows: /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node ... [membyuser] env.USERS user1 user2 user3 user4 ....
Max121's user avatar
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5 answers

Can Salt (Saltstack) gather and relay data for Graphite, Ganglia, or Zenoss?

I'm starting a new project and considering using Ansible or Salt for deployment automation and, perhaps, more sophisticated orchestration (server management and federation). With Salt I'm wondering ...
Jim Dennis's user avatar
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Munin Apache graphs have disappeared

I'm running Apache2 and Munin on Ubuntu 12.04. All of my Munin graphs are showing up fine (cpu, memory, etc.), except for the Apache graphs. The Apache graphs were working at one point, which you ...
Jordan Magnuson's user avatar
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How to monitor a remote Postgresql Amazon EC2 database through Munin?

How can I monitor a remote postgresql database on Amazon EC2 using Munin? I would like to graph the number of reads, writes, and total database operations.
deadlock's user avatar
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Monitoring memory of AIX 5.3 LPARs

I'm currently administrating an IBM Power 740 server via an HMC. We have four LPARs running, two VIOS LPARs, one application LPAR and one database LPAR. We have implemented lpar2rrd to monitor CPU ...
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2 votes
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Bind Statistics (How to graph them into Cacti)

I have seen a couple of post on SF like; Find out how many DNS Queries/month via WHM or SSH? Nameserver usage I want to graph statistics on 2 bind resolvers and 2 bind authoritative servers (into ...
Baldrick's user avatar
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Munin throwing errors with fresh install

I just installed munin on a fresh ubuntu system, munin node throwing the following errors: 2013/01/30-21:10:02 CONNECT TCP Peer: "[::ffff:]:39316" Local: "[::ffff:]:4949" Use of ...
user156646's user avatar
3 votes
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Restore min/avg/max graphs in Munin 2

I just migrated from Munin 1.4 to Munin 2.0.6 on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS. The weekly graphs no longer show min/max values, only the avg. How do i get those back? Thanks Maciej
Maciej Swic's user avatar
2 votes
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Munin load from several servers in same graph

I'm attempting to compare load averages from several severs using using Munin 1.4.6-3ubuntu3 by combining multiple hosts in a single graph. My attempt: [;Totals] load.graph_title Load load....
Jon Skarpeteig's user avatar
5 votes
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Munin aggregate graphs are not working

I know this has been asked in several times on many forums before, but still I am struck with similar problem. Individual graphs are working fine however, aggregate graphs are not. I don't even get ...
user142148's user avatar
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Move Munin on new server with old data

I have to move my Munin instance on new server. I've installed from package (Debian) Munin 2.x. All was fine, but ... I copied /var/lib/munin to new server. But after updating munin overwrite old data ...
Rafał Kamiński's user avatar