Questions tagged [gre]

Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) is a tunneling protocol, developed by Cisco.

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3 answers

Set up a GRE tunnel with Cisco PIX-506 v6.3

I'm trying to establish one half of a GRE tunnel, the other being configured by my service provider. I have a Cisco PIX-506-E running Firewall version 6.3(5). Provider Router Public IP: My ...
Antonius Bloch's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Multicraft: Port Forwarding through a GRE Tunnel

For the past week I've been attempting to protect a server from DOS attacks by utilizing a GRE tunnel from a VPS to a dedicated machine without much success. Visual: User --> VPS --> Dedicated ...
Brian McDonald's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple GRE NAT router

Does there exist a router that supports multiple GRE connections over NAT? Im currently running pfSense, and it only supports 1 at a time. I understand why, its just a drag as there are multiple ...
Devnull's user avatar
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using a gre tunnel as default route

I have two private networks (A, B) that connects via another company's private network (C). Network A has internet access. I want to make a tunnel between B and A that goes through C. Then network B ...
Sirber's user avatar
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IP/GRE compiled in kernel but gre0 interface doesnt exist

Im trying to create IP over GRE tunnel but i get No such device: ip tunnel add gre0 mode gre remote local ttl 255 ioctl: No such device I have compiled GRE support in ...
MABC's user avatar
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