Questions tagged [httpd]

httpd is a typical process name of a web server.

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redhat apache web server configuration

I log into a new server as root. Once I log in I su username which allows me to choose test or production. When I choose test I run httpd -v from the bash prompt and get the apache version What ...
Vibration Of Life's user avatar
2 votes
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Httpd restart "Address already in use" error

I have an .rpm, which I created. In its %post part, I do some stuff, and in the end of this script, i call service httpd restart. It gives the following error: + service httpd restart Stopping httpd: ...
0xmtn's user avatar
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mod_access for lighttpd causes a 403 error for all POST requests

I have found on my debian server that running the lighttpd module mod_access is causing the server to response with a 403 to all POST requests. It's very odd as I have two servers, one is running as ...
Samuel Parkinson's user avatar
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Perl scripts can't be run from an alias

I created the following Alias in httpd.conf: alias /aliasedfolder /some/location/on/the/server/folder <Location /aliasedfolder> AddHandler cgi-script .pl Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI ...
Haydar Al-Rikabi's user avatar
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centos 6 debuginfo repository does not have httpd debug version available

I am trying to get the debug version of httpd so I can use it in conjunction with gdb. I am having a hard time getting them, and they don't seem to be in the standard epel-debuginfo repository. What ...
Zippy Zeppoli's user avatar
3 votes
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Apache mod_spdy - Enable/Disable per Virtualhost

As the title suggests, i'm looking at mod_spdy and wondering if i can only enable it on certain VirtualHosts in apache, or if it's an 'all or nothing' kind of thing like PHP.
Stewart's user avatar
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trying to use mod_proxy with httpd and tomcat

I been trying to use mod_proxy with httpd and tomcat... I have on VirtualBox running Scientific Linux which has httpd and tomcat 6 on it.. I made two nodes of tomcat6. I followed this guide like 10 ...
techsjs2012's user avatar
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VirtualBox and CentOS 6, cannot connect to httpd after reboot

VirtualBox and CentOS 6, cannot connect to httpd after reboot from host. if I do a iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT then it works but everytime I reboot I have to log in as ...
techsjs2012's user avatar
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mod_authnz_ldap not finding objects but can't figure out why?

from the console I run: ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=psikon,dc=net -LLL -W and I get an entry: dn: cn=megatron,ou=Executive,dc=psikon,dc=net sn: megatron objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: top ...
Alex Dow's user avatar
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ProxyPass on httpd breaking encoding

We are sending content with multibyte character data to proxypass, which is converting the characters to %uFFFD when it hits our database. How do i prevent httpd from messing with the encoding like ...
Barry Chapman's user avatar
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What are the minimum required modules to run WordPress

Recently a 'consultant' came in to talk to bean counters at my place of employment, with regards to being more efficient with our IT infrastructure. They suggested to be more efficient we should only ...
Mister IT Guru's user avatar
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Httpd Auth login restriction

I have problem with Authorization in httpd. when I connect to http:/user1 the login screen pop up and user1,user2 can login and show the user1's data. how can I create a rule that user1 can only ...
stefanus's user avatar
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Installing distcache on CentOS 6.3

I'm trying to re-build our server based on CentOS 6.3 and i can't seem to find the distcache rpm. I have it on my 5.8 CentOS: [root@server]# yum list distcache Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, ...
Kuf's user avatar
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Spawning HTTPD processes

Can any confirm how Apache spawns new children ? As in if I connect to a webserver (HTTP 1.0 / no keep alive) and issue a HTTP /GET I will be spawned a new HTTPD child. If then issue another HTTP /...
RickD's user avatar
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Host name change breaking http? Fedora

OK so I have been messing around on my development server. It has been a while since I have had my head in linux and I suspect I have broken something. I have SSH running and that is working fine. I ...
Dave's user avatar
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Apache - How to Ignore Paths and Paramaters in 301 Redirect

Say I want all requests to to redirect to How can I make everything redirect to the root of and not include any paths or parameters included in For example ...
Greg_the_Ant's user avatar
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How to tell httpd to preserve the proxied error message?

I have an httpd server proxying the requests to 2 different tomcat servers. One of my server handles the authentication and returns a specific http error code 521 when the user already have a running ...
poussma's user avatar
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Apache Alias / VirtualHost run as different user

I tried to create an alias or virtual host to run as different user. Well below is part of apache httpd.conf that doesn't work. Or, is it even possible? <VirtualHost blah:80> user ...
checksum's user avatar
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Apache HTTPd : How is possible to display "Too many connections"

I want to limit the number of client allowed on my apache httpd server (mpm_prefork). When the number of client is reached, I want to display a custom error message such as "Error 503 : Too many ...
Cyrus31's user avatar
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Mysql and Apache don't free memory after ending connections

My server goes down repeatedly. using htop I found that mysql and apache use almost all of RAM memory. When I restart apache everything is ok, but after a while httpd and mysql take all memory as you ...
user16948's user avatar
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Checking problems with running a new site on CentOS

I have an empty CentOS 6.3 box. I need to run multiple websites from this server. Things that I have done so far are: Installed Apache, MySQL, PHP and PHP modules by following this article. I created ...
gentrobot's user avatar
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The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server

I have tomcat server behind the apache. I am using mod_ssl and reverse proxy to the tomcat. All are running at default ports. The full error is as follow. ack Proxy Error The proxy server received ...
chandank's user avatar
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Apache virtual server httpd-vhosts undocumented issue

I have read the Apache documentation on the https-vhosts.conf file and after a couple of hours fighting this problem, figured it out on my own. Here's the situation: We have a domain that ends in a ....
Ethon Bridges's user avatar
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Apache as backend server doesnt kill childs

I have apache as backend server for nginx. Here is my config for prefork MPM which i use: StartServers 1 MinSpareServers 1 MaxSpareServers 5 MaxClients 10 ...
kirugan's user avatar
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How to fix NameVirtualHost*:80 has no VirtualHosts on Apache2 first time Install?

I have made my first server following a tutorial here setting up domains on Apache2. When I try running /etc/init.d/apache2 restart I get this error: [Mon Oct 29 11:47:17 2012] [warn] ...
TheBlackBenzKid's user avatar
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Cannot Able To Start Named services in ssh

My web application was working fine. Bu i would like to remove port number from address. One of forum person suggested me link and i ...
AJIT RANA's user avatar
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Apache: graceful kill fail, sending SIGKILL. How much is too much?

On Apache/2.2.15, is it normal to have one or two "[warn] mod_fcgid: process XXXXX graceful kill fail, sending SIGKILL" per day? After all it's a warning, not an error. Thanks
Gaia's user avatar
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upgrade centos apache to httpd-2.2.23

A security vulnerability was found in Apache in April 2012 that is a PCI compliance issue: I have always kept my servers (CentOS) up to ...
Tim Duncklee's user avatar
6 votes
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How do I configure apache to accept a client ssl certificate (if present) or authenticate using ldap (if the cert is absent)?

I have an Apache server that serves up mercurial repositories and it currently authenticates using ldap credentials. I want to permit a single user (to start with) to use a SSL client certificate, ...
jmwood051's user avatar
4 votes
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Apache httpd processes and PHP out of memory

I have a VPS running apache-php-mysql on centos and a single drupal website installed. The VPS has 256MB of RAM (could be the root cause of all my problems... maybe I just need more). Whenever I try ...
Ofri's user avatar
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apache being flooded?

I have a linux apache server which was running fine until a few days ago. What happened is from the access log there are lines like this, and the log file is growing by many lines every second. ...
Daniel's user avatar
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httpd 2.4 missing directives

I just setup httpd 2.4 on an Amazone AMI and I noticed in the httpd.conf file there are alot of directives missing compared to a 2.2 conf file. For example: ServerTokens, Timeout, Server Signature, ...
CraigH's user avatar
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httpd, vsftpd and the annoying selinux

I have a CentOS 6.3 installed with httpd running and vsftpd but I am unable to balance permission between the user able to upload over ftp and their website working. What I do: I create a user with ...
Christian's user avatar
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Apache httpd LDAP integration

I am configuring a CollabNet Subversion integration. I have the following collabnet_subversion.conf file: <Location /svn> DAV svn SVNParentPath /mnt/svn/new_repos SVNListParentPath on ...
David W.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Apache won't start on DirectAdmin server: Invalid command 'RMode' [closed]

I have a problem with my server's httpd service. When I try to start it, it returns the following error: Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 28 of /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/dnsbeheer/httpd....
Roeliee's user avatar
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Httpd Access error in installing joomla template

I am installing templates in joomla then i am getting this Alert in fedora 17 . How can i provide access to httpd to create the directory or files . SELinux is preventing /usr/sbin/httpd from ...
behinddwalls's user avatar
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How to log slow HTTP responses

How does one log slow HTTP responses? I'm using Lighttpd, but could switch to another webserver if necessary. Apache can log response times, but not conditionally, it seems.
XTF's user avatar
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AD GIT SELinux RHEL 6 : Can not get SELinux to allow connetion to git

I have a problem with SELinux! I have installed git on Red Hat Enterprise 6 with AD group control and SSL Cert . Everything works fine if I do setenforce 0 ( set SELinux in detection only mode ) or ...
Johan Sörell's user avatar
10 votes
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Why does apache httpd tell me that my name-based virtualhosts only works with SNI enabled browers (RFC 4366)

Why does apache give me this error message in my logs? Is it a false positive? [warn] Init: Name-based SSL virtual hosts only work for clients with TLS server name indication support (RFC 4366) I ...
Arlukin's user avatar
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httpd Redirect / Rewrite .com to .org

I am trying to redirect a to I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong. I have ensured that mod_rewrite is enabled in httpd.conf with: LoadModule rewrite_module ...
David W's user avatar
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Apache httpd Java Application?

I have an Apache httpd server (not Tomcat) installation with various applications running on it. One application that I just "installed" is a Java application. The application was installed into the '...
hacket's user avatar
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Apache LDAP auth: denied all time

There is my config (httpd 2.4): <AuthnProviderAlias ldap zzzldap> LDAPReferrals Off AuthLDAPURL "ldaps://*)" AuthLDAPBindDN "uid=zzz,ou=...
Dee's user avatar
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centos server running cakephp can't access remote mysql server

centos server running cakephp can't access remote mysql server but can access via pdo connect outside of cake I can connect using the myslq commandline client using the same credentials and options. ...
mugafuga's user avatar
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Reporting Penetration Attempts to My Server

I need a log file of penetration attempts to my server. Ideally, this log should contain all attempts including logins, HTTPD activities, FTP activities, NFS, and other conventional open ports. ...
lashgar's user avatar
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Is this an OK way to install Apache with SSL on CentOS 6?

I'm setting up a CentOS 6 server on a VPS. I've worked with Apache before, but I've never dealt with CentOS 6. I guess it would just be this right? sudo yum install httpd -y sudo yum install mod_ssl ...
Agvorth's user avatar
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Securing SSL requests with mod_cluster?

In case I have both the httpd and JBoss in secure LAN, is it possible to terminate SSL requests at httpd, and pass the request to available JBoss via mod_cluster? Any idea what configuration involved?...
SyRenity's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to run PhantomJS on CentOS with SELinux?

I'm trying to make a screenshot using PhantomJS on my CentOS 5 machine, but I can't get it to work together with SELinux. It works on an identical machine with SELinux disabled, so I really suspect ...
Dennis Bunskoek's user avatar
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Grep /var/log for hacker/script kiddy activity and e-mail?

CentOS 6 Apache Server version: Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) Thinking about how to automatically, once a day, grep all the logs in /var/log/httpd for hacker, phishing, etc activity and e-mail it to myself so ...
Jason's user avatar
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Is it possibile to use different web server for different domain?

There are few things to add to the title. Suppose we have a domain and a domain and we want the first to be served by apache and the second to be served by nginx (both running on the ...
Zagorax's user avatar
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How to use the correct PHP version? phpinfo says another version

Fedora 17. I have a PHP version installed on my system, let name it as phpMain. And I've compiled another PHP version from source using this option: ./configure --prefix=/opt/php/5.x.y I will ...
GarouDan's user avatar
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