Questions tagged [httpd]

httpd is a typical process name of a web server.

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Apache status says stopped but still httpd process running

I am new to Apache, the server Apache status stopped but still the process is running. The web page is serving properly. When i tried to restart the process, it's not. I believe the parent process is ...
sridhar raj's user avatar
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Apache httpd mod_rewrite with Tomcat resulting in lost JSESSIONID

I'm working on a Java web application, for which I recently implemented an authentication module that relies on the JSESSIONID cookie to identify users. I was testing on a local tomcat from eclipse ...
sldk's user avatar
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Installing Apache httpd 2.4 "--with-included-apr"

I'm trying to install Apache httpd 2.4.9 on a bare CentOS 6.5 server. Using the command ./configure --prefix=/etc/httpd --with-included-apr, the installation of httpd goes smoothly until it gets to ...
Baez's user avatar
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httpd, vsftpd and the annoying selinux

I have a CentOS 6.3 installed with httpd running and vsftpd but I am unable to balance permission between the user able to upload over ftp and their website working. What I do: I create a user with ...
Christian's user avatar
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Apache not showing a test page when I browse to the server running it

I have set up a CentOS 5.5 server with Apache on it. The httpd service starts just fine (no warnings at all), and I was under the impression that I should see an Apache test page if I was to browse to ...
David Gard's user avatar
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Run cgi-script on commandline as user www?

I'm running FreeBSD 7 and apache-2.2.13. I am trying to debug a cgi script at . This script is a simple script written in Bourne shell. I would like to run ...
Stefan Lasiewski's user avatar
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Installed apache server , can't connect from outside (using CentOS in WMware )

I installed Apache in CentOS 5.5, after searching the web for tips on configuration I did the following to enable connecting the HTTP server from outside: In /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf I changed the ...
user61104's user avatar
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Why does rhel/centos store apache conf files the way it does?

I've started administering a clutch of CentOS based webservers in a new job, and after a couple of years of using debian based linux servers, I've got fairly comfortable with the apache file structure ...
Chris Adams's user avatar
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How do I separate Apache server log entries for a domain that is different than my server's?

I'm using the following version of Apache ... httpd -v Server version: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) Server built: Apr 24 2019 13:45:48 I have a lot of entries in my /var/log/httpd/access_log file that ...
Dave's user avatar
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How to see default values of Apache directives?

I have switched Apache from preform mpm to event mpm. Now Apache is not running out of memory but when I check htop I see that there are around 300 httpd processes. I know that they are dependent on ...
devops_mode's user avatar
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apache2 httpd is not running

I'm running my web(+db) server on Ubuntu 15.10. It worked just fine, and suddenly I can't access my site and ping to port 80 neither 443 worked. The command service apache2 status says that ● ...
Hyungjoon Jeon's user avatar
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httpd.service is reloaded or killed

On a new CentOS7 server, I got the issue, that every night the httpd.service is getting reloaded. And sometimes, around same time, it is getting just killed. systemctl status httpd: ● httpd.service -...
lickmycode's user avatar
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SHA-2 signed SSL certificate crashes apache on startup on CentOS 5.X

In preparation of the warnings that are going to start showing up in browsers when visiting SSL sites with SHA1 signed certificates, I wanted to get all of the certs that I have upgraded. Some of ...
Steakfest's user avatar
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OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0 in access_log

I am running an internal httpd server that forwards requests to another httpd server. The internal httpd server acts as a proxy and also supports caching. I just upgraded from 2.2.11 to 2.2.25 of ...
Engineer2021's user avatar
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2 answers

Writing permission with VSFTPD and Centos 6.2

I have a server with centos 6.2 with httpd and vsftpd. I have few web site in /var/www and i want to add a ftp user for each site. My user1 home directory is /home/user1 and can read/write to it ...
frank's user avatar
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Disable SELinux file read protection for httpd

I am using RHEL 6.1 and I would like to configure SELinux to authorize httpd to read all files in some folders (My goal is to make log files available via web access). Is this possible without ...
Denis R.'s user avatar
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High server load at some times, without explanation!

I don'y know what is going on. My dedicated server runs Cent OS 5.6 x86_64. It has been running for over a year pretty well. I also never had any disk failure. (Or I have never knew about any disk ...
valter's user avatar
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1 answer

httpd.conf match absolute file

I have the following directory statement in my httpd.conf for a virtualhost. <Directory c:/foo/bar/*/*/baz> <Files index.php> # something file specific </Files> </...
Roland Franssen's user avatar
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3 answers

Any suggestions on emitting Apache HTTPd access logs to CouchDB?

I'm interested in sending Apache2 access logs directly to CouchDB or some other document storage system. Do you know of any Apache2 modules that do this, or what options there would be to write one ...
Scott Markwell's user avatar
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Why a SIGHUP signal to httpd kills the tomcat process?

I have a server with a tomcat process binding to port 80 and a httpd processes binding to port 5000. For some reason every time any process send a SIGHUP signal to httpd process my tomcat process ...
Geo's user avatar
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3 answers

systemctl restart httpd Failed to start The Apache HTTP Server httpd pid already running

Forgive the cross post from Stack Overflow but I realized this was probably the better location to ask. I recently rebuilt my server on AWS, upgrading from Amazon Linux to Amazon Linux 2, which like ...
rwhirn's user avatar
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0 answers

How to make mod_remoteip and mod_evasive work together

I have several Cento7 machines running Apache 2.4. They are behind a load balancer. The load balancer pass X-Forwarded-For header with client IP. In order to have mod_evasive to use the real client IP,...
user3908406's user avatar
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2 answers

Cloudwatch logs - audit user access

I have a list of users in .passwd and access_log being uploaded to Cloudwatch. I need to make weekly report who from this list did access to server. Is there any way to automate this rather than ...
Kirill's user avatar
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Enable debug logging in vhost Apache 2.4.6

I have an apache server (I didn't do the setup). The httpd.conf is default and I see nothing about logging. in conf.d/vhost_xxx I see some config for my vhost. I add the LogLevel debug: <...
DenCowboy's user avatar
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PKI Authentication in HTTPD using Active Directory (LDAP)

In my environment, an external entity provides a Root CA & Intermediate CA(s). They issue thousands of smartcards with PKI certificates for authentication. They provide the Client Authentication ...
ruckc's user avatar
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Why is apache ignoring my virtual host instructions

Background Admittedly, this is a nube question. What I want to do is to simply install the beanstalk console and make it run from say, on my local machine What I have tried so I ...
abbood's user avatar
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Limiting Request Body size to 5 GB in Apache httpd using LimitRequestBody directive

We are in the process of implementing certain controls in our installation of Apache httpd server. One of the directives, we are trying to use is LimitRequestBody. It states: This directive ...
Wand Maker's user avatar
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Bad Gateway error after upgrading back-end from Jetty 8 to 9

Update: this seems to be due to an Apache bug: I have a Java application that runs Jetty 8 as an embedded HTTP server. This is a back-end service, ...
Jan van Mansum's user avatar
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php_value overrides with Apache using a front controller

I am trying to set specific server side value for virtual paths used to upload files. All my URLs are virtual and requested are dispatched by a front controller. I have the following config in my ...
Nicolas Bouvrette's user avatar
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Apache httpd sets X-Forwarded-Host instead of Host header

I have an Apache httpd proxy ( that proxies requests to an application server ( Now I'm trying to overwrite the Host header in requests to with a ...
dokaspar's user avatar
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Nginx Http Secure Link Module not working

I am using nginx secure_link to prevent video from hotlink. If main server key match remote server key. The video will able to access/watch. Otherwise if user access link directly without md5 link ...
Edward Shiu's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache httpd conditional redirect based on response header

We are using an Apache httpd as reverse proxy. In special cases when an error occurs in the backend system, it returns a special header like X-Error=1 (besides the status code 500). Is it somehow ...
ahaertig's user avatar
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4 answers

Apache httpd reverse proxy delegate SSL to backend

Usually using Apache as reverse proxy is done to do SSL offloading and so Apache handles all the SSL stuff and the backend server just manage plain http. But is it possible to do the opposite ? I'm ...
Ghetolay's user avatar
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VirtualDocumentRoot and ProxyPassMatch

I have the following Apache configuration: ServerName localhost UseCanonicalName Off LogLevel debug <VirtualHost *:8080> ServerName _default_ VirtualDocumentRoot /Users/alex/Sites/...
AlexMax's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache's "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" running 100% CPU - Runaway httpd process

I have this recurring issue where an httpd processes will randomly start running at 100% CPU. Often other httpd processes will join in, and it will continue until I restart Apache. Oddly, the thing it'...
Thomas Adams's user avatar
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Enabling mod_wsgi with SELinux (Is there a way?) [closed]

I recently had a bit of problem when recently by Deploying Django with mod_wsgi due to SELinux. Usually world get a "Permission denied" error (403). This was solved by disabling SELinux. Is there a ...
Shehzad009's user avatar
3 votes
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`svn checkout` on the SVN server causes the repo to break with a 301 error

We have an nginx server which proxies to a standard set-up of Apache+SVN. The nginx set-up is a very simple proxy: server { server_name svn.ourdomain.tld; location / { proxy_pass http:...
Phillip B Oldham's user avatar
3 votes
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Hosts file entries for multiple domains on VPS?

mydomain is the main domain (in Plesk, Media Temple MT VPS), and under that are several Wordpress sites, like,, etc. Problem is that I get lots of these errors in httpd's ...
markratledge's user avatar
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httpd - virtual hosts go to the same website

here is my /etc/httpd/conf.d/test.conf NameVirtualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias* DocumentRoot /var/www/html/user/test/web ...
kapitanluffy's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How can you obscure the fact that you are running Apache?

How can I make it appear as though I'm not running Apache? I figure the best way is to appear as though it is another type of httpd, like lighthttpd or iis. I know that by using mod_security you ...
Rook's user avatar
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Set header for certain file types using Apache2 mod_headers

I'm trying to use mod_headers to set a header for certain file types. Specifically, I want to set Access-Control-Allow-Origin to "*" for ttf files. Is there a rule I can add to my VirtualHost that ...
andrewtweber's user avatar
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5 answers

I'm unable to symlink a directory into /var/www/html

I've read up on this subject at so many resources but I'm still struggling to get this right. Background: I'm using an Amazon EC2 instance with a LAMP setup I have this repo on bitbucket that has ...
juuga's user avatar
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2 answers

CentOS httpd running as both root and apache user

I have an Apache httpd server running on my CentOS server, but apparently it both runs a httpd-process as root and one as the apache user. See this screenshot of top: User and group are set to ...
Jacob Pedersen's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Secure http transfer with ssh (tunnel)?

I have two servers which communicate over http. I wish this transfer be secure. How can this be achieved? I do not wish to use use https (that would require ssl certificate,right?) [SERVER-I] --> [...
kapeels's user avatar
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Apache MPM event in Apache 2.4+

For years I have been using the mpm-prefork module as it was my understanding that this was the preferred worker for Apache 2 and 1.3. Now I will be installing some fresh Apache servers and will be ...
drew010's user avatar
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6 answers

Can't get Apache 2.2.21 to compile with OpenSSL support

Alright -- having a bad couple days here compiling Apache 2.2.21 on CentOS 5.7 with the following configure commands: ./configure --enable-ssl=shared --with-ssl=/usr/local/openssl I've compiled from ...
angstwad's user avatar
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apache is not responding from the outside (firewall/iptables problem)

Have CentOS installed with httpd. Can connect with lynx both to http://localhost and to (the real IP) from inside the machine. Can't connect from outside. Here is an excerpt from ...
Alexander Abramovich's user avatar
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Can't start httpd service in docker image

I have the following Dockerfile that should start a centos machine and install httpd: FROM centos:centos6.6 RUN yum install -y httpd RUN chkconfig httpd on; RUN /etc/init.d/httpd start EXPOSE 80 ...
Glasnhost's user avatar
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mod_security: another rule with same ID

I have installed httpd 2.2.15 on CentOS 6.5 (minimal installation with no cPanel) with modsecurity 2.8. When I am starting httpd I am getting this error: Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 23 of /...
Ashish's user avatar
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1 answer

Having trouble starting/restarting httpd (apache)

I rebooted my server and now the httpd will not restart. I tried using the command "service httpd start" but get this in response [root@mail ~]# sudo service httpd start Starting httpd: (13)...
Rick's user avatar
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