Questions tagged [initramfs]

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13 votes
9 answers

Logical volumes are inactive at boot time

I resized my logical volume and filesystem and all went smoothly. I installed new kernel and after reboot I can't boot neither current nor former one. I get volume group not found error after ...
zeratul021's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Copy OS to tmpfs from initramfs [closed]

I am putting together a new server with 64GB of RAM and I would like to copy the whole Linux OS into a tmpfs from the disk and use the tmpfs as the OS (and I will use rsync to back up the tmpfs to ...
chx's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Ubuntu full disc encryption on Hetzner Cloud adding add static route in initramfs

I try to setup Ubuntu with full disc encryption on top of Hetzner Cloud. I got everything to work except the network connection in initramfs. Thanks to the UI console its possible to unlock, but I ...
user2638109's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Server won't boot, kernel panic - not syncing

After a reboot of a CentOS 6.2 server we are getting a kernel panic with the following error: Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! Panic occurred, switching back to text console When ...
Tbuermann's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Static route in initramfs

My hosting provider unfortunately requires the use of static routes for network configuration (gateway is on a different subnet than the host IP). For that purpose I added the following lines to the ...
Alec Hans's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

New install Ubuntu 10.10 Server, won't boot. "ls /dev/disk/by-uuid" generates Bus Error

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 Server on a very old computer (bought it in 2002), but it won't boot. It tells me it can't find the root mount volume by it's UUID and also gives me the follwing type of ...
pancake's user avatar
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