Questions tagged [intel-vt-x]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How do you make use of VT-d features other than PCI passthrough?

I did some research and from what I can tell the main feature that VT-d provides is PCI passthrough.,...
catanman's user avatar
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Command to find if VT-d or IOMMU is supported or not in linux

I wanted to find out if my Linux server supports PCI passthrough. For that, I need to know if my CPU has VT-d or IOMMU enabled or not, but I couldn't find the way. The following is the lscpu command ...
Sumeet Boga's user avatar
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HP ProLiant DL160 Gen5 Virtualization

we want to create some vm's on older server. Its an HP ProLiant DL160 Gen5 with an Xeon 5405. So by the intel specs ( the cpu included the VT-x technology. But ...
ifxfp's user avatar
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Way to enter the BIOS of linux server

I have a Centos 7.9 VPS up and running. I wanted to enter into BIOS, but I wonder if there is any specific key to enter into it. I wanted to enable the vt-d inside the BIOS. My server has Intel CPU ...
Sumeet Boga's user avatar
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Enable VT-X and VT-D in the bios for a PowerEdge r910. Ubuntu Server Bionic

I am trying to enable VT-X and VT-D on a PowerEdge r910. I have set "Virtualization Enabled"in the bios settings and also "SR_IOV Global Enable". I still get the following on the ...
David West's user avatar