Questions tagged [ip-banning]

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1 answer

Windows Firewall IP ban?

OK, question: I have a IIS webserver and Windows firewall. To allow incoming connections to IIS, I enabled port 80 and 8080. But now, how can I block a specific IP address/range on port 80 (=ban) ...
Quandary's user avatar
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The right way to auto block ip's

The problem: I manage a website which has lot's of dynamically generated pages. Every day bots from Google, Yahoo and other search engines download like 100K+ of pages. And sometimes i have problems ...
Termos's user avatar
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2 answers

IPTables not blocking an IP address

I am having a problem with comment spammers. Well at least I think I am. I am running CentOS and my Apache webserver keeps maxing out on RAM and then becomes unresponsive and crashes. If I run the ...
Michael Gaylord's user avatar
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2 answers

Automatically block IP in apache2 - it is possible?

Is there are a way to automatically block IPs with apache2. For example, if we get a lot requests (100s) for non-existing pages (or known patterns, like CHANGE_LIST.txt, etc.) to block that IP and add ...
user84686's user avatar
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Apache: Prevent .htaccess banned IP from recording errors in logs

On my Apache-hosted Ruby on Rails website, an IP address (always identical) from Russia was hammering the website every twenty minutes, based on the path requests I think it's trying to seek out ...
Shannon's user avatar
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fail2ban ssh not banning any IP

I started fail2ban service as sudo systemctl restart fail2ban.service, it successfully started. But my ssh attempts with the wrong password from remote PCs are not blocking, There is no IP listed in ...
zaheerk's user avatar
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Banning IP on 404 requests using fail2ban not working

Server: Ubuntu 16.04/Nginx Scenario: I'm trying to ban IP's based on multiple 404 requests on my server. I've created a filter in /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/banbadrequest.conf [definition] failregex = ...
Axel's user avatar
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1 answer

What is idea of web server attack on thinker/js/think.js?

My web server is getting a lot of GET request on thinker/js/think.js and thinker/ These requests obviously constitute a server attacks. What is point of these attacks? Also, ...
user84686's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

How to check my website is working in saudi arabia? [closed]

One of my client website was not opening in saudi arabia but it was working in us,uk,india and many more places. He was tried to open from different sources like office,pc,laptop,browsing cafe,mobile ...
Ramkumar M's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Temporarily banning IPs for accessing certain ports

One of my server logs showed there was an unauthorized access attempt on a daemon listening on a non-standard port. That led me to wonder how often people run port scanners to look for vulnerabilities....
Lin's user avatar
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IP range ban : At what level of subnet is there a risk of blocking legitimate traffic?

I want to automatically block IP that scanning my server (detected with portsentry) where several website are. I don't know which level to choose to ban ip ranges. / 24, / 16 other? From what level ...
user2267379's user avatar
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WAF(modsecurity) / Plesk IP Banned, is it Googlebot? Is it a false positive? Is it a malicious IP?

I was alerted by my Plesk server that an IP Address had been banned. Normally I don't check banned IPs, but this one happened to coincide with our site going down for 1 minute at the same time. Banned ...
Maurice's user avatar
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