Questions tagged [iptables]

iptables is the userspace command line program used to configure the Linux 2.4.x and 2.6.x IPv4 packet filtering ruleset. It is targeted towards system administrators. Please, when asking a question about iptables, add the output from the following command: iptables -L -v -n

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Policy-based routing on OpenVPN server

I'm trying to set up an OpenVPN server as reverse proxy for mobile/desktop devices, that can relay traffic based on certain policies: only requests to white-listed IP addresses are going to be ...
SnoopyGuo's user avatar
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iptables requires POSTROUTING for port forwarding

I have a very basic router/firewall running Ubuntu. I want to forward tcp connections on a specific port (443) to one of the machines in the local network. It has one interface to the outside world (...
user1337's user avatar
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1 answer

ip tables, block all traffic to a specific ip, unless it comes from a specific ip

Here's the situation. I have multiple Apache vhosts listening on port 443 on different IPs, on the same network interface. I would like to only allow a certain IP to access one of those vhosts. In ...
user788171's user avatar
3 votes
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Unable to connect to Ubuntu on port 3306 (MySQL) on Rackspace instance

I'm trying to connect to port 3306 on an Ubuntu box and am unable to do so. When I do iptables -L -n | grep 3306 I see this: ACCEPT tcp -- tcp dpt:3306 ...
neubert's user avatar
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How to configure collecd aggregate plugin to aggregate output from IPTable::Plugin?

I have enabled the CollectD:IPTables plugin to track traffic to two different server groups: LoadPlugin iptables <Plugin iptables> Chain "filter" "TRACK_TRAFFIC_SERVER_A" "...
Skarab's user avatar
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Create subzones in firewallD

In firewalld, I can assign a zone to an network interface. A zone contains some firewall rules. Now I have a network interface with different levels of trust ( should have special ...
Mathias Vetsch's user avatar
-1 votes
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Iptables NAT (PAT) A to B to C and back

I want to access via SSH a DB server from an outside network via a linux (CentOS) gateway with two interfaces in separate networks as it follow below: Admin PC IP: Linux GW IP eth1 ...
CatalinV's user avatar
-3 votes
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Difference between iptables rules and firewall rules?

I am renting a vps and the company I rent from has firewall settings where I am allowed 20 rules. Then I have the iptables on my server. I have just setup some rules on the iptables that I found from ...
Jacob David C. Cunningham's user avatar
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Why is iptables not blocking any ports?

I have iptables running and the most recent rules applied (i.e. I restarted the service and it says everything is "OK"). I have only used system-config-firewall to edit/define any rules, so I ...
BuvinJ's user avatar
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Where do the Chinese, Russian and etc. random attackers find their targets?

I recently started running a personal site on a dedicated server that i've had for some time, but have never actually used. I have never checked it's logs, but now when i do, auth.log is full with ...
Adrian Todorov's user avatar
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Route and traffic through two NAT boxes

I have set up two NAT boxes in two separate AWS accounts and given the necessary security group permissions to allow both instances to talk to each other. In account A I have a service that needs to ...
Ste-3PO's user avatar
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Windows 10 strange OpenVPN behavior

I have an OpenVPN server running ( is the public IP) to which different android and windows clients can connect and have access to the internet, but an OpenVPN client on my Windows 10 PC ...
Bob Prets's user avatar
9 votes
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iptables is converting the IP into a domain

I'd like to block an entire set of IPs on the server: iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP Though when I run iptables -L on that record I get a strange domain instead of the IP DROP tcp ...
João Pimentel Ferreira's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can't open new port in iptables

Today I'm facing a strange problem. Some days ago I configured Iptables. I opened port 80,1000 and some others port. Today I need to open port 25 for mail system. I have added the rule in ...
ababba's user avatar
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Whitelisting outgoing traffic from docker containers

I have a server running multiple docker containers in the following configuration: One of the containers is a reverse proxy binding to the exposed ports of the other containers. This is the only ...
ajaali's user avatar
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Iptables configuration in CentOS for GCM commands

I am planning to enable iptables for my CentOS VM. Have configured the below rules. But for GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) commands it fails to receive reply from GCM server. If i disable iptables it ...
Srihari Karanth's user avatar
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Best practice for managing a whitelist of ips across multiple servers with iptables?

I was wondering what the best practice for managing a whitelist of ip address across multiple servers? We want to allow our user base to add an ip address they want to whitelist through a web ...
John Nguyen's user avatar
4 votes
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iproute rt_table and mark not working on linux

I have this configuration which comes from official and unofficial guides and questions readings here and a lot of failed tests. CentOS 7 and Ubuntu server 15 (LAMP and only eth0). /etc/iproute2/...
fab's user avatar
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-4 votes
3 answers

If no service is listening on a port can a system still be accessed using that port? [closed]

If I have a linux server with a FW rule (iptables) to allow inbound to a particular port does a service have to be running and listening to accept that connection or is there another way to access the ...
user53029's user avatar
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Iptables max number of ports you can specify with --dport that is not continous?

How many ports can be specified in a single rule using the --dport argument?. Ex - iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport {0,5,10,15,20,25, etc,,??} -j ACCEPT
user53029's user avatar
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IPV4 linux networking configuration

I am having problems figuring out what I configured wrong. I can't get packets back from the velodyne onto a Fedora server with 2 eth interfaces em1 and em2. I have velodyne connected to em1 host to ...
daemondave's user avatar
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Ways to reduce packets per second (Bundle VPN Packets?) [closed]

I have an ISP that blocks me when I do more than 10 pps on any port. Only exception: ports 80 and 443 where I am allowed 100 pps. To avoid being blocked I can use a VPN on port 80 or 443 which then ...
kutschenator's user avatar
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Anomalous iptables entry with fail2ban (is it misconfigured to block outward traffic?)

Overall we are very satisfied with fail2ban as it has accumulated several dozen neverdowell IP addresses in our iptables rules. However I notice the following rule has also appeared: Chain fail2ban-...
DMCoding's user avatar
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iptables route PPTP VPN through polipo http proxy

I want to route http traffic of my local pptp server to use Polipo http_proxy. So i found this QA : IPTABLES: routing VPN users through transparent Squid but i test on my system & change iptables ...
M2sh's user avatar
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Restrict a range of ports to one IP except one

Is there a way I can allow a range of ports to only be used by one IP address but one? Thanks. Precisely, I want to restrict range 6011-6099 excluding 6012. The rule to restrict the range 6011-6099 ...
Airee's user avatar
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Problems Configuring IPTABLE for Samba Share

I am trying to configure Samba on my CentOS 6 server such that only 3 IP addresses have access to the Samba Share. For some reason my iptable configuration is wrong. I have checked lines 11-15 and ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Centos iptables: No chain/target/match by that name [duplicate]

I had a CentOS6.7 with OpenVZ. Now, I just uninstalled OpenVZ and start using Plain CentOS6.7. Due to some difficulties for using cPanel in OpenVZ. I noticed one problem when install csf in my plain ...
KMG's user avatar
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SNAT& iptables in Centos

i have a remote server where I have added a new FAILOVER IP in a new interface, ETH0:0. Everything works perfectly; IP is setup. I want the traffic that is coming from ETH0:0 to use the ETH0:0 as the ...
Linuxer's user avatar
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Linux forwarding packets to remote destinations (not localy)

Network case: Source--Routers ... eth0=LINUX=eth1 ---- some routers.. -- Destination and via 192.168.0....
Midnight Sky's user avatar
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iptables error with No such file or directory

I have CentOS 6 x86_64 vps server. I just created the following iptables. But it gives an error message. What am I doing wrong here? *filter :INPUT DROP [0:0] :FORWARD DROP [0:0] :OUTPUT ...
shin's user avatar
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nat and xen, nat only to external ip

I've setup xen that way that all my vm's have a public ip and a private ip (192.168.0.x). However, those vms which don't have a puplic ip should also get internet access so I did setup nat. iptables ...
user345234674567's user avatar
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FTP EPSV command and iptables

Troubleshooting an issue with an FTP connection going through an iptables firewall and seeing some strange issues with passive mode. We are trying to connect to an FTP server and get the directory ...
Devnull's user avatar
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How can I use NAT or haproxy to reroute a certain host name?

I have an infrastructure where all requests made by internal subnets have to pass through a server in the "open to the world" subnet, where my NAT instance is (I'm using AWS). I want to create a host ...
brunodea's user avatar
-2 votes
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Redirect all websites to a single webpage using iptables

I have a router which runs busybox, it has iptables so i wanted to redirect all webpages clients request to a single webpage. I cant use hosts file because the /etc folder is mounted as read-only. Is ...
heailraiser's user avatar
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Drop first packet for every IP with iptables

My servers are getting UDP-flooded with spoofed source IP addresses. They flood with real user packets so I cannot rate limit or block these packets. Is there a way to drop the first packet received ...
Emin Altintas's user avatar
6 votes
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iptables is occasionally logging MAC addresses. Why?

I have logging enabled on specific iptables packet drops. The rules I'm using are IP/port related only and this is what I can easily see in the logs, however occasionally I do get MAC address ...
rs232's user avatar
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iptables - Filter by MAC on FORWARD chain

I need to setup a firewall between a server, and the clients on the intranet that filters access by MAC on the FORWARD chain. The server has one NIC (on subnet, the firewall two NICs (...
loopeando's user avatar
-1 votes
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Redirecting all outgoing HTTP traffic from one computer to another on a DD-WRT router

I am trying to debug some HTTP traffic from one computer (let's call it A) on my network. I would like to redirect all of that traffic to another computer (let's call it B) without changing any ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Where are iptables rules stored on Digital Ocean Ubuntu 14.04

I have a basic standard Ubuntu 14.04 droplet on digital ocean. I used ufw to set some firewall rules but forgot to open port 22 for SSH. I rebooted my server and could no longer log in so DO support ...
Tim's user avatar
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multiple tuntap VPN traffic selection

I have a php / bash application on top of a linux machine (centos or debian but assume redhat just in case the reply need different dialect) connecting to port 80. Actually I'm perfectly able to open ...
fab's user avatar
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Why do I have an "any any" rule in iptables at the top and one at the bottom?

Hoping someone can clear this up for me. I'm on RHEL7.1 and I noticed that in iptables I have a rule that allows anything incoming. I ran this command to get the line numbers and interfaces just to ...
user53029's user avatar
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Executing php as sudo inside crontab [duplicate]

I've wrote a PHP-Script, and the execution requires sudo permission, because it executes some other system related stuff. So i've added this into the crontab -e but i can't see, that my script is ...
Tyralcori's user avatar
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IP based Whitelist for one Port on Ubuntu Server

Currently i'm trying to create a Whitelist IP based for one special Port. The application behind is just a simple TeamSpeak3 Server. The IP Whitelist get the Visitor-IP by a HTTP Script. So the IP is ...
Tyralcori's user avatar
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Cannot connect to the MySQL remote server. Debian 8

I have issue that I cannot reach the 3306 port (mysql) even if I set it in iptables. How can I resolve this issue? root@vps191532:# iptables-save # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.21 on Thu Oct 22 20:...
WinterTime's user avatar
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Why doesn't iptables drop 10. addresses?

I'm seeing brute force web login attempts from My iptables contains: DROP all -- anywhere anywhere match-set manual src ipset test manual confirms the address is in the set,...
flymike's user avatar
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What are the differences between Fail2Ban and BFD (Brute Force Detection)

I have used both Fail2Ban and BFD, typically I go with Fail2Ban on servers running IPTables, and BFD when servers are running APF. Are there any major differences between these 2 services? What are ...
Jacob Evans's user avatar
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fail2ban.action ERROR iptables -w -N f2b-<jail-name>

I've been using fail2ban for a while without any issues. The other day, I decided to stop fail2ban to remove one rule from my default iptables. When I started fail2ban, it started ok (according to ...
GreenTeaTech's user avatar
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How can I open a port on just one server IP?

I am setting up a dedicated server for gameserver hosting, which will also host a couple of other server applications (such as a web server). The dedicated server has a total of four IP addresses, let'...
AStopher's user avatar
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NAT in Amazon AWS

I am trying to configure NAT in Amazon AWS. So I have two EC2 with private IPs: and ( network) Nodes in one VPC. I can ping from Elastic IP 52.88....
ipeacocks's user avatar
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Xen bridge - block traffic from port range - iptables / ebtables

I use Xen with bridge interface : - eth0 - viifbr0 - Name of VM interface : vifv10XX.0 Do you know if it is possible to block output traffic from source port range for a domU please ? If yes, can ...
Puma's user avatar
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