Questions tagged [jetty]

Jetty is a widely used async java based http server and servlet engine supporting WebSockets and SPDY protocols.

41 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why does chrome show a very long 'blocking' time (sometimes) when loading static files from Jetty 9

I'm seeing some strange behavior from Chrome when loading web resources from a Jetty 9.2.3 instance I'm setting up. In particular, I see some requests returning quickly, while others take a very long ...
Matt Sheppard's user avatar
4 votes
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Jetty Service on Windows Server 2008 using Procrun: Missing service ImageFile

Xe want to run Jetty as a service on a Windows 2008 Server Virtual Machine. Therefore, I configured Jetty as a Windows Service using Apacke Procrun, following this short description: https://...
Christian's user avatar
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Bad Gateway error after upgrading back-end from Jetty 8 to 9

Update: this seems to be due to an Apache bug: I have a Java application that runs Jetty 8 as an embedded HTTP server. This is a back-end service, ...
Jan van Mansum's user avatar
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Creating SSL certificate signed by a self-signed CA certificate in Jetty

I'm trying to configure a jetty-distribution-9.3.1.v20150714 backend running on Java 1.8.0_45-b14 with a certificate signed by a self-signed CA certificate, for SSL pinning. Following Apple's guide, ...
Kof's user avatar
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how to increase Apache mod_proxy Jetty 5minute timeout

we use Apache and Jetty to do install components behind a firewall. Some actions take a while ( 10-15 minutes ). Apache is the proxy and Jetty is the proxy target on some machines. Everything works ...
Ralf's user avatar
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Jetty 9 - redirect http to https

I'd like to force use of https in Jetty 9. Apparently: <Set name="confidentialPort">443</Set> no longer works in jetty 9. How should I do it properly?
jimmy's user avatar
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How do I enable digest auth for Jetty fronting Elastic Search

We've gotten Jetty running the HTTP front end of Elastic Search with BASIC authentication. We would like to use DIGEST authentication instead, but the Jetty documentation is hard to reconcile with the ...
Brad Wilson's user avatar
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Scaling large numbers of small customer J2EE webapps

We're allowing customers to create websites on our SaaS app. We currently use Jetty as the app server, but we could use anything J2EE. I'd like to be able to scale customer webapps across our ...
Shef's user avatar
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(35) Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to localhost:8443

I've followed some instructions at: I can serve requests over http (http://localhost:8080/ping), but I can't hit (https://locahost:8443). I ...
cinqoTimo's user avatar
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NullPointerException on jetty 7 startup with jetty deployment descriptor

I'm getting the following error when I start Jetty: 2010-03-01 12:30:19.328:WARN::Failed startup of context WebAppContext@15ddf5@15ddf5/webapp,null,/path/to/jetty-distribution-7.0.1.v20091125/webapps-...
Draemon's user avatar
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Change Console and repo browser certificate for Collabnet svnedge

I need to change ssl certificate for our collabnet svn edge console and repo browser. I came across few documentations for changing ssl on console by creating new svnedge.jks file and replacing it ...
saurabh's user avatar
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host a java project (war) on IIS

I created a new site sample on IIS. I put in : C:\tools\jetty\webapps : the war sample.war C:\inetpub\wwwroot\sample the file web.config --> as result : navigate with http://localhost:1122/sample, ...
misseoui nahla's user avatar
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Can't find jetty config file on Fedora 28

I installed jetty8 on fedora 28, but I do not know where is the configuration file for the server. In Ubuntu the jetty8 configuration file is /etc/default/jetty8. To install jetty I've used: dnf ...
jeugenio's user avatar
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No protocol handler was valid for the URL /url. If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy

Trying to set up a load balancer using Apache 2.4.x on Windows. Error: No protocol handler was valid for the URL /path/. If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy submodules ...
Himani Singla's user avatar
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Jetty Crashes After Let's Encrypt Certificate Import

I'm using an application that comes bundled with Java 1.8.0_77-b03 and Jetty 9.3.3.v20150827. Everything works great until I import my Let's Encrypt certificate into the Jetty JKS. Once I do that, ...
eeach's user avatar
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How best to secure a Java web service via Jetty that we are now making public-facing?

We have a web service that currently runs only internally within a network and there is no access outside the network. This web service is written in Java and runs through a Jetty servlet engine. It ...
Brian T Hannan's user avatar
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Redirect jetty request to apache

I am centos 7. I have two servers running apache and jetty. Jetty at port 8080 and apache at 80. Now I have to redirect all request from jetty to apache home page like. if a user type http://my-ip:...
Hafiz Muhammad Shafiq's user avatar
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Unable to do "big" POST request with Apache2 and ProxyPass

I have an apache2 server, configured with proxypass to access a servlet which runs under Jetty. Now I have a problem with large POST request (600KB). The configuration is as follows: <Location /...
schube's user avatar
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How to enable authentication for cargo webapp in jetty container? (docs does not work for me)

It looks like I'm stuck with a simple and well documented issue, but nevertheless. I'm trying to enable basic authentication in cargo web-app deployed to the Jetty server. I'm following this document ...
shabunc's user avatar
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How to have Jetty redirect http to https on the same port?

This question is related to How to have Jetty redirect http to https and Jetty 9 - redirect http to https but not answered in either location. Basically, we run our app at some port, say 8085. We ...
Splaktar's user avatar
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Does Jetty have a way to PRE-pend folders to an war's classpath?

I have an app.war which contains app.conf file which I load using ClassLoader.getResource(...) all works well in development, in production I would like to place a different kind of app.conf file ...
Alex Kravets's user avatar
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CLOSE_WAIT sockets burst - perhaps because of iptables settings?

I have an Ubuntu 12.04 server virtual box where basically the installed software and configuration are the default ones, plus the installation of a jetty 6 server which servers a few websites. To keep ...
Fabrizio Giudici's user avatar
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TeamCity sends inadequate responses after Selenium tests

I have a TeamCity 7.0.2 at CentOS 6.2 server without X Server. I've installed x11-fonts*, xvfb, firefox, xauth, extracted env. variable DISPLAY=localhost:1, and started xvfb. After that I could start ...
Dmitriy Sukharev's user avatar
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how to get good logging for solr? and why sometimes it didn't accomplish the indexing process?

I have installed solr (lucidworks-enterprise-installer-1.7.jar) [jetty] on my server (Ubuntu 9.10), and created a cron job to build FULL index everyday morning 30 3 * * * curl
Alaa Alomari's user avatar
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jetty server executing php

I want to configure so that jetty runs PHP files, but have been unsuccessful so far. I have Jetty WTP tools installed in my Eclipse IDE. When I start up the Jetty server. I got the exception: java....
einstein's user avatar
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Accessing jetty server on aws via internal ip

I've setup a solr server in aws. It's an ubuntu server and jetty is the webserver being used. I'm able to access the solr instance externally but my webserver can't access the solr instance via the ...
user40570's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 MPM event module causing intermittent 502 errors and slow response times behind an AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB)

tldr; How do you configure the Apache MPM event module as a functional reverse proxy when running behind a high throughput AWS Application Load Balancer? Layout AWS Application Load Balancer -> ...
danw's user avatar
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Haproxy 2.1.4 too many SSL Handshake failures

Hi we are using haproxy 2.1.4 as SSL terminator between our own client and server machines(High load machines, always busy) and also requests will be a mix of http/1.1 and http/2.0. We are facing lots ...
Zyber's user avatar
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Intermittent nginx timeouts having jetty as upstream server

We do have a weird production issue of nginx timeouts. The timeout says below : "upstream timed out(110: Connection timed out)" Here, the upstream server is jetty running on the same host where ...
harshavmb's user avatar
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How to make web applications running in jetty available as fast as possible after jetty restart?

If you have many applications in your jetty server instance, then restarting the server may take a couple of minutes. How can you make applications boot faster after jetty restart?
vitro's user avatar
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Preserve X509 client cert data from apache2 reverse proxy to jetty

I am not able to receive on jetty-9.3.14 the X509 client cert data which are submitted to apache2 and forwarded via ProxyPass directive. <Location /X509> SSLVerifyClient require ...
473183469's user avatar
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Jetty service fail on start in ubuntu 14

I install the solr-jetty package in a Ubuntu 14 container running in a cloud9 workspace. To install the package I run the following command: sudo apt-get install solr-jetty The installation doesn't ...
miguelbgouveia's user avatar
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Why can I not connect to jetty webserver on Ubuntu within AWS EC2 instance

Unable to connect from my webbrowser to my Jetty Server running on Ubuntu Linux SMP in Amazon Webservices EC2. I can connect using localhost whilst logged in from the machine itself i.e curl http://...
Paul Taylor's user avatar
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Session clustering with Jetty-runner 8.1.14.v20131031

I'm using Jetty-runner 8.1.14.v20131031 and I would like to know what's the easiest way to achieve session clustering between multiples running instances.
mnml's user avatar
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Jetty - java.lang.IllegalStateException: zip file closed

I'm getting some error with some connection to our web server. We are getting this error randomly: java.lang.IllegalStateException: zip file closed at
Alex J.'s user avatar
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Jetty Rewrite NoSuchMethodException

I tried to configure jetty rewrite rules. I used code from the example here: but when I try to run it I get: 2013-09-29 ...
jimmy's user avatar
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rewrite engine: How to test if URL on different server is reachable?

I am trying to use the rewrite engine of nginx to redirect requests. On the same machine I have a Jetty running on port 8080, which is delivering some content. I want to check if the content is ...
CSchulz's user avatar
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Multicore in Apache solr 4.3

I downloaded Apache Solr 4.3.0 from I want to have an install with multiple cores with the basic Jetty server. However, I never succeed. If I start the example server, ...
mimrock's user avatar
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Problems hosting a Jetty application on the same server as IIS.

I am a .Net programmer, lately developing a website in Jsp, using Jetty. I use Eclipse and the Maven-Jetty plugin. I have a virtual private server, which has IIS installed and is serving .NET ...
Yaron's user avatar
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Help with Jetty crash log

Greetings, I am currently using solr as the backend behind a log aggregation and search system my team is developing. All was well and good until I noticed a test server crashing quite unexpectedly. ...
user39530's user avatar
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How should I deploy my JVM-based web application on ubuntu?

I've developed a web application using clojure/compojure (JVM based) and while developing I tested it using embedded jetty that runs on I would now like to deploy it to run on port 80 on ...
Pieter Breed's user avatar