Questions tagged [jvm]

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What is the /dev/urandom equivalent on Windows JVM level

Recently, I run into troubles because the lack of entropy and blocking rand IO caused hangs. On Linux, I can do the following: ./ What is ...
pydoge's user avatar
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3 votes
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Cassandra tmpdir change location

Cassandra is failing to start if /tmp is set as noexec, which is pretty much default these days: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.sun.jna.Native at org.apache....
Vladimir's user avatar
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UnknownHostException when enabling JMX in Java 8

Using Java 7, I can launch a JVM with JMX enabled without any problems using these properties:
Elifarley's user avatar
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memory locking requested for elasticsearch process but memory is not locked

ElasticSearch 5.6.7 throws somewhat misleading following error and refuse to start: [2018-08-02T10:07:50,333][ERROR][o.e.b.Bootstrap ] [esm56n3] node validation exception [2] bootstrap ...
Oleksandr Iegorov's user avatar
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How to monitor Java non-heap memory usage?

I need to run a bunch of java processes, that I'm not sure, what their maximum heap usage can be. To make better use of server's heap memory I tried solution described in 1. I found in documentation, ...
Alojzij Blatnik's user avatar
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Native memory allocation (mmap) failed to map bytes for committing reserved memory

I am running a download server in AWS t2.micro instance & I have configured max heap of 512 MB & min heap of 256 MB for my java process. I am performing a migration kind of process in a single ...
Aarish Ramesh's user avatar
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Interpreting OOM killer logs when triggered on a Java thread

When Linux OOM Killer interrupts a process, the kernel logs usually provide enough information about the culprit's memory consumption (even it is not killed eventually). For example, when snmpd ...
Toparvion's user avatar
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Possible Linux page table issue/huge load average with large heap JVM that results in significant sys time in GC logs

Our service runs on AWS on m5.12xlarge nodes (48 cores, 192 G RAM) on Ubuntu 16.04. We use Java 8. For our service we allocate about 150G as max heap size. We have no swap on the node. The nature of ...
devurandom's user avatar
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dotnet sonarscanner did not find java but JAVA_HOME exists. Tried jre 11,13, 17 on ubuntu 20.04.3

I am starting proper command ~/project$ /usr/bin/dotnet sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login="admin" /d:sonar.password="user" and got the java error on ubuntu 20.04.3 SonarScanner ...
FAQ's user avatar
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Convert JRE to JDK centos7

Hi, I am very new to this but I have a centos7 server with a tomcat9 server running some applications. I have only JRE installed on that server based on the command below: [root@ppappih02 ~]# readlink ...
user1999453's user avatar
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Tomcat AWS CPU Utilization Higher Than Expected

I recently got tasked with a project to move an Java application hosted with Tomcat that we wrote 3-4 years ago and that has been running in a clients data center to AWS. Right now we're in the middle ...
luxiconn's user avatar
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JVM: JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library j9gc28(2): Failed to instantiate compressed references metadata; 200M requested

I am getting the following errors on the IBM Domino Server console. Running 9.0.1 FP8 Win64 HTTP Server: Using Web Configuration View HTTP JVM: JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library j9gc28(2): ...
Thomas Adrian's user avatar
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YARN AM logs report different time-stamp from what is shown in terminal and sparkscala shell

I am trying to understand why the following occurred: I have a Docker container with Yarn and Spark running fine except that the timestamp of that container was minus X hours of what I wanted it to ...
rudimuse's user avatar
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Tomcat7 on docker - not responding issue

We have a tomcat7 running on top of docker container (official docker image). On rush hours after some time the tomcat hangs and no longer able to serve reqeusts (many requests are stuck and waiting ...
Urbanleg's user avatar
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What would the OS see if the JVM was memory starved?

The real context here is elasticsearch but I'm curious what would happen more generally (minecraft / jetty / etc). When an OS process is out of system memory, you can see this behavior by checking ...
squarism's user avatar
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Is it possible to use OS level DNS Cache like nscd, dnsmasq at JVM/JAVA?

Is it possible to use OS level DNS Cache like nscd, dnsmasq at JVM/JAVA? I read many letters saying JVM has their own DNS caching.
nimdrak's user avatar
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Why is the max heap much smaller than the value I set in Xmx (with -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseParallelOldGC)

I am running a SolrCloud on k8s with the following setting: Heap params: -server -Xms280m -Xmx312m Other params: -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:...
John the Traveler's user avatar
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Finding all programs which are using Java on windows server 2012

I am looking for a way with which I can find any and all programs which are using Java on a windows server. Is there a cmd command or something similar which would give me a list of all programs using ...
Fakhar Ahmad Rasul's user avatar
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Difference between JVM application memory footprint and OS memory

I know this is a question already discussed, but I couldn't find a method to get peace of mind. Basically we have a java web application that runs under a tomcat application server, specifically: ...
frankieta's user avatar
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Resource temporarily unavailable [fork] & insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue

I have been experiencing this errors in my linux servers. Resource temporarily unavailable [fork] & insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue I have increased the nproc ...
nirmalraj17's user avatar
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JAVA UnsupportedOperationException (The Security Manager is deprecated) on Windows 10 + OpenJDK

I am using OpenJDK on Windows 10. C:\Users\divym>java -version openjdk version "1.8.0_332" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Temurin)(build 1.8.0_332-b09) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Temurin)(...
m.divya.mohan's user avatar
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Jenkins running as a service restarts by itself after upgrade from 2.303.2 to 2.319.3

I upgraded Jenkins (running as a service) from version 2.235.5 to 2.303.2 (by just replacing .war file and restarting the service), which seemed to work pretty stable. Before doing it, I upgraded Java ...
Chris's user avatar
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javaws failing on JNLP file, unable to verify cert error

We run Screenconnect at the office, or whatever connectwise calls it these days. I'm the only linux user in the office. So I just run the icedtea-netx plugin and open my sessions with the jnlp file. ...
TheEditor's user avatar
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JVM heap is being swapped causing GC go haywire - Tomcat

Info: # of VMs= 4, each with an instance of Tomcat 8.5.* in cluster Apps = 5 war applications- 2 UI applications and 3 Webservices. Java Version = java 1.8.* Configuratin = 2 LTMS and 2 Apache ...
prashma's user avatar
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Tomcat Server Shuts Down with no trace

We have a couple of critical Java Web Apps running on a bunch of Apache Tomcat 7 servers, on top of Centos 6.x. From time to time, once or twice a week, one of the Tomcat instances suddenly shuts ...
Santiago Campuzano's user avatar
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Elasticsearch: no JDK found... but JAVA_HOME seems set properly

When I'm trying to install elasticsearch (Ubuntu 16.04) I get the error message: elasticsearch[15885]: * no JDK found - please set JAVA_HOME But I have only one Java and I think JAVA_HOME is set ...
MAL's user avatar
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JVM Heap usage charts interpretation

I'd like to ask for some tips how should I concern different JAVA apps memory usage line charts. Should I find any of them as "memory leak"? How my JVM profiling impacts on GC activity? Each of them ...
YasiuMaster's user avatar
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SQLite3 is crashing the JVM

I am using sqlite-jdbc 3.7.2 when i run my application, SQLLite is crashing the JVM. It is not happening consistently but it happened twice. Please help to find the issue. A fatal error has been ...
Mohan's user avatar
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jruby web application deployed on glassfish server becoming slow as time passes

I have deployed war file of my jruby application on glassfish server. i have noticed that my application becomes slow as time passes. My server is of 30GB RAM but still application is very slow. ...
Sanjay Salunkhe's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to configure Glassfish to allocate different memory size for JVM per web application

I have 2 Java web applications deployed on my Glassfish Enterprise Server v2.1.1. I want each of them to have different configurations for JVM options, specially for memory allocation. I have studied ...
RAS's user avatar
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