Questions tagged [load-balancing]

Load balancing deal with the techniques involved on using multiple systems to deal with high demands, balancing the load between those multiple systems. Questions deal with networking and server load balancing, using dedicated hardware or not.

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Asp.Net web farm IIS on EC2 and ELBs

I'm a developer now developing my startup. I really don't know much about IIS setup. I will host my startup on Amazon EC2. And I want to know how can I scale my application if my traffic increase. I ...
elranu's user avatar
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download speed become too low with reverse proxy

I've set up nginx reverse proxies to send requests to Apache servers, to serve each incoming request so that the static content will be handle by itself and dynamic will be sent to Apache running on ...
andrew's user avatar
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multiple loadbalancers in modjk configuration in Apache Webserver for JBoss Instance Load-balancing

In most of the cases, we will have 1)only one worker defined of type 'lb' (Loadbalancer) 2)we will have multiple member workers (target application server instances defined) 3)We will map those target ...
Hareesh Ram's user avatar
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Performance issues on LAN with Load balancing

I recently set up a network which is running "slow" and I can't seem to debug the situation. I'm fairly noobie at networks I'll explain the setup and hopefully you can give me possible solutions. I ...
Abe Petrillo's user avatar
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Does Ubuntu-stock ldirectord not handle hung connections to real servers or am I configuring it wrong?

I'm using it to balance and remove failed instances from a http/https cluster, but have noticed that when connections to a real server hang, ldirectord never marks them quiescent, though it will ...
Yuri Gadow's user avatar
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Load balancer unable to contact a server through http

In our infrastructure we have a load balancer(apache mod_balancer) and three backend servers that run apache as a web service and iptables as firewall, Lately ONE of them is giving a lot of " (110)...
Dina Abu-khader's user avatar
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IIS7.5 Application Request Routing for multiple sites on one WebFarm

I am running some test scenarios with setting up a server farm using Windows 2008R2, IIS7.5, WebFarm Framework and Application Request Routing. I have three servers: WebFarm1 Controller 192....
Robin Day's user avatar
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Load-balancing between a Procurve switch and a server

I've been searching around the web for this problem i've been having. It's similar in a way to this question: How exactly & specifically does layer 3 LACP destination address hashing work? My ...
vlad's user avatar
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Network load balance router

i have Airtel broadband and a Tata broadband connection. i have around 50 PCs connecting through a airtel broadband connection. both are dsl connections with my phone line going into dsl modems ...
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Load balancing issue with pgpool2 and postgresql-8.3

I'm using the latest release of pgpool2 on Ubuntu 8.04 with postgres 8.3.11. Replication is working great, but none of my SELECT queries are being load balanced to my secondary server. These are ...
Brandon Konkle's user avatar
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Load balancing + NAT issue on BNT GBE 2-7 gear

I've got troubles configuring an Hardware load-Balancer with NAT functions. I have the following architecture: Internet ===> VIP (public) LB (private ip) ====> private addressed servers When a ...
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kerio load balance

I use kerio winroute 6.5 , for week ago, i got a second adsl link (2 mbps), i tried to configue the load balancing in kerio , but always , kerio directs the traffic to one route without the other , i ...
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AWS Load Balancer HTTPS not working

I am trying to use the AWS ELB service for SSL offloading. The problem is that, while HTTP goes smoothly through the load balancer, HTTPS somehow doesn't work and gives a "Your connection is not ...
B.Cakir's user avatar
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How to make web client choose the right server in different location?

I have two web servers, one is Located in Europe, and another is Located in Asia, both of them have the same web application. My question is , how can I make my website or mobile app choose the right ...
shangdahao's user avatar
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Permit access to website with load balancer (changing IP), disable rest with iptables

I need to block access to all websites except for a couple of URLs on a group of workstations. Apparently a few of these websites are load balanced. I use iptables: iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT ...
januszm's user avatar
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Load balancing with Piranha+Pulse stopped working after 'yum update'

We have been successfully using the load balancing system Piranha+Pulse for 15 months on our CentOS 6 system. We use it to load balance two web servers. Note that our web servers are also our load ...
dbroeks's user avatar
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MPIO Issue With Server 2012 R2 iSCSI Target

The Setup. We just got 2 HP DL360 g6's Server 2012, running Hyper-V, server1 has an additional P800 controller for an MSA70 sas storage, and is hosting iscsi targets for hyper-v's on server 2. both ...
user201817's user avatar
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How to put multiple VMs behind a single *private* IP address on Azure?

I'm working on creating a Blue/Green deployment for a product in Azure but I'm running into a problem regarding outbound traffic to an on-premisses database. Our initial idea can be seen in this ...
Leonardo Tavares's user avatar
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Redundant serving of web application without loadbalancer?

I want to run a web application inside a mobile app using WebView. The web application uses IndexedDB for saving various important values. I like to make the web application very available (redundant)....
Kukulkan's user avatar
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Client --> AWS ALB --> AWS Lambda: connection lost somewhere, how to identify?

The client made an API request. Client --> ALB --> Lambda Lambda worked fine with a response. Lambda duration is only about 3 seconds. The client encountered timeout at 15th second. The ALB ...
Zhuang Paulus's user avatar
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Load balance TCP stream traffic based on delimiter

I am looking for clarification if either Nginx or HAProxy are capable of load balancing TCP stream content based on some delimiters in the stream. The TCP connection is long-lived and is being used ...
Sergei I.'s user avatar
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How to find root cause for didn't send any data?

I have deployed my app on REDHAT server,behind LB in public cloud. SSL termination should be done on LB. I got The page is not working didn't send any data I tried curl ...
MikiBelavista's user avatar
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Internet Facing load balancer infront of 2 private instances

I am trying to setup 2 web instances in a private network and put an internet facing load balancer infront of my two instances. This is what i want to achieve: The 2 private instance should be able ...
Mervin Hemaraju's user avatar
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Can the kube-vip load balancing service implement jumps after a kubernetes node is notReady?

I'm new to kubernetes and I'm learning about high availability clustering, I'm using kube-vip for load balancing in the form of static pods. # kubeadm version kubeadm version: &version.Info{Major:&...
HuaJFrame's user avatar
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K8s - not working L2 Advertising of Metallb

I'm installing 1 node k8s cluster and can't reach metallb IP address from same subnet. CRI = Containerd 1.6 CNI = Flannel. control-plane taint is disabled Pod CIDR = Cluster CIDR = ...
SeanCooper's user avatar
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How do i nessus scan to the EC2 server which is behind load balancer

I have a EC2 server which is running behind a load balancer. Load balancer URL has been mapped as A record in route53. Audit team is asking for the public ip address. How do i give them? ALB URL even ...
Ravi Teja RVN's user avatar
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How to set HTTP header globally on a HTTPS Load Balancer?

I'm migrating from Kubernetes to Cloud Run. Currently, Kubernetes Ingress allows me to use Nginx Ingress Controller annotations to set headers globally for all subdmains in a single configuration like ...
Mauricio's user avatar
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Proxmox, iptables connection refused on port 443 from different nodes if forward to LoadBalancer

having some problems with port forwarding on dedicated machine running Proxmox. I have create an LXC-Container for LoadBalancing and forward all incomming request on port 80 and 443 to it. If I am ...
xtrose Media Studio's user avatar
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How to configure HAproxy to a different backend based on path?

The problem is that, I have haproxy configured for multiple domains with backends respectively. The intended behaviour is to redirect a specific request such as to backend2 ...
Jk843's user avatar
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AWS: access private API from public web application

I have: Private API running on an ECS cluster behind an internal load balancer. This API is used by other services inside the VPC. A public Next.js web application. What I need: Give private API ...
revy's user avatar
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LDAP log spam - TCP ERROR Bad Ber Tag or uncleanly closed connection - B1

I have a loadbalancer infront of my ldap servers. However, the healthchecks from the loadbalancer is spamming my dirsrv logs with following: { "date": "[XXXXXXXXXXX] ", "...
N. J's user avatar
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Health Check Failures and 502 Errors with HAProxy and Golang Fiber Instances

I have a setup where Server A acts as the client, communicating with Server B through HAProxy. Server B runs four similar Golang Fiber instances, each with Prefork enabled on an EC2 t3xlarge instance. ...
realnsleo's user avatar
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Load Balancer is not accessible outside cluster

I have setup 3 master and 6 worker nodes using the same IP segment, 172.26.10.XX. For load balancer services, I'm using Kube-Vip for load balancer with configuration namespace specifics as below: - ...
amundead's user avatar
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Global Server Load Balancing for OpenVPN over OpenVPN with DSR

Ok, so...I am in no sense a pro when it comes to networks, load balancing, tunneling or VPN connections BUT I tried a few things to get this theoretical concept to work - obviously without success. ...
MathiveProblem's user avatar
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Simple way to configure GCP custom domain for regional (Standard tier) load balancer instead of global (Premium)?

After migrating from a basic AppEngine website to serving it from Cloud Run, I've gone from paying $0.01 per month to $0.60 per day. That seems to be because I've switched from regional App Engine ...
Mu Mind's user avatar
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Deploying Multi-Cluster/Multi-Region Gateway AND have redundant stateful services with GKE Autopilot?

I want two clusters to each be in a different region so I have basic region redundancy. Some of the services I want to run are stateful (which includes keeping track of user sessions). I am not ...
ift-436t's user avatar
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High availability cluster bandwidth bottleneck

I want to setup a service with a lot of file transfer for thousands of users. For now, my idea is to go with k8s + HAProxy with 3 masters (with VIP) and as many slaves as needed. So basically: ...
ange's user avatar
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Kubernetes Load Balancing with Redis Cluster and microservices

I have the following scenario: N kubernetes Nodes A redis cluster with N instances, each node has a single instance There are requests coming into the nodes in a round-robin format After the requests, ...
me_the_bo's user avatar
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Nginx unresponsive under load

After switching from haproxy to nginx, one of my reverse proxies has a problem. At a certain number of connections the server stops accepting new requests (closed by timeout). However, if you connect ...
horhe's user avatar
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How to apply an ssl certificate to a Load Balancer Listener using OCI Certificates

I'm currently working on running a small personal server using OKE and a load balancer. My problem is as follows I attached the OCI certificate to the load balancer listener, but it doesn't work, ...
JJoRi's user avatar
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HaProxy custom ports

I need to load balancing one of our customers application portal. The flow works as follow: The enduser reach the portal through the URL page; The enduser will choose one of ...
FriendlyPotat95's user avatar
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Digital Ocean Load Balancer, can't use doctl to modify load balancer rules

I have a managed kubernetes environment on Digital Ocean. It has a load balancer. I am trying to assign the target_port to tcp:3000. I want the outside port to be tcp:80, and the inside port to be ...
jwP54's user avatar
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Understanding Kubernetes load balancing with ingress controller using self-hosted load balancer

I'm looking to better understand load balancing concepts in a "self-hosted" Kubernetes environment. cluster setup architecture image I have an external load balancer, let's label it LB. This ...
Ryan's user avatar
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How to SSL Passthrough on HAProxy while routing based on full URL?

I'm new to HAProxy admin so it may be a stupid question. So I wanted to do SSL pass though on our HAProxy load balancer. The diagram look like this: client -> HAProxy -> server where, all ...
rollschild's user avatar
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Nginx check running process on destination before forwarding traffic

I'm configuring Nginx as UDP load balancer between four servers with the following configurations: stream { server { listen 7004 udp; #UDP traffic will be forwarded to the "...
Aboelnoor90's user avatar
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GCP load balancer can't connect to instance group: unhealthy upstream error

My Goal I want to connect my domain ( to my Google VM instance on port 3000 to showcase Metabase. I do so through a Google DNS and load balancer. My problem While trying to do ...
Arthur de Vries's user avatar
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AWS NLB configuration for Tomcat hosts

I have a network load balancer setup with a TCP listener on port 443, nd in my target group I have two UI EC2 instances, both running tomcat. I would like for the users to be directed to second UI ...
Tina's user avatar
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Can AWS NLB be used to load balance requests to Read Replicas?

This article from Nginx describes how Nginx TCP load balancing can be used against MySQL cluster. In the first diagram, I would like to replace the Nginx LB with AWS NLB where, the MySQL cluster runs ...
cogitoergosum's user avatar
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Load Balancer does't load some sites

I have a TP-Link Load Balancer TL-R480T+ and I use two Wan connections that go for an intern server that makes the DHCP server, etc. But the problem is that here I use two sites that when I try to log ...
Anderson Silvestre's user avatar
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Load balancer on Ansible Automation Platform

Need one help with Load balancers for Ansible Automation Platform. Actually I ve upgraded from Anisble Tower 1.2 to Ansible Automation platform 2.3. Now I am not sure which IP's should I expose to ...
Prade's user avatar
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