Questions tagged [ls]

Command to list information about files.

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cygwin find -ls behaviour like ls [closed]

I use cygwin find with -ls (find . -ls) option to have a list of files with full path. Due to UTF-16 (windows XP in this case) converted to en_UTF-8 under cygwin, special charactere like accent are ...
NeronLeVelu's user avatar
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Input/output error reading USB backup drive on CentOS 6.4

I'm suddenly seeing some strange behaviour on our USB backup drive that doesn't make sense to me: (2013-10-21 14:58:23 [root@newdc /]$ cd /mnt/backup/ (2013-10-21 14:59:03 [root@newdc backup]$ ls -la ...
Kev's user avatar
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How can I get ls to print output as it goes along?

It seems that under most situations ls will read the whole directory before producing any output - typically because it needs to sort or columnise the output. Normally this is fine but when reading a ...
cpcallen's user avatar
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linux\solaris + print specific date format from file

subject - print file date on solaris as format: yymmdd ( yy - year , mm - month , dd - day ) on Linux machine I type the following command in order to get: file date as the following: ls -l --time-...
yael's user avatar
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How can I search for symlinks that point to other symlinks? [closed]

I have morass of chained symlinks like this scattered around: A (symlink) -> B (symlink) -> C (file) Some may even involve longer chains, I'm not sure yet. When manually examining a single file ...
Displayname71's user avatar
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ls command that shows AM/PM

I'm using a CentOS 7 OS, configured based on AM/PM. Is there a linux command line (like ls --full-time) that shows full time information including AM/PM? Below example does not show AM/PM: # ls --full-...
Bernard K.'s user avatar
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ls command hangs after I pause the destination folder

I have two instances of RHEL 7 Linux, machine 1 and machine 2. Machine 2 has a folder that is mounted to a remote folder from machine 1. It is done with command: mount -t cifs -o user=aaa,pass=...
MidTierDeveloper's user avatar
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ls *.csv --ignore="*pattern*" returns files which contain "pattern"

Why does ls --ignore not ignoring the pattern? Looking at the below example: mkdir books cd books touch books_abby.csv touch books_karen.csv touch books_david.csv touch books_tom.csv This creates ...
Greg's user avatar
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How would I list owners and permissions for all directories named X recursively?

Basically I would like to do a 'ls -l' recursively showing only those directories named web. How would I accomplish that?
Frank Barcenas's user avatar
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Why does dovecot cur folder remain very large after emptying it?

My CentOS system, used for PHPList, accumulates incoming mail in this path: /var/qmail/mailnames/ There used to be hundreds of thousands of emails in this mailbox, they ...
Doochz's user avatar
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du, df and ls report wrong free / used space [duplicate]

We have an Ubuntu 12.04 server running on a VMware ESXi host, with multiple partitions, running Zimbra 8 (mta/ldap only). One of partitions is a 30GB partition mounted as /opt/zimbra/data. I had a ...
jeshurun's user avatar
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remove files starting with dash

I have (by mistake) created several files starting with a dash in my home directory. I can not select them nor delete them. # ls -lht -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 325 Mar 22 16:33 -s-vmstat-overall -rw-...
shantanuo's user avatar
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Why does ls -1 not show all results? [closed]

I am trying to get a list of only directory names in order to store it in a variable for a foreach for processing later on. However, just testing the ls first I am getting weird results. For ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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3 answers

List files and directories in linux [closed]

I am not very familiar with Linux. I have got root access of a server. When I run the command "ls" then it displays nothing. No error no information nothing. When I run "ls -l" it displays "total 0" ...
Ali's user avatar
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1 answer

ls: cannot access file : No such file or directory. [closed]

In the shell script, I will have to access the binary logs stored in /usr/local/mysql/data. but when I do this, STARTLOG=000002 ENDLOG=000222 file=`ls -d /usr/local/mysql/data/mysql-bin.{$STARTLOG..$...
Rudra's user avatar
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2 answers

Remove all files in directory except last 20

I have question why is my cmd for "removing all files in directory except last 20" not working within cron but in command prompt yes. * * * * * ls -1tr /home/testusr/test | head -n -20 | xargs -d '\...
George_223907's user avatar
-3 votes
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Centos 5.4 - ls command not showing files on ftp server

I have installed ftp and vsftpd on my CentOS 5.4 through yum install ftp and yum install vsftpd. I have also created one ftp user with adduser ftpuser command. And here comes my problem. [root@...
Bay Emmar's user avatar
-4 votes
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linux + change/edit file without effecting on file date [closed]

I want to edit some file in my linux for example ls -ltr /etc/some_file -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 188 Jul 1 2010 sysstat . echo "Server101_IP=" >> /etc/some_file . I expect ...
yael's user avatar
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How to turn on ls -l headers? [closed]

How do I turn on the labels for ls -l? -rw------- 1 root root 0 Jan 2 2014 php_logging.log The first is permissions but root root confuses me. One is the username of the owner ...
user268506's user avatar