Questions tagged [monit]

monit is a free, open source process supervision tool for Unix and Linux.

102 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to suppress monit alert if restart successful?

We only want to be alerted if the service fails to restart. Is this possible? That is if, on the first check the service is down then restart it and don't bother to send us an alert; but if the ...
John Mee's user avatar
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Monit will not start my node js app

I have a problem with Monit that I use for monitoring of my Node.js app. I just moved from a single core machine to a multi core one. On both of them I run Ubuntu 11.10. On the old one this was ...
Buzz's user avatar
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monit reporting “connection failure” when actually a “content failure”?

I have a monit rule which looks like this: check host with address if failed url content == "ok" then alert group But when ...
David Wolever's user avatar
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Pause monitorig of Monit on server update

I have a problem with monitoring services by Monit. Monitoring works well. Too well. When I execute system update... possibly update of MySQL or Apache etc. needs to be service down. Updating ...
user5332's user avatar
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Monit Alert with Multiple URLs

I've got a monit setup to http check several subdomains of an http server. Currently, they are multiple check host statements that look like this: CHECK HOST with address if ...
menacingly's user avatar
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mysql service status doesn't show started when it is started by monit

I installed monit on my Ubuntu 14.04 server and configured it to monitor mysql with the below config in monitrc. check process mysqld with pidfile /var/run/mysqld/ start program = "/etc/...
salmandem's user avatar
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How can I make monit poll more often during a state change?

I'm using Monit to monitor various processes that need to be up and running as a group for a web site to work properly. To bring up or bring down the site, there's a definite order by which the ...
Louis's user avatar
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aggregation of monit alerts per cycle

I have a dozen of identical services configured in monit. When I enable alerts for check process on these services and alert condition arises in all of the services I receive a dozen of identical ...
timurb's user avatar
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On restart, start with "monitor all" enabled

I have monit enabled and monitoring one of my applications, where if the application restarts more than 4 times in 10 cycles, I stop it, and run a script (which, among other action, also does ...
Ani's user avatar
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monit: add NOALERT in an IF construct

On debian jessie, I have configured monit to check for HAproxy particular port forwardings, and to restart it if failed like this: check process haproxy with pidfile /run/ group www-...
Danduk82's user avatar
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Varnish failing intermittently for no obvious reason

For the last few years we have been running Varnish as a cache and load balancer in front of several apache servers serving several thousand websites. We also use monit to ensure that if varnish ...
skmbr's user avatar
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monit does not run script after "if does not exist" check

I'm having trouble with monit. I have setup monitoring with monit. However, I'm having trouble with a check for the process running. If the process is not running, i want to run an specific script ...
roloenusa's user avatar
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monitoring error rate with monit

Is there a way to tell monit to alert me if there are more than X errors (e.g. lines matching "ERROR") in a log file in a certain time? My use case would be: errors sometimes appear in my log file (i....
riffraff's user avatar
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Monit unable to start sidekiq on Opsworks server

I have used AWS Opsworks to create some servers. I have Sidekiq running as part of my Rails application. When I deploy Sidekiq restarts nicely. I am configuring Monit to watch the pid and start and ...
webdevtom's user avatar
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Monit won't run

I have two identical EC2 instances (the second is a replica of the first), running Gentoo. The first instance has monit running which monitors a single process and some system resources and functions ...
Yaniro's user avatar
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Kill runaway Phusion Passenger child processes with monit?

Is there any way to monitor and kill Phusion child processes that are using too much memory or cpu with monit? There are many examples for Apache, but since Phusion runs in its own process, runaway ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Monitoring php command line worker with Monit Ubuntu 20

Problems monitoring php script using pid method. We have a Laravel worker script that must be kept running on the server: php /data/git/site/directory/artisan queue:work --daemon when this is run on ...
sixfive's user avatar
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Getting Monit Web Interface and CLI to work on Ubuntu server

I have a hard time getting monit to work on my Ubuntu 18.04.4. I've installed monit via sudo apt install monit, then I've enabled httpd like this: set httpd port 2812 and use address localhost ...
Manuel Rauber's user avatar
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can I limit how often monit will alert?

Sometimes monit spams alerts faster than the devops can read them. It's not false alarms, things have gone crazy. But yet there is no need to spray alerts all over the place, a few would be sufficient ...
mogul's user avatar
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Can `monit` send alerts to an HTTP endpoint (instead of email only)?

I'd like to configure Monit to deliver 'fail' and 'success' notifications via its alerting system; the global alerting system seems only to support email notifications, and there doesn't seem to be a ...
Tom's user avatar
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2 identical VPS (Ubuntu 18.04): Postfix - Alerts from Monit to Google mail is not working

Let's start from beginning. I have a two identical VPS servers with Ubuntu 18.04 OS and Monit installed on both. I configured mailserver on the monit (for sending alerts) configuration as a localhost ...
user3168731's user avatar
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Send additional (custom) data to m/monit

I use monit ( for system monitoring. Also I use my own "backend" instead of m/monit and I want to receive additional data from the monit instances. For example, is it ...
Vadym's user avatar
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monitoring mongodb with monit

I cannot get the most basic script working on monitoring mongodb on ubuntu 16.04 monit 5.16 check process mongod with pidfile /var/run/ group database start program = "/usr/sbin/service ...
farhadf's user avatar
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Restart Monit service upon multiple conditions

I have a service monitored by monit, and I would like to restart it if it meets either one of two distinct conditions: if memory usage is >15% if memory usage is >5% AND the current system time is ...
abeboparebop's user avatar
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monit check http response header

unfortunately, the documentation is not clear about the HTTP content. i want to monitor a specific response header, not the content itself, ...
sgohl's user avatar
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Is there a way to include some text into monit's alert message?

I plan to use program check, with it's exit code I can force monit to send alert mail message, ok. But how to include into that message some output produced by checking program? I could modify ...
Storm's user avatar
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monit lists apache as 'not monitored'

Trying to get monit to monitor apache. No matter what I do I can't get it to work. It reports as 'not monitored'. I've checked that the pid I am using is the root apache process. Running apache 2.24 ...
Tofuwarrior's user avatar
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How to configure monit, check process to start program when only filesystem is available?

I want monit to check specific process and start it only when the depending filesystem is available. check process Tomcat with pidfile /path/to/tomcat/TOMCAT.PID depends on abc start ...
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Prevent monit from checking while restarting

We have the following monit config which restarts tomcat if unable to connect to it: check host Tomcat-Foo with address localhost stop program = "/usr/bin/systemctl stop tomcat.service" start ...
Svish's user avatar
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Alert on simultaneous failure of multiple monit services

We're using Monit to check our web servers. When the check fails (or succeeds) the corresponding compontent on a status page is updated via a shell script like this: check host web-a-https with ...
Phillipp's user avatar
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Send monit alert to log file instead of email

I am using monit for several processes. But I do not want to sent an email when there is an issue, whereas I need it to log it to a file. Can this be done? OS: Ubuntu 14.04 Monit: 5.6 Current ...
jshthornton's user avatar
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how do I set monit to non-daemon mode

I'm trying to get monit to just excite the monitrc script once and then exit. I've tried monit -v -Ic /tmp/monitrc but when I look at the output it says: Runtime constants: Control file =...
whisperstream's user avatar
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why basic auth loops when using nginx and monit

I was trying to configure nginx so that will access, which is the url monit is listening. Two authentication was set, via nginx(nginx.conf file) and ...
user261134's user avatar
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How to get monit to only alert once when a check fails, not when it comes back successful?

Apologies if this is the same question as How to suppress monit alert if restart successful?, but it appears like it might be different, so I'm asking again.. We want to have a monit alert check when ...
Joshua Buss's user avatar
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Is there any way to have monit not try to restart a process?

I have monit watching a process and killing it if it's running for too long. I do not want this process to be automatically restarted, however. I don't have a start program specified, but each cycle, ...
Daniel Vandersluis's user avatar
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using monit to control node.js pm2 response time

I want to use monit for ability to reload pm2 node.js site if response is longer than 2 seconds. This is my monit config /etc/monit/monitrc: check process pm2 with pidfile "/root/.pm2/pids/...
Maxim Yefremov's user avatar
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Logrotate for node.js app deployed using monit and upstart

I deployed a web application in node.js by following the guide: Deploying Node.js With Upstart and Monit . The app produces some log via console.log(). In the upstart script, it's redirected to a log ...
He Shiming's user avatar
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monit, unable to start node.js script

I need to run my stats collecting daemon & send alerts, when it is down. I tried thousands of variants.. and last was: check process collect-stats with pidfile /var/run/nodeutils/collect-stats....
avasin's user avatar
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Issues in monitoring apache tomcat server using Monit

I have installed Monit using the following command in Ubuntu Linux 12.04.1 server sudo apt-get install monit My main goal in using Monit is to restart my - MySQL and Apache tomcat services ...
Senthil Kumaran's user avatar
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Restarting a program with monit

Hopefully someone can help me out with this: I am running a game server that crashes with a segfault every 3 hours, I am trying to get a restart script working but I'm a complete noob when it comes to ...
David's user avatar
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How to run a shell script before restarting a service in Monit in case of a crash

I am using Monit 5.3.2 in my Linux box. I am monitoring some services using Monit. I want to run a script before the running the restart command. I have used the below conditions for the same. if ...
Supratik's user avatar
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Monit 5.3.2 not working on Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64

I have monit working on several servers but when I install it on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit server I get the following error reported in the log file and monitoring doesn't work. [EDT Jun 24 21:26:20] error ...
Tyler's user avatar
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Rewrite URLs with Apache (to be used in combination with mod_proxy)

I'm using Apache and mod_proxy to provide access to the Monit GUI over HTTP. So far my configuration is as follows: ProxyRequests Off <Proxy *> Order deny,allow ...
Max's user avatar
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Monit unable to send email alerts

I have set monit to send email if my java listener failed on port 8000. I have tried to close the listner and run monit validate below is the errors I got. monit validate 'cs8000' process is not ...
user111196's user avatar
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specifying multiple mail formats in a monit file

I have a very long monit file, with different rules. For certain rules, I want to send an email (with a specific format) to multiple email addresses. I thought about using a Message Format, but we ...
Ionut's user avatar
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Monit and MySQL/MariaDB Checksum

I have Monit monitoring MariaDB but when a minor MariaDB update is rolled out Monit fails to monitor as the Checksum has changed: Checksum failed Service mysql_bin Description: checksum failed, ...
neilgee's user avatar
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Monit: exec a command but don't alert

I use monit to start a program when a webserver is not accessible. .monitrc: check host MyServer with address MyServer if failed port 80 protocol http then exec "/home/michael/monit/...
Michael Hutter's user avatar
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What is the correct way to check monit status/summary success/failure

I have monit utility on production for monitoring several daemons (our micro-services). I'm trying to figure the best way to unmonitor/monitor my daemons while updating them. So, basically I need ...
Alexander Bell's user avatar
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Setting up Slack Alerts for Monit monitoring MySQL

Trying to set up Slack alerts for Monit and MySQL/MariaDB but stuck in writing a MySQL check script. I have the monit successfully working if MySQL is stopped and receive email alerts - but want the ...
neilgee's user avatar
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Trigger a monit reload after unattended upgrades

I have run into an issue when combining monit with Ubuntu/Debian unattended upgrades. Monit monitors services and binaries, and flags changes, restarts processes, etc as needed. However, when a ...
Synchro's user avatar
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