Questions tagged [named-pipes]

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13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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stream a command's stdout, and merge with terminal's stdin to a single stdout

This answer shows numerous ways to stream multiple commands into another command, but since they use subshells you can't do stdin. While you can achieve this with named pipes, it's somewhat ugly and ...
J V's user avatar
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Named Pipe Access Denied when not running as Local System

I'm working on an issue at the moment where a WCF application creates a named pipe, which is then to be accessed by an application running in IIS. I didn't write the WCF application, I'm just ...
another_one's user avatar
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Communication between Windows services on Windows Server 2019

I have some custom made Windows services, that communicate over Named Pipes on local network with other application on another server. This setup worked perfectly on WS 2008 R2 and WS 2016 servers, ...
Tomáš Batysta's user avatar
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socat multiple reads from pipe via SSH

I would like to read input on a named pipe on a remote server from my local machine. I have a script on the remote server that is triggered as a CRON job. So every now and then by script writes ...
Cyberlurk's user avatar
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Linux kernel upgrade broke named pipes

We noticed a change with named pipes after a linux kernel upgrade. Using the scripts from, we were able to replicate the issue. The ...
Don Branson's user avatar
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SQL 2005 Named Pipes Stop Responding

We have a SQL 2005 64bit SP2 server running on Windows 2003 R2 SP2. It also has Reporting Server installed and that serves as it's primary function. Over the course of approximately a week, ...
DRCRON's user avatar
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Webserver stopped writing to named pipe

I am trying to debug a process which worked fine until about a week ago. I have a script accessible to my webserver which does nothing but write a value into an existing named pipe: #!/bin/bash pipe=...
Bowdzone's user avatar
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Make init script output available without hitting the filesystem

I'm working on an init script for a command which writes extensive activity messages to stdout. The output is only useful for debugging and since it will be running on a Pi, I don't want these ...
svoop's user avatar
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Beanstalkd queue with supervisord opening too many FIFO files

I'm running a Laravel queue job called "webhooks" using beanstalkd and supervisord on my Ubuntu server. I can see the job properly running with process ID 4403: webhooks ...
flyingL123's user avatar
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SQL Server 2005 Linked Server using SSMS from laptop vs RDP

I connect to work network via Cisco VPN from my work laptop, which is on AD. Edit I am using SQL authentication to connect from Server A to B; in scenario #1 I can connect. I can even connect from ...
AbeP's user avatar
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Windows Azure: file share, named pipe between virtual machines

I'm not able to get named pipes working within a single VM or across 2 VMs within Azure. Availability set is not an option. So, if the VM name is, the named pipe is failing with ...
chandra's user avatar
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Getting Access Denied While Accessing the Named Pipe from Another System

I have a Named Pipe and It Works Fine While I access it using a Client which runs on My System. I get GLE 5 (Access denied) while I run the client from another system. The original post is at ...
Simsons's user avatar
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3 answers

An SQLite/STDIN Conundrum, Specific to AIX

I'm been playing around with SQlite at work, specifically with trying to get the sqlite3 command line tool to accept stdin instead of a file. Sounds easy enough, on linux you can execute a command ...
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