Questions tagged [network-protocols]

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31 votes
2 answers

Under what circumstances is TCP-over-TCP performing significantly worse than TCP alone (2014)?

Many admins keep perpetuating - on ServerFault and elsewhere - how bad of an idea TCP-over-TCP is, e.g. in VPNs. That even the slightest packet loss will make one suffer from at least severe ...
Nils Toedtmann's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Understand IP addresses and location

I risk posing an ill formed question here, but I'll give it a whirl. Does it generally stand to reason that the nearer IP address A is to IP address B numerically, then the nearer IP address A is ...
John Berryman's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How are IP addresses assigned? What do the parts mean? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How does Subnetting Work? IP addresses and geographical locations How does my IP address get assigned to me? Is there any ordering? For instance by time or by location or by ...
John Berryman's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Can i set 443 as default web port which means it can only be accessed via https and no port 80

As title says, I want to set my apache to listen on 443, and will configure SSL. So, My Question is :- 1). Does that mean, i will not have port 80 or any other port which is no ssl ? 2). My site ...
James Bond's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Ethernet: network topology

Consider a standard GigE network switch. In order to do the switching, presumably it needs to maintain a map of MAC addresses of all things that exist on the network to its (switch's) port numbers. ...
NPE's user avatar
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