Questions tagged [nmap]

Nmap (Network Mapper) is a security scanner originally written by Gordon Lyon (also known by his pseudonym Fyodor Vaskovich) used to discover hosts and services on a computer network, thus creating a "map" of the network.

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2 answers

Best way to determine if IPs in a subnet are up or down in Linux

I have a simple method that I am using on four subnets to determine which registered IPs are actually up and active, and which ones can be removed. Initially, I iterate through the list of domain ...
UnworthyToast's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

IMAP connection with Dovecot keeps failing (time-out)

* TLDR ; if you have connection problems, not only make sure you have added the required rules to your firewall, but also make sure ($ iptables -L -v) that the rules are in the correct order! * It's ...
TomDogg's user avatar
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Nmap scan yields: FATAL: Unknown datalink type (127)

I get an error message trying to scan ports on any remote host using nmap (windows): Starting Nmap 7.25BETA1 ( ) at 2016-07-28 12:36 Jerusalem Daylight Time NSE: Loaded 138 scripts ...
diman82's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Check if remote host/port is open - Can't use GNU Netcat nor NMap - RHEL 7

At work, the infrastructure team is rolling out new VMs with RHEL7 installed as the base OS. This particular image comes with the nmap-ncat version of Netcat and does not have NMap installed. We are ...
λ Jonas Gorauskas's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Nmap how to split and filter this(regex)?

I think i need a regex code to filter nmap output.txt I use a tool called: Word List Updater 2.7 so this is the output: I want to filter,remove duplicates and look like ...
johny908's user avatar
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IPTables Policy INPUT DROP but accepts connection

I configured iptables with the following rules: iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 ...
SoabTI's user avatar
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Port Scanning Large Sets of Targets

1)How would you check to see if a list of ~10000 IPs if they have port 80 open? 2)How would you go about the same scenario but with a port range? 3)How would you check a list of 10000 IPs to see ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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"Nmap Scripting Engine" HTTP Requests

I looked into my nginx access logs to check who accessed my server and I noticed this line: <IP> - - [25/Feb/2016:02:49:12 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 160 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Nmap ...
PatrickMA's user avatar
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1 answer

How to disable unwanted services in vyos?

I am using VYOS server. I used nmap to scan all the open ports. PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 111/tcp filtered rpcbind 1521/tcp filtered oracle 1525/tcp filtered orasrv 14520/...
nebi's user avatar
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nmap silent with specific installation directory

Anyone have try to do the installation? it always install to c:\program files\WinPcap directory regardless of the parameter winpcap-nmap-4.02.exe /S /D="C:\tools\WinPcap\"
Francis's user avatar
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How to setup nmap ping count?

I need an arp-ping tool for windows Tried arp-ping Source address specification did not work in this tool. Then I came across nmap. -PR option suits ...
Siva R's user avatar
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Logstash nmap codec @timestamp match

I am using Logstash to input NMAP scan data into Elasticsearch. input{ http{ host => "" port => 8000 codec => nmap } }...
user79067's user avatar
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nmap shows strange open ports

Running nmap on my localhost shows me strange open ports: $ nmap -p- localhost Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2015-12-28 12:14 CET Nmap scan report for localhost ( Host is up (0....
lumbric's user avatar
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getting a list of live assets using nmap and script?

I'm playing around with a way to find all network assets from the command line that will return an IP, a hostname, and then have a way to see all interfaces associated with that host. I was using ...
networkScan's user avatar
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Port-scanning on Cisco router with Nmap

I have Cisco 2911 router just booted with factory settings and no ACLs or NAT configured. All I did is turned on the interfaces and assigned IPs. I am trying to scan for open ports with Nmap, but the ...
ScienceSamovar's user avatar
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Azure NAT blocking connections

When I try to connect to a port on the public IP address of a node, 50% of the time Azure doesn't respond and nmap marks it as "filtered". When I try to connect to the same port from the node using ...
Charles Offenbacher's user avatar
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cant scan and ping my ip from outside

when I scan my network using nmap it gives me something like this #nmap -vv -Pn -sV -sT -p80 -oG - 116.135.*.* # Ports scanned: TCP(1;80) UDP(0;) SCTP(0;) PROTOCOLS(0;) Host: 116.135.*.* () Status:...
Fxc3dC's user avatar
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"Filtered" port when accessing server

I'm having periodic trouble accessing one of my DigitalOcean servers from Azure machines. I have isolated a test that - I believe - demonstrates the issue and captured a tcpdump from the server for ...
Charles Offenbacher's user avatar
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Run ncat in background

from some time I'm trying to resolve very annoying issue: I need to have simple server which will listen on particular TCP port and throw all information which it recieve to trash. I'm doing it by ...
Paweł Wojtal's user avatar
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Why nmap result is different from online port scanner result?

I have a vps A, and I am running smtp on it. If I run nmap from my local desktop to scan for my vps it turns out that port 25 (smtp) is filtered. However, if I run online scanner (fill my vps's IP ...
Nevermoe's user avatar
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NMAP not mapping DOWN status

I used this command from another post and the file scan.txt only shows the servers with UP status. The listing should also show down status of IP. Is there a switch for that? nmap -sn -PE -oG scan....
Ken P11's user avatar
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NMAP (or other) continuous port scan until it returns open?

Is there a way with nmap or anything else to do a continuous port scan, say on port 22, until the service comes up and the port is coming back as open? Kind of like you may have an infinite ping ...
TryTryAgain's user avatar
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Is there a reliable way to detect OS of the network hosts from linux workstation?

How to detect OS of running computers on the network. We use linux. I want to write wrapper on the python, which will periodically scan network and write results to google spreadsheet. I tried nmap -...
vskubriev's user avatar
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Port 80 filtered nmap

Suddenly my server's port 80 is shown as filtered (no server changes are made). My sites are sometimes timing out or stays in waiting for a very long time (in browser). Nmap localhost output is below, ...
Praveen's user avatar
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NMAP port scanning - inconsistent results

I ran the same nmap commands subsequently, and got two sets of results. I know that there are three open ports, but on each run, only two are shown. Can anyone explain these results? ramses@deimos:~...
Ramses's user avatar
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2 answers

I cant open a port iptables - The command runs, but port keeps closed [closed]

I want to make a simple redirect of my notebook port to a VM port (in my notebook also).. iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 2424 -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 2424 -j DNAT --...
Rafael Soufraz's user avatar
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How to interpret nmap result, host up but no ports open

I have used nmap to map a network, scanning using the following command nmap -v -sS --no-stylesheet -T3 -sU -sV -O -oX <filename.xml> Some of the hosts come back with a ...
Slicedpan's user avatar
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Inconsistent nmap scan results

I'm working on a program that depends on scanning the local network for all connected devices and getting their MAC address. To do this, I'm running the following command: nmap -sn 10.0.0.* This is ...
Sam's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does nmap send two packets in order to test a single port

I run nmap with root privileges using sudo so I assume it has full access to creat raw sockets. Wireshark shows two packets used to test a single port when I used the command sudo nmap 192.168.110....
Matka's user avatar
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1 answer

nmap unable to split netmask from target expression [closed]

I'm trying to scan my website with nmap to see what is visible from outside...but nmap returns this value... Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2015-05-06 01:06 PDT Unable to split netmask ...
user287457's user avatar
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How to test iptables settings by port scanning? [closed]

I want to test my iptables and prove that it only allows traffic for given Protocol / Port - combinations. How I can use as a target for a port scan?
vinzBad's user avatar
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Nmap external scan shows port open, ASA says port is not open, but do get an socket

Folks, have a weird one, need your expert help. For one of our heavily used external facing server which came up in an audit, nmap -Pn scan shows the following: Starting Nmap 5.51 ... Host ...
user3196304's user avatar
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Why is port 443 (but not port 80) being exposed to nmap when iptables is configured to drop the traffic?

A Debian box is running web services on ports 80 and 443 and iptables is configured to allow web traffic only from white listed ip addresses. A second Debian box (that is not white listed) is using ...
Monica For CEO's user avatar
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Unknown device showing up in network scan

I need some help finding a device that has been showing up whenever I scan my network using Spiceworks' "Inventory" scan. I can ping the device, but nslookup returns a non-existent domain, and ...
zomgdavidbowie's user avatar
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One device shows down when more than 160 ip addresses are scanned with nmap

This is bugging me. I consistently have a single device that fails to respond to an nmap scan when more than ~160 IP addresses are specified. I seem to get mixed results between 150-160 IP addresses ...
Scottz's user avatar
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outlook doing remote portscanning

A while ago I switched my mailbox on another domain and configured outlook with an exchange server on that domain. Recently for some strange reason my hosting provider has been complaining that ...
Zipporobotics's user avatar
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ACL Rule to Open UDP Ports

I have the current rules in an attempt to open port 5060 and 10000-20000 for my VoIP provider. We are on a Cisco 1921 router. This ACL is applied to the WAN port on the router facing the ISP. Nmap ...
Kev's user avatar
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Is there a way to see what is actually filtering TCP port communication?

nmap -p 7000-7020 Will output all the filtered ports Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2015-03-04 12:18 EET Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00091s latency). PORT ...
Eduard Florinescu's user avatar
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Completely getting rid of SSLv3 on Apache

Our security team is asking that we completely disable SSLv3 on some of our servers running Apache. I've used the SSLProtocol entry in the ssl.conf file (like SSLProtocol ALL -SSLv2 -SSLv3) and ...
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Generate List of IP's With User Names On Windows Network

We recently setup GFI WebMonitor on our network which is giving me back IP's instead of User's. I'm in the process of determining whether we will be able to implement authentication on the proxy to ...
bumble_bee_tuna's user avatar
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nmap results to find open ports for SIP

I suspect that a firewall, or other security, on either the router, or on tleilax or doge is causing a problem with SIP calls. How do I establish that the connection is allowed and not being blocked? ...
Thufir's user avatar
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How to reverse arp using nping for Windows

I would like to send a reverse ARP to resolve an IP address given a MAC address using nping for Windows. The documentation is not clear on how this should work and I'm unable to find any examples ...
PaulH's user avatar
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Port suddenly closed. How to re-open?

I've written a software module in PHP that manages the saving of data in different data stores (MySQL, ElasticSearch and Redis). To test the module, I've created several test plans in Apache JMeter, ...
jgxvx's user avatar
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Fastest way to scan all hosts that are online

I am looking to find all the hosts that are online in a set of networks. I would like to find all hosts that are online in the entire network of 170.10.. (there are ~64K possible hosts). The network ...
P.P's user avatar
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Can a port be in the listen state and be closed?

Servers running Debian7.7, Mongodb, Nmap6.0 - Thanks for your time. I've user who can't connect to mongodb from his Win7 desktop. He has mongodb installed on it and he's trying to connect ...
mojo.average's user avatar
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nmap port 3128 shows open but no squid running

Im trying to lock down an Ubuntu server and ran nmap -T4 against my server. Everything looks right except that it shows port 3128 open but I dont run a squid server or anything else I know of on that ...
Tim's user avatar
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nmap: why is it scanning port 80 with TCP ACK and not SYN?

While reading nmap man pages, I read for the -sn option: The default host discovery done with -sn consists of an ICMP echo request, TCP SYN to port 443, TCP ACK to port 80, and an ICMP timestamp ...
philippe's user avatar
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I have a IP address with some open services. How could I contact the owner? [closed]

After having serious problems (DNS incident) I found out an IP address of a machine. Is it in any way possible to contact the owner without knowing anything else like email, domain name or website? I ...
brubaker's user avatar
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HTTP Ports are Filtered on New Virtual IPs in LVS (Linux Virtual Server) Load Balancer

I inherited a Linux Virutal Server (LVS) load balancer on CentOS 5.10. Its been running with no issues for quite some time with no worries. Now when I add a new virutal IP (VIP), all HTTP traffic ...
Michael J's user avatar
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nmap repeats the scan to a specific port multiple time

I scanned a subnet (16 hosts) while dumping the network traffic with wireshark. I did it 2 times and I noticed that in the traffic there is the normal SYN-SYN/ACK and SYN-RST from open/closed port, ...
Possa's user avatar
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