Questions tagged [opscenter]

DataStax OpsCenter makes it possible to manage Apache Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise clusters from a centralized web-based dashboard.

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opscenter build cluster failing on EC2

I'm trying to build a new Cassandra cluster on Amazon EC2 using Opscenter for development use. I have installed Opscenter (v4.1.3) on an EC2 instance using the instructions on
Andy Miller's user avatar
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datatstax opscenter v 4.1.2 short-os collection failed

I've installed Datastax opscenter v4.1.2. It was bundled with Datastax Cassandra Community edition version 2.0.8. I'm running these on Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit. When I open opscenter all ...
user226491's user avatar
-1 votes
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Opscenter repair service times out. ERROR: Requested range intersects a local range [...]

My production cluster had the repair service enabled since april 16th with the default 9 days time to completion and repairs would complete properly. However, since may 22nd, it is being disabled ...
jlemire-zs's user avatar
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2 answers

CentOS: OpsCenter does not see other node's agent

I'm new with Apache Cassandra. I am trying to install a little sample cluster using two CentOS server. I followed the documentation (Tarball installation) and the nodes are up. However, when I go to ...
Alice's user avatar
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Problems gettings datastax-agent (DSE 4.0.2) working with opscenter (4.1.2), IllegalArgumentException

I guess the question is: why isn't this working? I'm a bit stuck because there isn't much in the way of documentation on the agent itself, and the exception (seemingly from Clojure) isn't particularly ...
Oliver Seiler's user avatar
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DataStax OpsCenter ignoring proxy environment variable

we installed DataStax OpsCenter (v4.1.1) on a Debian 7.4 server. After starting the service, the following error is logged in /var/log/opscenter/opscenterd.log: ERROR: Trying to download https://...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Cassandra Opscenter historical view

I recently upgraded the underlying machines of my Cassandra cluster (In AWS, from "old" to "current" generation hardware). I thought I'd be able to see if this had a performance impact in Opscenter. ...
user2599625's user avatar
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OpsCenter API return all null values for os-cpu-* metrics

Invoking the metrics API (e.g., /cluster/metrics/node/os-cpu-idle?start=1397746020&function=average), I get all null values: { "": { "AVERAGE": [ [ 1397746020, ...
rkiesler's user avatar
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NullPointerException during datastax agent startup

I installed DSE 4.0 and started the datastax agent and set up a 12-node cluster. When I look in the opscenter console I see 0 nodes connected. I see this exception in the agent log: INFO [...
Oded Peer's user avatar
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OpsCenter doesn't display disk space

I've looked through multiple forum posts, I've turned on debug et al, and I still cannot for the life of me figure out why the disk space isn't working. ALL other information is filled--except for ...
Andrew M.'s user avatar
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