Questions tagged [peering]

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7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Route and traffic through two NAT boxes

I have set up two NAT boxes in two separate AWS accounts and given the necessary security group permissions to allow both instances to talk to each other. In account A I have a service that needs to ...
Ste-3PO's user avatar
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Linux peer-to-peer ethernet bonding

I have two linux servers. Each have 2 ethernet ports. I connect port-to-port with straight-through ethernet cables between the 2 servers (there is no network switches involved). I want to bond the 2 ...
Waslap's user avatar
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Azure Virtual Network Manager peering

Am I correct in thinking, that creating a peering via AVNM can only do gateways that are VPN/Express Route? I want on my peering the box that says "use target's remote gateway for route server&...
Stuart.Sklinar's user avatar
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Azure Virtual Gateway gets "Not connected" when peering a vnet

0 I have an Azure Virtual Gateway connection from to another Local Gateway that works fine. I need some additional address space in order to outbound connections and I decide to pair ...
Martín Alcubierre's user avatar
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PEERING connectivity issues between VPC's?

Could you help me with the network infrastructure below reference "PEERING" ? We have in GCP Cloud 2(two) VPC The First - "vpc-shared-nonprod" Projetc Name: "Shared" ...
Marcio Araujo's user avatar
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Does Azure Hub and Spoke vnet peering support multiple appliances in the Hub vnet?

Azure Hub and Spoke topology As is shown above with Hub and Spoke topology, does it support multiple NVA's in the Hub vnet and force traffic to traverse through them (one by one)? In my test, ...
user3290431's user avatar
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Is it possible to run IPv6 only BGP sessions?

We wish to peer with some members of an IXP that all support IPv6 peering. We do not wish to publicly peer on the IXP. Is it possible to save ourselves the trouble of getting a /24 block of v4's and ...
jduncanator's user avatar