Questions tagged [permissions]

In computing, permissions (often called "privileges," "access rights" or just "rights") are rules associated with objects on a computer or network. Permissions determine which objects can access which objects, and to what extent.

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26 votes
7 answers

How to deny the web access to some files?

I need to do an operation a bit strange. First, i run on Debian, apache2 (which 'runs' as user www-data) So, I have simple text file with .txt ot .ini, or whatever extension, doesnt matter. These ...
Strae's user avatar
  • 487
24 votes
5 answers

`Permission Denied` to CD into a directory even though permissions are correct

This is so wierd. Logged in to a Linux (RHEL) box as a user 'g', doing an ls -lah shows drwxrwxrwx 6 g g 4.0K Jun 23 13:27 . drwxrw-r-x 6 root root 4.0K Jun 23 13:15 .. -rwxrw---- 1 g g ...
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24 votes
4 answers

fstab and cifs mounting, possible to store authentication information outside of fstab?

I am currently using cifs to mount some network shares (that require authentication) in /etc/fstab. It works excellently, but I would like to move the authentication details (username/pass) outside ...
TJ L's user avatar
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24 votes
5 answers

Files mounted over NFSv4 are owned by 4294967294, UIDs and GIDs match

I have two identical linux machines (identical images launched in amazon EC2) and I am trying to mount an exported directory over NFSv4. Here is what the mounted directory looks like on the client ...
jberryman's user avatar
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24 votes
1 answer

Apache logs other user read permissions [closed]

We have several developers who maintain the system and I want them to easily read the log files in /var/log/httpd without needing root access. I set the read permission for 'other' users but when I ...
user2344668's user avatar
23 votes
7 answers

Copy permissions to identical tree on linux / unix

i have a tree of files with correct permission. then i have a (filewise) identical tree (with different file contents tough) with wrong permissions. how can i transfer the permissions layout from ...
yawniek's user avatar
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23 votes
7 answers

What is the most secure way to allow a user read access to a log file?

My application requires read access to /var/log/messages, which belongs to user and group root. What is the minimal exposure level required on /var/log/messages so my application can read it? ...
gAMBOOKa's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

What is the sticky bit in UNIX file systems? When is it used?

What is the sticky bit in a UNIX file system? As an admin when and how would you use it?
Aaron K's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

chmod -R makes files in child folders ureadable for some reason

I was adjusting the permissions when setting up some WordPress themes, and ran chmod 664 -R theme-dir/* It worked fine on the files in the root of the directory, but all the files in subdirectories ...
Sal's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

Apache runs as which user, group under OS X 10.6?

Anyone know the default user/group for Apache under OS X (10.6)? I'd like to set permissions correctly. Already enabled Web Sharing, etc.
Jake McGraw's user avatar
22 votes
7 answers

"Error Applying Security - Access is denied" while changing file permissions on windows server 2008

I'm an administrator on a Windows 2008 server. When I try to change file permissions on a directory, I get an error: Error Applying Security Access is denied. I am an administrator on the ...
adambox's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

Why am I missing /var/run/sshd after every boot?

I'm running a Ubuntu 16.04 container under Proxmox 5.2-11. After applying the latest round of patches1 I'm unable to login at the console or over ssh. I mounted the container root FS on the ...
Server Fault's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

"'' is not a valid login or you do not have permission" on sql server installation

I have tried installing SQL Server 2008 multiple times on my machine, and I always receive this error about 3/4 of the way through: '' is not a valid login or you do not have permission. I use SYSTEM ...
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22 votes
4 answers

How can I set full premissions to a user in a specified dir?

How can I set full permissions to a user in a specified dir in linux?
Alon Gubkin's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

Failed at step EXEC spawning... Permission denied

I have read alot about this but still not sure why this is not working. as far as I know all dirs have the right permission and even with everything being 777 I still get permission denied when trying ...
Stone Monarch's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

Trying to add a new SQL Server user throws the error "is not a valid login or you do not have permission”

I am trying to add a new user to an SQL Server 2012 database using SQL Server Management Studio. I right-click and select 'Add User' under Security -> Users, fill out the user information, and click ...
culix's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

What is the canonical use for the "sys" and "adm" groups?

Since the beginning of time (or as long as I remember anyway) linux systems have had a "sys" and an "adm" group. What is the canonical use for them? Would it be appropriate to use either for a "super ...
Ask Bjørn Hansen's user avatar
21 votes
5 answers

Run nginx as a non-root user

I followed this process to installing nginx on my Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Server I got lost after the point of creating an init ...
John's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Change owner recursively with Powershell?

I'm trying to use Powershell to change owner of a folder, recursively. I'm basically using this code: $acct1 = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount('DOMAIN\Enterprise Admins') $...
Mikael Grönfelt's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

How to configure PHP CLI on linux ubuntu to run as www-data?

I have a symfony2 application on my ubuntu. Symfony has a plenty of useful console commands (like php app/console cache:clear or php app/console assets:install web). The problem is If I run them as ...
loostro's user avatar
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20 votes
6 answers

Refresh supplementary group memberships without logging in again?

From my understanding, a Linux session caches its group memberships at login. Then if a new group membership is added (e.g. with adduser someuser somegroup), the user must log out and log in again to ...
Avdi's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

How to set file/folder permissions using Rsync from Windows to Linux

I want to transfer lots of files/folders from Windows to Linux using Rsync. On linux server(destination), I want the file permission set to 644, and folder permission set to 755. If possible, I want ...
garconcn's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Caddy "listen tcp :443: bind: permission denied"

Caddy server would not start and displayed this error after upgrading to v0.9.3: listen tcp :443: bind: permission denied I was running caddy with systemd as user caddy. I checked that the binary ...
ki9's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Although 80 and 443 are system ports, how are most web servers able to bind to them anyway?

Running a web-service that binds to port 80 usually doesn't require sudoer privileges. Since ports 80/443 are system ports, meaning they can only be used by privileged users, how come those services ...
adaml's user avatar
  • 361
18 votes
10 answers

NTFS Folder has no owner, no permissions, can't be deleted

I have a folder a 2003 member server which can't be deleted. Nothing has any permissions (domain admin and running up a cmd prompt as "nt authority\system" using psexec) - always "access denied". ...
winnt93's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Tool to show permissions of path in Linux?

Is there a tool in Linux that will take a path such as /var/log/httpd/error_log, and print the permission for each branch of the path, i.e.: /var: root:root, 0755 /var/log:...
Soviero's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

User accidentally messed up a Robocopy command and caused a bunch of folders to get created with corrupt security

We had a user run a robocopy command to copy some files but unfortunately the user accidentally messed up the syntax. Something like: robocopy "\\server1\share\Accounting" \\server1\share\...
TheCleaner's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

How to add NETWORK SERVICE to Users permission group?

I'm adapting an application from a different server, their installation guide tells me to Add Server Name\Network Service identity to Users permission group. So how can I? I've tried: Via ...
Madara's Ghost's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

User in domain admin group cannot access directory the group has permission to access

I've run into a rather interesting issue when playing with one of my domain labs. There's a directory on a 2008 R2 fileserver that's being used for folder redirection for all users in the "Staff" OU. ...
EnglishInfix's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

What User Should NGinx and PHP be running as?

Permissions are something that have confused for me a while with Linux. So at the minute both my NGinx and PHP-FPM instances are running with the user and group : www-data Is this standard? I run ...
The Pixel Developer's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Windows File Permissions and Attributes

I'm somewhat confused about the whole Windows file security scheme. I come from a unix background, so I don't fully understand the relationship between file permissions/security settings and the ...
prelic's user avatar
  • 339
18 votes
5 answers

Quickly changing Windows permissions for a huge directory tree?

I have a huge directory on an NTFS file-system (i.e. a top-level directory containing tens or hundreds of millions of descendant nodes with the file nodes probably on average about three levels deep) ...
Chris's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

CHMOD - Applying Different Permissions For Files vs. Directories

I've been trying to clean up permissions on a few boxes and have been scouring the chmod man as well as all the internet documentation that I an handle without any luck -- so here we go. Basically, I'...
Skone's user avatar
  • 519
17 votes
5 answers

"The user account does not have permission to run this task"

I'm trying to get a scheduled task to run on Windows Server 2008. It has been working fine for months, and then hung, so I killed it, and now I can't get it to start. (In case it's not obvious, I'm ...
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17 votes
4 answers

Can't connect to default admin share on Windows 2008

I have a Windows 2008 Server that I'm trying to connect to the default administrative share \\servername\c$ I can connect to it using the default Administrator account. But if I try to connect using ...
philcruz's user avatar
  • 451
17 votes
2 answers

setfacl to reset file to default permissions?

I have a directory with the following default ACLs: default:user:phptutor:rwx However, none of the files/directories in that directory have that default permission (because it was added after they ...
hopeseekr's user avatar
  • 291
17 votes
3 answers

KVM guest cannot write to 9p share owned by non-root

I am aiming to set up full write access to a 9p share for a KVM guest. Both host and guest have the same users/groups with the same IDs. Both host and guest should be able to write to the share using ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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16 votes
8 answers

'Permission denied' to a file I own?

My user, bob, can't access files that he (theoretically owns). I'm running Fedora Core 8. It probably easier to shown than tell: > ls -al . total 32 drwxrwxr-x 7 bob bob 4096 May 18 14:33 . ...
Gordon Wilson's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Specify default group and permissions for new files in a certain directory

I have a certain directory in which there is a project shared by multiple users. These users use SSH to gain access to this directory and modify/create files. This project should only be writeable to ...
mislav's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Upstart: allowing a normal user to stop and start my custom service

I have got my webserver application starting on boot using upstart. This is the upstart script: # web app node upstart file at /etc/init/webapp.conf description "web application" start on started ...
Tom's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

List user's folder access permissions

I have a user in a domain who has access to multiple subfolders in multiple folders. His rights were defined pretty granularly. Now he's leaving the company but will continue to work for a firm as a ...
imagodei's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

PING icmp open socket: Operation not permitted in vserver

I am running a vserver environment with several virtual machines. A single VM has the following problem: $ ping ping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted $ ls -l $(which ping) -rwsr-xr-...
rexkogitans's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Can I override my umask using ACLs to make all files created in a given directory world readable?

Assume that my umask is 0077. I have a directory, foo, that I want to have special permissions applied to it. All files I create in foo should be world readable, and all directories should be world ...
stickmangumby's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

How do I set default permissions for SFTP for an Ubuntu Server?

We have an Ubuntu 10.04 server. How can I set it so that new files created (or copied) over SFTP or SSH have g+rw and g+rwx permissions (where appropriate)? I'm also using setgid (chmod g+s) so that ...
wag2639's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Using ICACLS to set permissions on user directories

I'm trying to reset permissions on user directories and having a bit of trouble with the last step of my script. My script basically takes ownership of the entire user directory, resets the ...
pk.'s user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

How do I assign an SELinux label to a symlink with semanage so it persists after a relabel?

My apache DocumentRoot /var/www is a symbolic link to another path. The target has the appropriate file context label (httpd_sys_content_t) so that apache can read it with SELinux enabled. However, ...
Steven T. Snyder's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Check that a given user has a given privilege

Given a pair of a user and a privilege I need to determine if a user has the privilege on the server. The following is true in my setup: The server is a part of a domain but not a domain controller ...
Andrew Savinykh's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

Mysql - Access denied for user 'root'@'x.x.x.x' [duplicate]

I am trying to connect to a remote mysql database from my local box. Initially I was not even able to hit the mysql db. But after commenting the binding_address in the my.cnf file and restarting the ...
bragboy's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Best permissions/ownership for apache document root

I need some help setting the correct permissions or ownership of the apache document root. Here is what I need: different websites stored in /var/www/html/<site> two users should update/manage ...
Marco's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

NTFS - Domain Admins don't have permissions despite being part of the Local Administrators group

As per "Best Practices" staff in our IT department have two accounts. An unprivileged account and an account that is a member of the global Domain Admins ($DOMAIN\Domain Admins) group. On our file ...
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