Questions tagged [pki]

Public Key Infrastructure is a cryptography system based on X.509 digital certificates, commonly used for encrypted communication and authentication.

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1833 votes
3 answers

What is a Pem file and how does it differ from other OpenSSL Generated Key File Formats?

I am responsible for maintaining two Debian servers. Every time I have to do anything with security certificates, I Google for tutorials and beat away until it finally works. However, in my searches ...
Noah Goodrich's user avatar
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11k views TrustedCertEntry not supported

I am trying to secure my private docker registry using SSL encryption. According to this, I need to copy a .crt and .key to a /certs directory and it will work. What I have now is a .csr, .keystore ...
saurg's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why might Windows falsely claim a self-signed root CA certificate is revoked?

I created a self-signed root CA cert for internal test use, using openssl. This has been successfully installed and used as a trusted CA on a number of machines and platforms (Windows, Linux, various ...
Kieran Tully's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Server ssh certificate chain against MITM attacks?

During first contact with a server via ssh, the server's public key of the chosen key algorithm is presented to the user to validate it. After validation, the result is usually saved into the ~/.ssh/...
Lars's user avatar
  • 458
3 votes
1 answer

Wildcard cert for local SSL Certificate Authority?

This seems like it should work, but PKI is complicated and I'd like to ask people who can give an authoritative answer. BACKGROUND: I am the network engineer for a company; for sake of argument we'...
Mike Pennington's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Microsoft Certificate Authority Provider Compatibilty

So we are a mid-size enterprise refreshing our Microsoft PKI and looking to leverage it heavily across ther org for many things. ie Server to Server/Workstation encryption, Wireless TLS Encryption/...
BIllC's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

OpenVPN with a Windows Certificate Services PKI

has anyone tried using OpenVPN with certificates generated by Windows Certificate Services? In theory this should work. The provided easy-rsa PKI is not very comfortable to manage for many users. I do ...
Johannes Rudolph's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Strongswan PKI - ED25519 Certifcates - OCSP Responder having issues

I am trying to setup an ocsp for the certificates generated out of strongswan PKI - using it as a CA. If I try to use openssl it just throws out Can't open index.txt.attr for reading, No such file or ...
shinooni's user avatar