Questions tagged [postgresql]

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It has more than 15 years of active development and a proven architecture that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness. It runs on all major operating systems, including Linux, UNIX (AIX, BSD, HP-UX, SGI IRIX, Mac OS X, Solaris, Tru64), and Windows.

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Backup Dbeaver with postgres

I'm tring to apply backup using DBeaver with postgres: 1: Create backup: enter image description here 2: enter image description here 3: I try apply restore on another database and get this: enter ...
alex 's user avatar
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Am I right that every PostgreSQL instance is inside cluster? [closed]

I check PostgreSQL at several servers and noticed that there was either one or several DB instances, but every time it was inside the cluster. Is cluster standard way of PostgreSQL?
Aleksey's user avatar
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Virtual IP setup on two VMs using pacemaker

Do we need 3 VMs to set up pacemaker virtual IP to maintain quorum? I currently have two VMs running Postgres bi-directional replication. I want to create one IP address for communication. How to ...
user3924427's user avatar
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CPU/Threads during the scraping process

I am a junior developer and have a question about performance in scraping. I noticed that optimizing the script for software, for example, scraping Google and inserting data into PostgreSQL, is not ...
rbrtzlt's user avatar
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Random CPU + MEMORY spikes issue on Ubuntu server + Docker + PostgreSQL

I've been encountering an issue that has been bothering me for a while now. I have a Google Cloud VM running an Ubuntu 18.04 server with several containers, including a PostgreSQL server, a Redis ...
user586883's user avatar
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How to pg_dump from old version of postgres?

I'm really scratching my head. I was under the impression that newer versions of pg_dump can export from older versions. However, I keep getting this error: pg_dump: error: aborting because of server ...
FlavorScape's user avatar
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PostgreSQL + Removing old Host from DB not succeeded

We have HDP cluster with 152 workers machines - .. , While all machines are installed on RHEL 7.9 version We are trying to delete the last host - worker152....
King David's user avatar
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How do I configure SE Linux so PHP can connect to Postgres by socket

I have a PHP application that connects to a Postgresql Database. This works when I connect via network but I get an SELinux violation when trying to connect using the socket. I believe the contexts ...
Chronocide's user avatar
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Data migration between postgresql-9 and postgresql-11 [closed]

What is the best way to migrate postgres-9 database with size of hundreds GB to postgres-11 ? I'm afraid that third party tools will take too long to do this.
foobar's user avatar
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What are the advantages or disadvantages of using pgx vs postgresql as the database type in crowdsec's configuration?

First I had 'postgres' as the db type in /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml but soon realized that 'postgres' was not a valid value so I changed database type to 'pgx' before I noticed that 'postgresql' was an ...
mr.zog's user avatar
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Bacula Postgresql Huge Logs table

We currently have Bacula Enterprise v12 installed on our production. We seem to have a problem with BWEB regarding the logs of any job. it takes forever for the web interface to load the logs. After ...
bill saplam's user avatar
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Google Cloud SQL [PostgreSQL] Database storage is Increasing

I have a database instance (PostgreSQL v12.6) on Google Cloud and since 10 days ago, the Storage of Database is increasing rapidly. Here's my Observations: list of Dtabases Dashboard of Disk Space ...
RAM's user avatar
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PostgreSQL Backup: how to activate backup mode non-interactively

Hello PostgreSQL experts! I'm running a postgresql 15 server with multiple database instances ("clusters"), which uses Netapp NFS as storage for the data and WAL directories. I'm trying to ...
b2c's user avatar
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Issues with VPS provider limiting CPU usage with data processing Spring Boot application

I developed a Java Spring Boot application with a PostgreSQL database. Since the data being processed is quite a lot, the processing can take time and it uses a lot of CPU (e.g. up to 100% obviously). ...
BullyWiiPlaza's user avatar
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How to install postgres and create new user and db using ansible playbook?

I tried using below playbook to install postgres 12 on my ubuntu machine on both 22 and 23 versions of ubuntu. For installating postgres and set a default password to postgres user and create a new ...
user2331760's user avatar
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Issues connecting Data Fusion to CloudSQL Postgres instance - getting a 403 "The client is not authorized to make this request"

I've got DataFusion and Cloud SQL Postgres up and running in a single GCP project. I can connect to my postgres instance successfully using pgAdmin (as long as I add my IP address to the allowed ...
Sunny Matharu's user avatar
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Postgres related process are running after stopping it

Postgres related process are running after stopping it using the following stop command. sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql stop Stopping postgresql (via systemctl): postgresql.service Postgres process ps -...
user352290's user avatar
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AWS RDS Periodic Writes

I have an AWS RDS postgres instance (v15) that doesn't see much usage. However, every three hours at around the half hour mark, I get a flurry of writes (see screenshot, below). At first, I thought ...
adam-m-hanna's user avatar
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gcloud sql connect using access token got further but now fails when running psql

GCP recommends forcing SSL for database so I did. Now, when trying to connect, I run #This cmd is the same with other options too -> gcloud sql generate-login-token gcloud auth application-...
Dean Hiller's user avatar
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I can't access my Postgres server remotely

I have a Postgres db running on a linux server in my home. I want to be able to access it from my public IP address remotely but it seems not to be working. I have listen_address = "*" set ...
Shadow1349's user avatar
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Unable to setup pglogical replication between 2 GCP CloudSQL instances

I'm currently trying to setup pglogical replication between 2 GCP CloudSQL Postgres instances, in order to quickly migrate data between regions. I've following the GCP docs[1] by creating a replicator ...
Gavin Williams's user avatar
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Having difficulty connecting to PostgreSQL with Django hosted on IIS

Trying to host Django 4 app with PostgreSQL database on Windows Server 2016 with IIS manager 10 and httpPlatformHandler 1.2. The app and database work without issues when running on a VM server with ...
Nika Tvildiani's user avatar
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How to use azure functions to do import and export of database oprations on a azure postgres?

How to use azure functions to do import and export of database oprations on a azure postgres? I have azure postgres flexible server VM and having private vnet for it instead of public endpoint. Same ...
sardar's user avatar
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Have you got a worked example of using Postgres through ODBC with openssl and the Progress DataDirect Linux driver?

I am new to openssl configuration, Postgres, and the Progress DataDirect ODBC driver, and I am trying to set this up. I have Postgres working in a container, set up with tjcw:~$ openssl req -new -x509 ...
Chris Ward's user avatar
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PostgreSQL huge input lookup error could not parse XML document

I have a PostgreSQL database with some pretty big documents in XML format added into a table which has an XML type field. I am running an XMLTABLE query with Xpath expression and I have the following ...
thefallen's user avatar
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Pg admin not have en US collation, but postgres hawe it

postgre 12342 | en_US.utf8 | 11 | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | 12343 | ru_RU.utf8 | 11 | ru_RU.utf8 | ru_RU.utf8 | 12344 | en_US ...
dr.ipkins's user avatar
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Pgadmin4 - 500 Internal Server Error

I am a new user of PostgreSQL. I have installed PostgreSQL 13 on the CentOS 8 server and configured PGAdmin4 in both the web UI and desktop UI modes. The installation was successful and Desktop UI is ...
Dhanushka Ekanayake's user avatar
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SSL Certificate loading error in postgresql.conf file during restart

openssl genrsa -out root.key 2048 openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt chown postgres:postgres server.* ...
Rajesh Maniyar's user avatar
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Pgpool-II connection pooling with Load balancing disabled still make request to stand by DB node. Causing client to disconnect

I have a problem with pgpool-II load balancer. Currently I have turned off pgpool-II load balancer but somehow it still made request to my standby node. How can this happen? This make my child go ...
Hiếu Vũ's user avatar
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How do I configure SSL/TLS to connect to a Cloud SQL instance?

As far as I can see connection over SSL/TLS is always available with Cloud SQL. If I enforce it, it becomes required. But the maximum level of protection I was able reach is verify-ca from the ...
x-yuri's user avatar
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Using podman/docker secrets to enable SSL for Postgres 15 - SOLVED

I am trying to use podman/docker secrets for ssl certificates but i keep getting SSL errors. Here is the command i am using: podman run \ --detach \ --restart on-failure:5 \ --network ...
Luccas's user avatar
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pg_ctl start on Windows gives error: could not open file "global/pg_control": Permission denied

On Windows Server 2022, I am logged in as Administrator and trying to do a pg_ctl start on a Postgresql database that was initially created by user SYSTEM, but get the following error in the cmd ...
Lurch's user avatar
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Issue to configure PostGreSQL as a service on Ubuntu

I'm struggling to deal with PostGreSQL which I'm not able to launch as a service My conf is set like this: [Unit] Description=PostgreSQL RDBMS Documentation= After=...
Toucouleur's user avatar
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Allow connections to postgres container from other containers, but no outside machines

Using postgres 14 or 15 as a docker container, with a port in the host bind to the 5432 port of the container, with the following configuration in the pg_hba.conf file # TYPE DATABASE USER ...
Rodrigo Osvaldo Grijalva López's user avatar
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Log postgresql query positional parameters on error (postgresql 10)

I am trying to debug an application that inserts data into a PostgreSQL 10 database. PostgreSQL complains that a value is too long for type varying(10) and logs something like this: 2023-08-22 11:23:...
nathou's user avatar
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Is password needed when connecting via Cloud SQL Auth Proxy?

It seems like it's needed, because it asks me for the password. But if so, then what's the point in having 2 credentials (a credentials file + password)? If not, then what am I missing? The docs is ...
x-yuri's user avatar
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Error running PostgreSQL Deployment in Kubernetes: "No such file or directory" for data directory

I am trying to deploy a PostgreSQL database using Kubernetes and encountered an error related to the data directory. Below is my YAML configuration for the Deployment: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: ...
Ed Black's user avatar
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How to connect to a GCP Cloud SQL Postgres server using client certs?

I'm attempting to authenticate with a cloud SQL instance using a client cert: psql -h "$IP" "sslmode=verify-ca sslkey=certs/tls.key sslcert=certs/tls.crt sslrootcert=certs/ca.crt dbname=...
Thanatos's user avatar
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Why are changes not synced to replica instances on Kubegres Cluster?

I have set up a Postgres on Kubernetes cluster with Kubegres with 3 instances - 1 master and 2 replicas. Now, I am facing the problem that the replication doesn't really work. What is synced, is when ...
xm22's user avatar
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pgloader + docker mariadb and postgres = no connection on localhost for my databases

I am trying to migrate from mariaDB to postgres via pgLoader I have two databases running on my computer mariadb on pass:pass user:app postgres on pass:pass user:app I run the ...
jotyhista's user avatar
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How I can use the CPU usage as load balancing weight?

I have the following infrastructure: Infrastructure is N apps that connect into a master-slave replication schema for Postgresql databases located upon amazon RDS. I use rotated weighted DNS using a ...
Dimitrios Desyllas's user avatar
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How can I get the query string, starting by the process id associated to the Postgres connection running it (output of htop)?

I have a machine, let's call it DB_server, which is connected to two application machines, let's call them application_server_1 and application_server_2. DB_server hosts 3 postgres databases on it, ...
Tms91's user avatar
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Understanding EBSByteBalance% in AWS RDS gp3 volumes

I am troubleshooting an AWS RDS Postgres instance that has been restarted by AWS several times in the last few days, very likely due to resource constraints. It's a testing DB that usually doesn't do ...
MoWo's user avatar
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Why can't I create this role with perms to another role

This doesn't work CREATE ROLE "role-one" LOGIN; CREATE ROLE "other_role" LOGIN WITH "role-one"; I get this error ERROR: unrecognized role option "role-one" ...
red888's user avatar
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pgadmin4 using kerberos authentication returns error "Kerberos authentication failed. Couldn't find kerberos ticket"

My environment: MIT Kerberos server on Red Hat 8.8 PostgreSQL server v15.3 on Red Hat 8.8 PostgreSQL client v15.3 on Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop I have configured PostgreSQL server to use Kerberos. On my ...
folow's user avatar
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How can I configure pg_hba.conf in kubernetes deployment when the ip address of client pods is not known?

Suppose I have two backends be1, be2 deployed in pods that use a postgres server in a pod, and I want to use pg_hba.conf to constrain access for better security, like: hostssl db1 db1user be1-...
Marvin's user avatar
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Optimzing Docker Builds with docker-compose.yml when using PostGres DB's, performance, etc

I just have a general about how best to build and manage DB servers when using Docker builds with docker-compose.yml. Historically, I've sometimes bound the Postgres DB's to a bound folder on the ...
SScotti's user avatar
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Kubernetes cloudnativepg operator local/nfs backups

I wanted to test the cloudnativepg operator for a local cluster and would like to save the backups on a local dir. The problem is that the documentation only has information regarding cloud solutions ...
Vincent Adams's user avatar
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how to give permissions to postgres_exporter user with ansible?

I need to give some rights to my user postgres_exporter to scrape metrics from postgres to grafana I can do that on each server by sudo -iu postgres psql -c 'GRANT pg_read_all_settings TO ...
a1dude's user avatar
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Can't connect Google LookerStudio to Amazon Aurora serverless PostgreSQL

There are no issues connecting to it from any other environment (local works fine, as does from the Cloud), and the security group is currently totally open. An actual PostgreSQL instance, hosted in ...
Dustin Oprea's user avatar

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