Questions tagged [powershell]

An interactive shell, scripting and programming language, and surrounding environment from Microsoft. Commonly used by system administrators managing Microsoft software (including Windows, Exchange, SharePoint, and cloud services Azure and Office 365), PowerShell is included by default with Windows, and takes over from previous languages such as VB Script.

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Powershell Foreach Statement not working in AD when combined with Get-ChildItem

Good Afternoon, I am attempting to count how many objects are in 9 different OU's which is in an OU for my organizations DC. This list will specifically return only the amount of objects (computers ...
Perrin Talmanes's user avatar
5 votes
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How to assign a Windows service least privileges to provision new accounts

We have a Windows service which currently runs as LOCAL_SYSTEM - effectively a local administrator. One of the functions of the service is to provision new local accounts and add them to a specific ...
Andy Cook's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Using Powershell Compress-Archive for folders in C:\Program Files

Trying to compress a folder in the C:\Program Files using Powershell however getting the following error. Appreciate if anyone can help. Command: powershell.exe -nologo -noprofile -command Compress-...
SAYA's user avatar
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2 answers

Powershell (Get-ADUser -identity).someproperty not showing result

I am trying to search for individual properties of an AD-User, when I run (Get-ADUser $userName).$targetProperty I get nothing When I run Get-ADUser $userName | select $targetProperty I get the ...
aRustyDev's user avatar
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'unlock-adaccount' is not recognized in Powershell on Server 2012 r2

I'm trying to use Unlock-ADAccount in a powershell script running on a Windows Server 2012 R2 box. This is what I get: PS C:\> unlock-adaccount unlock-adaccount : The term 'unlock-adaccount' is ...
Tim's user avatar
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Need to delete files (*.log.*) from subdirectories which has same name scattered in many root directory

I need to delete logs with extension *.log.* exits in subfolder named SessLogs, WorkflowLogs under the root directory d:\software\Bil Likewise I have the folders SessLogs, WorkflowLogs in many ...
prem 's user avatar
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MD5 hash comparison over SMB SLOW

I'm scripting a full backup solution in powershell on Windows server 2016 for Hyper-V VM's and have run into the issue that calculating the MD5 hash over the network on a mounted network drive across ...
Brad's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Used PowerShell to change my RHEL root passwords via PuTTY, but I don't know what I changed my password to

Basically the title. My friend provided me a script to batch change RHEL passwords via Powershell and PuTTY, but the new password I entered doesn't work when I try to log in. I think the issue is that ...
portland_admin's user avatar
2 votes
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kubectl (version v1.15.0) on windows is not able to display the tabular output using 'get' command with default content type

kubectl version v1.15.0 was not able to list the pods (and other resources) in tabular form of content type using 'get' command. kubectl get pods Error from server (NotAcceptable): the server was ...
Ashish Verma's user avatar
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Using powershell to track process spawned by .bat file

I have a third party application that uses .bat batch files to kick off their java applications. (It's pentaho, but not sure that matters much for what I'm doing). I'd like to be able to get a hold ...
atxdba's user avatar
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How to run aws after installing awscli

Here are the code in powershell script I run to provision a Windows 2012 server on an ec2 instance: # Set up chocolately Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net....
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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How to automate the installation of .net framework 3.5 with terraform and powershell?

The operating system is Windows Server 2012. This dialog box pops when a process starts on the server. Is it possible to automate the installation of the feature?
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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Add-ADGroupMember : Cannot find an object with identity: '{DistinguishedName}' under: 'DC=DOMAIN,DC=ORG,DC=com'

I have already browsed multiple versions of this question and the various solutions given on this and other sites, but none have addressed my issue or why it might be occurring. I am trying to create ...
C. Dennett's user avatar
3 votes
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Execute Script using Powershell Install-Package

currently I am trying to install software using Windows Package Management from a local repository. Right now I am using the nuget provider to get the package. My problem is, that I want to execute a ...
Hunv's user avatar
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task scheduler powershell foreground

I am using windows server 2016 "scheduled tasks" to run a powershell script. For some reason, i would see the script run in foreground , and not in background. Any idea to resolv this ? Thanks
Youssef CH's user avatar
5 votes
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Configuring Storage Spaces for NVMe caching of SSDs using powershell

I am installing Server 2019 Core on a Dell server. These are the drives I have: Get-StoragePool -IsPrimordial $true | Get-PhysicalDisk | Where-Object CanPool -eq $True DeviceId FriendlyName ...
jftuga's user avatar
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Powershell send-mailmessage logs

I need to debug Send-MailMessage command. In linux, I can see the logs of sending mail, via tail -f. There is an option to see the logs of this command? I want to send mail to an external domain, it ...
Amir Damirov's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

How do I get the DNS server cmdlets to work on PowerShell in Windows 10?

When I try to use a DNS cmdlet, I get a "not recognized" error... PS C:\Users\josh\Documents\GitHub\GoDaddy> get-dnsserverresourcerecord get-dnsserverresourcerecord : The term 'get-...
bigjosh's user avatar
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powershell echo and function parameters

I've discovered some weird behaviour with echo and function parameters - in this example: function a { $one = "1" echo "display some text" return @{one = $one} } function b { param ($...
Rowy's user avatar
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Auto-Detect the Silent Switches for Executable

In our environment, we are trying to automate the process of Unattended/Silent Installation for EXE's. I would like to know, is there a way to auto-detect the silent switches for executables. Is there ...
user529619's user avatar
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schtasks command has an unclear error

I am trying to change the expiry date of an Scheduled task using powershell because there are more than 40 tasks for users of same thing. schtasks.exe /Change /tn "Cache USer" /u "mydomain\...
CanBuyukburc's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to find Dell firmware versions through powershell

Looks like my newer servers are immune to this: #Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\CIMV2\Dell -Class Dell_CMApplication -Filter "componentType = 'FRMW'" -ComputerName "localhost" | Select name,version ...
SuperZumo's user avatar
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Script to automate data population once windows VM in GCP started

I need to know if there is any way I can build a script which can be executed as soon as my windows VM is started in GCP. This script should(Other than RPA solution) be able to open a web browser and ...
pankaj singh's user avatar
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Basic Powershell script strange behaviour

I have small script. Which i want test it with "If, else statement". I have the same value variables but when try to compare it, it gives else condition, but it should give true condition. Below are ...
Amir Damirov's user avatar
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Modify dynamic distribution lists in a bulk - Exchange

We have a situation here. So, basically our users right now are in the group abc>users will be migrated to a new OU like abc>country>users. This will affect several dynamic distribution groups with ...
falconR's user avatar
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Get-HotFix not returning all installed KBs

I'm having trouble with the Get-HotFix command on a Windows Server 2012 not returning all installed KBs, compared to what Windows Update says is actually installed on the server when querying it. Get-...
Samy Kacimi's user avatar
2 votes
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Powershell Importing active directory groups from a CSV file fails

I have a list of groups in CSV exported from a domain to be imported onto another domain. The destionation domain already has the same OUs and so (it is a test domain). The CSV file contains group ...
JavierS's user avatar
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o365 - Unable to delete items from mailbox

a user is not able to delete items from his mailbox . I have tried to force this by running command. I have tried this both OWA and Outlook. unfortunately no luck. Start-ManagedFolderAssistant -...
Cell-o's user avatar
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Using powershell can a non-admin user, change password of a user of remote machine which has windows operating system if existing password is known?

I have 2 machines. From machine A i log in as a user without admin privileges. I need to change the password of another user say BUser who is administrator in machine B by providing the existing old ...
Jaya's user avatar
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PowerShell - Get VMName, VMNetworkAdapter, SwitchName,IsLegacy, Vlanlist

So far I've figured out that piping these cmdlets will get me everything I need EXCEPT for the "VLANLIST" Get-VM | Get-VMNetworkadapter | ft VMname,NAme,SwitchName,isLegacy -Autosize I would be ...
SuperZumo's user avatar
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Move-Item script failed with missing files

I have a script below that is intended to move zip files from the source directory to target (both are network shares). The script was executed and we now have zip files missing in both the target ...
Ismail Hoosen's user avatar
3 votes
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Windows SMTP: Script Outbound Security

Building a config script in PowerShell to configure web servers' SMTP service to use the AWS SES (simple email service) for outbound mail delivery. Easy to do manually, but as we enter a load-balanced ...
Chris_K's user avatar
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Logging when ApplicationPool is started/stopped via Powershell

I use a Powershell script to, among other things, start and stop an IIS Application Pool via the following commands: Stop-WebAppPool -Name $appPoolName; Stop-WebAppPool -Name $appPoolName; Is there ...
beta's user avatar
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Migrate user mailbox calendar to public folder (shared calendar) in Exchange

We use Exchange 2016. A user shares his calendar with other users through Outlook (2010, 2013). To decouple this calendar from his mailbox and make it a shared calendar, we want to port it to a public ...
d4rwel's user avatar
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Startup Powershell script in GPO not executing - Windows Server 2016

I'm trying to get a simple Powershell script to run as a GPO Startup script on my school's workstations. So far I've not had much luck. The script started life as a more involved set of commands ...
CatchAsCatchCan's user avatar
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Script to remote into multiple workstations

I currently have multiple training labs with 10-15 computers in each. The problem is they all don't get used that often and after 60 days of inactivity, the computer gets blown from the domain and ...
Anthony .I's user avatar
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Powershell not loading CSV values

I wonder if someone can give me some guidance on a power shell script as i'm new to it. I have been tasked with renaming some machines that are not domain joined and so I have written the below, to ...
James Cleaton's user avatar
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how to connect to server in remote domain with winrm

I have winrm enabled on a remote server and from a member of that server's domain, I am able to run Powershell commands using PSSession. However, from a client in another domain, I get "Connecting to ...
Roman's user avatar
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Installing Module during OSD Task Sequence from NuGet not found

I have an OSD task sequence which one of the steps runs a package containing the PowerShell DSC '.ps1' file and the '.MOF' configuration. Now during the task sequence it looks like it can't find the ...
user526863's user avatar
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DSC not pulling config

my DSC node is not pulling the DSC config from my SMB DSC server. Get-DSCConfigurationStatus says the pull was successfull but Get-DSCConfiguration remains the same(old config). Im testing it with a ...
seyo -IV's user avatar
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DSC switching back to push

Hi there i got a small problem. I have configured a node to pull the config from my HTTP DSC server. But once it pulls its config the node switched back to push. My node config looks like this: [...
seyo -IV's user avatar
1 vote
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seach-mailbox group mailbox

How do you search a group mailbox. Search-Mailbox -Identity "[email protected]" -SearchQuery 'Subject:"Hello"' -TargetMailbox [email protected] -TargetFolder "Inbox" When I try to search the group mailbox ...
Adrian Halid's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to set Starting program section and Remote control section by powershell for AD user

I have used the "New-ADUser" command to create a batch of new user. However, I need to set the "Program file name" in "Starting program" to "c:\windows\system32\logoff.exe" and "Start in" to "c:\...
cache chui's user avatar
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Unable to select fields on Get-ADGroupMember query

I am trying to grab a list of users and their descriptions/departments, who are in a certain AD Security Group using the following command: Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "SecurityGroup" | select ...
Miles Hayler's user avatar
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"PowerShell Job not supported in Managed instance"

DMA assessment report tells "PowerShell Job not supported in Managed instance" . There are SQL server agent purge jobs to erase system phantom records job step in power shell . How this issue can be ...
Snehal Kumbhar's user avatar
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Windows Updates not downloading when set to Download Only

I am running Windows server 2016, with Windows Updates set to Download Only, however when I run the following script, it shows all outstanding updates as not downloaded, how do I investigate why they ...
Jeffrey's user avatar
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Exchange Management Shell cmdlet not found

I just recently installed an Exchange 2019 environment as we are planning to migrate from IBM Domino to Microsoft Exchange. Ever since creating a Database Availability Group some menu items are ...
farosch's user avatar
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how to check if network discovery is on using powershell?

I have just built a new server - windows server 2016 when trying to access its c: drive from any other server I was getting this error: The I changed this settings: and all is working fine. ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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SCCM PowerShell - Run Invoke-CMWmiQuery against a specific device collection?

I have the following WQL query: select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client ...
d3Xt3r's user avatar
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Multiple values returned with GetDwordValue .uvalue

On a few systems I have GetDwordValue return duplicate values (.uvalue) The commands are $reg=Get-WmiObject -List -Namespace root\default -ComputerName $ip.ipaddress | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "...
CWL's user avatar
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