Questions tagged [puppet]

Puppet is a configuration management tool (Unix & Windows) with its own Domain Specific Language.

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3 votes
2 answers

How to override puppet class arguments in child node?

I'm attempting to accomplish something like the below: node 'basenode' { class { 'puppet' : disable => false, } } node 'child' inherits 'basenode' { class { '...
Jon Skarpeteig's user avatar
110 votes
7 answers

How can the little guys effectively learn and use Puppet? [closed]

Six months ago, in our not-for-profit project we decided to start migrating our system management to a Puppet-controlled environment because we are expecting our number of servers to grow ...
drumfire's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Manage Kickstart library with Puppet

I maintain a library of different kickstart configurations, mostly for CentOS 5 and 6. It has recently gotten to the point I want to deduplicate as much of this information as possible. I am aware of ...
Tim Brigham's user avatar
  • 15.6k
5 votes
3 answers

Puppet - pass variable with a file create command

I need a way to pass a given variable - lets say thearch - to several different files within a given class. I need to be able to state the contents of this variable for each file individually. I ...
Tim Brigham's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What is the gain by using Puppet instead of Augeas itself?

Puppet uses augeas. What is the gain by using Puppet instead of Augeas itself?
seaquest's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How to enable systemd instantiated service with puppet?

I've got the following puppet service: service { "[email protected]": provider => systemd, ensure => running, enable => true, } When I try to apply this configuration on my ...
Clayton Louden's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Puppet: Conditional file source based on naming convention

I'm getting the ball rolling on puppet for my environment - and I'd like to have a conditional file resource based on whether or not the module itself contains a file based on a naming convention. So ...
thinice's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

puppet hanging or long time on rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8) = 0

In our setup, we manage our servers using puppet. Since a few days I saw the puppet client running very slow. When stracing the puppet process I get loads of rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [], 8) ...
Hannes's user avatar
  • 135
2 votes
2 answers

puppet onlyif specified nodes

I'm trying to write a puppet template. I have a puppet-master and a few puppet-agents and they all must be divided. I think it's good to do this by the node's hostname. But when I tried to do this I'...
Valintinr's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to make a variable in a parameterized Puppet class default to the value of another parameter?

I have a Puppet class that sets up a number of services and configuration files. In most cases, there is a default server that can be used, but it is also possible to configure explicit per-service ...
larsks's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

puppet-dashboard: Could not retrieve facts from inventory service

I am trying to configure puppet-dashboard, and I'm running into an issue with Inventory/facts: Could not retrieve facts from inventory service: 403 "Forbidden request: puppetmasterhostname(ip.address....
Banjer's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

deploying Python code with Puppet

I'm trying to implement a deployment system for my web application, based on Puppet. The application consists of several services (a couple of web servers: Django- and Tornado-based and a worker ...
valya's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Manage ssh_known_hosts with puppet

I'm new to Puppet (open source version) and have a relatively straightforward question. When I bring up a new host, I'd like the puppetmaster to add the new host's public rsa key to /etc/ssh/...
Banjer's user avatar
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0 answers

How to test that an exported resource in puppet exists after collecting?

I want to create a nagios_hostgroup if some hosts exists. For creating hosts in nagios I am using exported resources which I collect on the monitoring server. How can I test that a exported ...
MMore's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Puppet package provider for modules from puppetforge?

Using puppet, you can install 'packages' on your system using a variety of 'providers'. There are built in providers for yum, apt, gems, etc. Is there a 'puppet-module' package provider or similar? ...
Barry Pitman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to add Linux servers to SolarWinds via Puppet?

We use Puppet for configuration management. We also use SolarWinds for monitoring. Has anyone had any experience in adding a server to SolarWinds automatically via Puppet? How did you go about it (e....
Belmin Fernandez's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Generating Puppet resources from array of hashes

I'm new to Puppet and to start using it I want to learn how to manage system users. I have several users, which share common properties, so I thought I should factor things out. After some struggle, ...
drdaeman's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to use a custom status command for a service in puppet?

I am using debian squeeze with PostgreSQL 9.1 from backports. Puppet has version 2.7.14. Unfortunatly the init script returns the wrong exit code for status. Therefore I wrote a custom status command ...
MMore's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Is Chef/Puppet too complicated? [closed]

I know both of them are amazing tools, and have great feature sets. But maybe, just maybe, they are like Word/Excel, which I probably only use < 10% feature in my lifetime. To me, a bash-based ...
Gnep Zhao's user avatar
7 votes
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What are compelling use cases for having both Chef/Puppet and RightScale/Scalr?

I was wondering about the differences between cloud computing management tools and server configuration software as there seems to be an overlap between them. I would like to have some feedback from ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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puppet not signing cert or getting new requests

I am not sure how to word the question, so here is the problem: I have a brand new install of puppet-server and puppet using v2.6.16 and running on 2 nodes (puppet and puppet-agent, respectively) ...
Spechal's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How to convert a string to integer in Puppet?

I want to check whether the content of a variable is an odd number. But I need an integer for it. $ip_array = split($ipaddress, '.') $odd_ip = $ip_array[3] % 2 if $odd_ip == 1 { notice("is odd") } ...
MMore's user avatar
  • 543
0 votes
1 answer

fail to install jenkins with puppet

i'm on a ubuntu machine when i fail to install jenkins with puppet with the following error: /etc/puppet/modules/jenkins/manifests# puppet agent --no-daemonize --verbose notice: Starting Puppet ...
Jas's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Puppet - exclude file from management for managed directory

I have a couple Splunk servers in house which I manage part of the configuration through puppet. These are residing on CentOS 6 boxes. My definition is set up as file{ "/opt/splunk/etc/apps": ...
Tim Brigham's user avatar
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2 answers

MCollective cannot load the Stomp library?

CentOS 5.5 I'm facing with this problem when restarting mcollective: # service mcollective restart Shutting down mcollective: Starting mcollective: /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/...
quanta's user avatar
  • 51.8k
3 votes
1 answer

In puppet is there any way to don't realize virtual resources with collections, only with realize?

In puppet it's possible to realize virtual resources with the realize function or with collections. I'd like to know if it's possible to realize resources only with the realize function. As a ...
Jaime Soriano's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Different puppet modules with one common resource

I am writing particular modules for the different roles of my servers. So I have a puppet and a puppet-dashboard-Module. The puppet module ensures that puppet is correct installed. The puppet-...
MMore's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

When puppet exec's as a user, how can I get environment set for that user?

I've noticed that when I use the user option on exec, it doesn't take the environment of the specified user. $ sudo -i puppet apply -e "exec { '/usr/bin/env': logoutput => true, user => nobody}"...
leedm777's user avatar
  • 355
1 vote
1 answer

Using Augeas to modify Squid configuration

I'm running squid-deb-proxy and I want to alter the configuration using Puppet/Augeas. When I try this: augeas {'squid-deb-proxy.conf': lens => 'Squid.lns', incl => '/etc/squid-...
dty's user avatar
  • 293
3 votes
4 answers

Installing Jenkins with Puppet fails to import GPG key

I'm trying to install Jenkins with Puppet using the manifests below. # init.pp class jenkins { include jenkins::install, jenkins::service } # service.pp class jenkins::...
michaeltwofish's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Puppet: how to create and manage unix users and groups

This last week I spent all effort into learning Puppet. Now I suffer from a mental buffer overflow and little confidence of ever being able to tame this beast. I came across many annotated examples ...
drumfire's user avatar
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1 answer

conditionally load a site-specifc configuration snippet into a base config file template

My end goal here is to include a site-specific snippet of configuration into a common base template. My first thought was to call the template function from within the base template, e.g.: Manifest: ...
Gary's user avatar
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2 answers

Variables with a dash

In puppet, modules can have a dash in their name, and thus variables can, too. But then, how can we use such variables? For example, I have a $ssh_mode variable defined in a google-authenticator::...
raphink's user avatar
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1 answer

accessing a variable within a previously declared instance of a defined type

I'm trying to define a static media server that uses a common website layout (e.g. with directories etc/, log/, html/, etc.), as well as an nginx config that will get included into a host-wide nginx ...
Gary's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Puppet realizing defined users

Mostly as a learning exercise, I'm trying to use defines to create users. There are no errors, but the user doesn't get created. Adding calls to notify makes me suspect the problem is the order of ...
michaeltwofish's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

puppet certificate fingerprint changed before and after signature?

I am getting quite a weird trouble here with my puppet configuration. On client and server (debian-squeeze), same version of puppet, clock synchronized. Things were going great until I decided to ...
philippe's user avatar
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2 answers

Using Including Class Name in Conditionals with Puppet Templates

I'm in a situation where, for ease of management reasons, I would like to use the same config file template for two classes. I only expect a small section of the config file to be different between ...
Scott Pack's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Removing "X Windows System" and Gnome using Puppet

I'm trying to remove unnecessary services like XWindows and Gnome on production RHEL/CentOS machines using Puppet (I don't get to install the OS). From what I can tell, "groupremove" isn't supported/...
mike's user avatar
  • 11
3 votes
5 answers

What is the quickest way to get a new Rackspace server instance connected to a puppet master?

Right now I log into the new server put the puppet master in /etc/hosts install puppet change "START" to "yes" in /etc/default/puppet change "server" to puppet master name under [main] run agent with ...
AaronShaf's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Kill a puppet manifest

Say I have a manifest that has a different action for each version of Debian case $lsbdistcodename{ 'squeeze':{//stuff} 'lenny' : {//stuff} default : die I want the manifest to throw a fatal error. ...
NickP's user avatar
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1 answer

Puppet templates and undefined/nil variables

I often want to include default values in Puppet templates. I was hoping that given a class like this: class myclass ($a_variable=undef) { file { '/tmp/myfile': content => template('myclass/...
larsks's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Puppet Agent fails sporadically, with either timeout or "Could not find class" error

I have puppet master running on a Xen dom0, and 3 domUs syncing to it via an hourly crontab puppet agent --test. About 80% of the time, the puppet agent --test completes successfully: info: ...
smokris's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Loading dependencies for custom puppet functions

I have written a custom puppet function, which is working fine, that depends on the cloudservers gem (a Rackspace client library). This is fine if I have pre-installed the gem on a server before ...
Ben Smith's user avatar
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2 answers

Puppet write hosts using api call

I'm trying to write a puppet function that calls my hosting environment (rackspace cloud atm) to list servers, then update my hosts file. My get_hosts function is currently this: require 'rubygems' ...
Ben Smith's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Add requires to default resources in Puppet

I'm trying to add a require to the default resource for users in Puppet: User { require => Mount['/home'] } Using Puppet 0.25, I get the following error: err: Could not retrieve catalog from ...
raphink's user avatar
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Avoiding Puppet manifest duplication

I have a set of config files that need to be deployed to multiple locations on each server, each with different content, however they all share the same location structure. I'm trying to reduce the ...
Coops's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Making Puppet manifests/modules available to a wide audience

Our team rolled puppet out to our systems over the last six months. We're managing all sorts of resources, and some of them have sensitive data (database passwords for automated backups, license keys ...
Kyle Smith's user avatar
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0 votes
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Secure hostname/Serial number through puppet before signing certs

How can I restrict other nodes or apply some security check to in my domain.For example I had two systems where one is connected with the puppet server for receiving updates & for second system's ...
mac01's user avatar
  • 1
8 votes
5 answers

Puppet's automatically generated certificates failing

I am running a default configuration of Puppet on Debian Squeeze 6.0.4. The server's FQDN is The client's FQDN is I am able to contact the puppet master and ...
gparent's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Puppet claims to be unable to resolve domains even if domain properly resolves

I have a fairly simple puppet setup, one master and one node, both running Debian Squeeze 6.0.4. I have DNS entries for the two machines, client and master respectively. Both client and master's DNS ...
gparent's user avatar
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