Questions tagged [reserved-instances]

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0 votes
1 answer

Convert Azure VM from Pay-As-You-Go to Reserved

I will preface this by saying we are brand new to Azure. We ran a proof-of-concept project using a VM on a Pay-As-You-Go subscription. We're now ready to proceed to production, but want to take ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why would you buy large AWS reserved instances?

When buying reserved instances on AWS, you can choose what size of instance you want to buy. But: Each RI has a footprint measured in "normalization factor" When you're billed, it ...
0 votes
1 answer

Switching between Reserved instance and convertible instance

I have a Standard reserved instance for almost 7 months now and planning to switch the Standard reserved to convertible RI, In the beginning i have signed up for 3 years contract, if i convert the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can I still sell an AWS Reserved Instance if only paying for it monthly

I'm looking at purchasing a reserved instance to access a GPU on AWS. It's likely that a few month down the line i will need to migrate the workload elsewhere. Can i still see the RI on the ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to find available "2nd hand" AWS EC2 instances in the Reserved Instance Marketplace?

I need an AWS EC2 instance constantly on for 1 month and I am looking at alternatives to the normal on-demand price. There are articles out there describing how to choose a 2nd hand Reserved Instance ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to implement this AWS RDS Purchase recommendation?

I have 2 RDS databases size db.t2.medium. I went to AWS recommendations and got this: So far I've done only EC2 reservations. I am not sure how to proceed from here. First I guess I have to make the ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to purchase a Reserved Instance to cover for an existing AWS EC2-VPC instance in eu-west-1

We have an EC2 t2.xlarge instance in eu-west-1 region, for which we wish to purchase a Reserved Instance (RI). The EC2 reservations we had purchased previously in us-east-1, are of type "Linux/UNIX (...
0 votes
1 answer

Can one AWS Reserved Instance be used by multiple instances during less time each?

I have been trying to understand how AWS Reserved Instances works exactly reading AWS documentation and looking on Google but could find literal information about my concern. Reading this (Reserved ...
3 votes
1 answer

How do you buy AWS EBS like an RI

I have bought and am using a reserved instance however I still get monthly bills for the EBS. Question is how do I make a similar single payment for the volume as well?
8 votes
2 answers

Are Reserved Instance (RI) benefits aggregated across instances?

If I reserve 1 r4.xlarge for 1 year, but throughout the year I run 2 r4.xlarge instances as follows: 1 instance 10 am to 8 pm every weekday (10 hours, 5 days a week) Another instance 10 am to 8 ...
0 votes
1 answer

Reserved Instance and AWS Marketplace AMI with Software License

How does billing work when purchasing a RI and launching an instance that runs a marketplace software that also charges for a software license (say the Cisco CSR1000v, $0.622/hr as of today)? Is the ...
14 votes
1 answer

Converting an existing Azure VM to a Reserved Instance

I have a long running VM on Azure. I recently read about Reserved Instances. Is it possible to convert/transfer/ move my existing VM to a reserved instance, or do I need to build a new VM from ...
0 votes
1 answer

ec2 reserved instance data transfer cost

What is the cost for data transfer out for AWS EC2 reserved instances? This is clear for EC2 On-Demand instances and it is stated on the pricing page, but I can't find any information about data ...
-2 votes
1 answer

AWS Reserved Instance [duplicate]

I just bought a reserved EC2 instance. I can see it under the EC2 management console. But under the running instances i can't see any EC2 instance. How can i launch the reserved instance that i just ...
-1 votes
1 answer

AWS EC2 reserved instance with no upfront

I have purchased few 1 year no-upfront reserved instances, say 3x c4.large Windows instances, it cost $0.199 hourly each. But now, I need only 1x c4.large instance, so there are 2 reserved instance ...
1 vote
1 answer

Do AWS Reserved Instances need to be assigned to the instance?

I have an RDS instance running of type db.t2.small. I bought a reserved instance for 1 year of the same type, I paid the partial upfront rate. Do I need to assign this subscription in some way to my ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to calculate the year cost of an AWS reserved instance with partial upfront payment?

I'm not understanding how the partial upfront work for ec2 reserved instances. I'm trying to calculate how much the instance will cost on one year. If, for example, I add an m4.xlarge instance ...
5 votes
1 answer

How do you find which Amazon AWS EC2 instances are not covered by a Reserved Instance reservation?

Let's assume that I have 20 running EC2 instances and 10 active Reserved Instance reservations. Using the AWS Console or AWS CLI, what is the fastest way to determine which of the running EC2 ...
0 votes
1 answer

AWS reserved instance AZ matching Cloud Formation AZ

When purchasing reserved instance, I had to choose availability zone (1 out of 3). In our Cloud Formation template we don't specify availability zone (seems like a right thing to do in case one AZ ...
11 votes
3 answers

Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances: "Heavy Utilization" clarification

Should be another easy one here, but I need clarification on what they define as "heavy utilization" for Reserved Instance types. From their Website: Heavy Utilization RIs – Heavy Utilization RIs ...
20 votes
2 answers

In AWS, does an hour of usage get charged just for an instance being in the "running" state?

When AWS documentation and pricing refer to "usage" does this simply mean "if the instance is on" instead of "if the instance is on and doing work". E.g., if I had an EC2 instance running but it was ...
3 votes
1 answer

Are available reserved instance zones preferred when launching EC2 instance with "No preference" as availability zone?

We have bought some reserved EC2 instances in different availability zones in eu-west-1 region. When launching a new instance, via API or AWS control panel, we do usually set "No preference" as the ...
0 votes
1 answer

EC2 Reserved Instances - Currently have micro what to do now?

I have been running with 2 micro on demand instances. I now want to convert one of the servers to a small instance. I have purchased a Windows small reserved instance in us-east-1b and it is now ...
3 votes
1 answer

Connection in reserved instances is different the connection in instances on demand?

I purchased reserved instances and their state is "active", but I do not know how I am supposed to connect to those instances. Is connecting to reserved instances different from how you connect to ...
2 votes
1 answer

EC2 Reserved Intance - What is the difference between Windows and Windows (Amazon VPC)?

When setting up a reserved instance, what is the difference between Windows and Windows (Amazon VPC)? Will I be able to use AMI's with either?