Questions tagged [root]

root is the default administrative account for Unix-based systems. It is comparable to the Administrator account of a Windows system.

89 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Auditd in a PCI-DSS-compliant Linux cluster

I'm familiar with some of the more common ways of configuring a Linux server to be compliant with PCI-DSS 3.2, at least to the requirements of SAQ A. A common concern is requirement 8.5 which ...
richard's user avatar
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root access to GlusterFS volume with root-squash

I want to export my glusterfs volume with the option server.root-squash enabled, so that clients (over which I have no control) can't perform actions as root on the volume. However I, as and admin, ...
lgpasquale's user avatar
3 votes
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sshd on Fedora: Recent changes to UsePAM break existing security; PermitRootPassword & UsePAM no not honored, minimal PAM config doesn't work either

I did upgrade on a Fedora Server and was SHOCKED to discover thousands of root attacks on my publicly facing servers and I can't seem to figure out how to stop them! To be clear; It IS possible to log ...
Richard T's user avatar
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Reset root shell back to /bin/bash in suse 11

In my production server which is running SUse 11 SP1, the root shell is set to /bin/eksh. Not sure how come it is set to this..we are using /bin/bash as root's default shell. I tried to reset it like ...
Amit Jha's user avatar
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Root denied login if networking down (LDAP environment)

I would like to know why I can't login as root (ssh, sudo or su -) when my LDAP is down or when I have some outage in my network. How to reproduce the problem: - Just change your DNS to something ...
Tiago Cruz's user avatar
3 votes
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can't login as root on a remote Redhat Server

I am currently working on a remote RedHat server(RHEL version 6.7 x86_64). I can login as a user by using userID and password which is provided by the server administrator. But when I try to login as ...
niraj's user avatar
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vsftp ignoring local_root and goes to home dir instead

I have setup vsftp multiple times with these settings without ever having a problem. But I recently got a new server which for some reason seems to ignore local_root. I have a user that if logged into ...
goocreations's user avatar
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Root denied login if networking down (on NIS/YP environment)

My 70+ hosts network (mixed CentOS, Fedora) uses NIS/YP. If networking is working OK, then no major issues occur, normally a trouble-less operation. If connectivity is lost, either by a simple loose ...
David Ramirez's user avatar
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Timeout in locking /.Xauthority

I have google searched and everyone who has this problem has an error in locking /home/user/.Xauthority. The issue is that it is trying to lock /.Xauthority. Obviously there is no .Xauthority in /, ...
network-tech's user avatar
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Samba server issue with mount point being owned by root instead of 'force user' specified in smbd.conf

I've created a samba share on an ubuntu server called teslausb with the following lines specified in smbd.conf: [teslausb] comment = John's home share on Ubuntu path = /mnt/sdb1/teslausb ...
gyrex's user avatar
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How can a file be visible to a regular user but non-existent to root?

I have asked this question yesterday but it was marked as duplicate and closed because of its context, as it was thought to be an X/Y question, whereas I was just interested in the general matter of &...
mbernard's user avatar
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Why a non-root installation can work across the whole cluster?

I recently installed anaconda (which includes a new python3) locally in my account folder on a cluster with a dozen of nodes (each node with several cores). I use it to install some package P that is ...
xiaohuamao's user avatar
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namespace - nobody to root mapping

I'd like to create new user namespace being root with the command: # unshare -U bash $ echo $$ 3500 $ id uid=65534(nobody) ... etc After that I edit /proc/3500/uid_map im my initial namespace as root:...
pawel__86's user avatar
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CentOS USER_CMD logs auditd

We are trying to start logging all executed commands by users (including root) on CentOS using auditd with type=USER_CMD, how we can do it? We already getting commands, starting with sudo, but not ...
Valeriy Soloninka's user avatar
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root user terminal slower than non-root in Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

I have to quantify slow here. It is noticeably slow, but not extreme. Here is a test I did. I pasted the below (time in nanoseconds command) on terminal as a non-root user and then as root user (I ...
Senthil's user avatar
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ZFS RAIDZ1 root on gentoo fails to boot after disk swap

I have a 3-disk RAIDZ1 array with 3 HDDs: # zpool status ... config: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM gpool ONLINE 0 0 0 raidz1-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 ...
vesperto's user avatar
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su: cannot set groups: Operation not permitted

I'm trying to get root access for a user who is initially logged in from a console. I have root access from another method. User does not have a username, so sudo is not an option. Running su returns ...
Kidburla's user avatar
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LDAP and User root/sudo on local netboot ubuntu/debian machine

I'd like to create a debian/ubuntu pxe netboot image authenticating against ldap but I want give the user the power to install software on his local machine. In Windows I simply add a local admin ...
Harry's user avatar
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Permanent way to execurte a command for root on system startup in Mac OS

On Mac OS my CI server's build agent runs as root. I have messed with the ruby version on by defaul ruby -v reports version 2.0, while after eval "$(rbenv init -)" is being executed, I get a desired 2....
Maxim V. Pavlov's user avatar
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Overlayroot: How to fully protect a Linux system against changes?

I would like to protect a system with overlayroot, so everything that is done - even by a user with root permission - will not survive a reboot. I found several guides how to do that, but none of them ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Why do I need to start services using sudo when logged in as root in an LXC container?

I've got an unprivileged LXC container which I've set up following the steps outlined on Stèphane Graber's website. Things work pretty well, but I'm having trouble starting php-fpm even though I am ...
sbrattla's user avatar
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Dell Switches and Spanning-Tree Route ID Configuration

I am analyzing a network for a colleague. It's a fairly simple topology and all the switches have converged on a common root-bridge, however two of the non-root bridges have identified the root as the ...
codefisher's user avatar
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CentOS 7 - root password works only once

I have a very strange issue here. My root password works only once, and as soon as I log out, it ceases to function. Subsequent attempts to log in come back as ‘login incorrect’. I have to drop back ...
René Kåbis's user avatar
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Is using su to drop root in shell scripts a security risk?

When searching for how to drop root permissions in shell scripts, I often see answers using su. However, when you're done using su you can just type logout and be back at the shell of the original ...
Hamy's user avatar
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Setting enviromental variables for login shells under root account in FreeBSD

I am currently in the process of configuring Open Grid Scheduler in FreeBSD. As part of this process I need to set the environmental variableSGE_ROOTas root. To do this I have been experimenting with ...
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Root being controlled by ARD

I run an educational lab of 20 iMacs, all running Mac OS 10.7.5(11G63) with ARD version 3.6.2. My server and all of the iMacs run Lion. I seem to have crossed something and now my root user is being ...
Fuhton's user avatar
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nginx doesn't find the directory but apache does

I use apache as the backend server and nginx on the frontend. Apache listens to port 8080 and nginx to port 80. What I do is have the root point to the public folder foreach virtualhost: <...
Jürgen Paul's user avatar
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PATH environmental variable has changed suddenly for root user

Recently one of my Gentoo linux servers, which has been working happily for quite a few years suddenly stopped responding to BASH commands that I commonly issue it. Very basic commands such as rc-...
dynamphorous's user avatar
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How do I manually perform a password check using AIXpert?

One of the AIXpert tools is to perform a check of the root password against a dictionary (usually /etc/security/aixpert/dictionary/English). If I want to run this check manually, how would I do it? I'...
Rsaesha's user avatar
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Can ApacheDS LDAP change root user name?

ApacheDS 1.5 has the following account by default. Bind dn or user: uid=admin,ou=system Bind password: secret i would like to change it to the following to avoid making changes in my code Bind dn ...
Tommy's user avatar
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Allowing a single regular user of an AD domain to run a specific software as administrator

this is my first post here so i hope i won't do mistakes going OOT. I manage a local network running a WinSrv 2012 as DC. I have my gpo setted having 2 main groups, employees and superusers. The ...
AntoServer's user avatar
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Why can I connect to the docker daemon with sudo, but not root?

Consider the following sequence of commands. When I try to connect to the docker daemon as a regular user, or root, I can't. When I use sudo (both as a regular user and root) I can. Why is this? [john@...
ThatDataGuy's user avatar
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Many files were changed to root as owner by GCP. Can't delete them!

Many files had their ownership changed to root in GCP and now I can't remove them. How do I change it back? GCP help is hard to come by. Thanks, -Marcos
Marcos Camargo's user avatar
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VMware ESXi 7.0 U3j Can't login via root after a few minutes

I can't login via root user at the moment . If I do a hardware reboot on the server , the problem is solved and I can login for just once before I'm locked out again after like 5 minutes . I have read ...
Prestige VPS's user avatar
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i am root but ufw status says 'command not found'

as simple user, first I pass root with command : su I am now root on Debian 10 buster. When I hit ufw status, I have 'command not found'. But it works with sudo ufw status When I use su -, the command ...
rach's user avatar
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Unable to login as root user

[Ubuntu server] I was able to login to the server just fine for days. And now I cannot login with the root user with password and private key both are not working. Luckily I am currently logged in as ...
DENIS DENIS's user avatar
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Add an aliases user root2, results changing the owner root to root2

Am looking to add an alias for the root user to log to the server with a different password So I followed this advice by using the following command useradd -o -...
user1402259's user avatar
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ufw failed to be initialized

I just make a fresh Docker container. But, when I try to enable ufw, I get the following error message: # ufw enable ERROR: problem running ufw-init modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:586 ...
fauve's user avatar
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nginx - subfolders alias include all subfolder

I'm currently trying to fiddle around with a location block that has a different root. However I have some issues when accessing files that are in a subfolder on the different root. Here is my broken ...
Aebian's user avatar
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VM in Read-Only - no commands executed

A Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server VM has entered Read-Only Mode, to the point that basic commands such as ls are not executed anymore, and return the error message -bash: /usr/bin/ls: Input/output error, ...
PalomaLVP's user avatar
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Which permissions does a Linux executable file has when it is executed by root?

I am using CentOS 6.8. I have an executable called railgun, whose user and group are both set to root. I then use the root user to start it as a service, as below: service railgun start However, it ...
alancc's user avatar
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Why is my Samba share only writable by root?

I have set up a Samba share, and it is only writable by root. For example, I can only create a folder on that share with sudo: ~$ mkdir /mnt/SHARE/somedir mkdir: cannot create directory /mnt/SHARE/...
TheEagle's user avatar
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FreeIPA - ssh as root prompted for password

I know the access via root won't work (client sshd_config and restricted account in FreeIPA). But is there a way to blacklist root either on the host or on FreeIPA so it's denied immediately rather ...
dmgeurts's user avatar
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Bash-script: run another script on bottom as an other user

I have a bash script that runs over crontab as root. On the bottom of that script I want to run another bash script as another user in a subshell (detached). How can I do that The normal command would ...
Omexlu's user avatar
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chmod/chown/mkdir: Operation not permitted as root

I get Operation not permitted for root user on one server but not on the other "identical" server. Running on Amazon Linux 1. Server 1: [root@preprod-1 ]# chown root:root /s3mnt/outliers/ ...
masterpiece's user avatar
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Is it a bad idea to use rsync as root to sync /etc/letsencrypt and /etc/nginx between servers?

I have a failover setup with two servers and would like to sync /etc/letsencrypt and /etc/nginx between primary and replica. I am planning on using Match Address on replica to only set PermitRootLogin ...
sunknudsen's user avatar
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Docker containers on startup not visible (started as different user?)

As the title indicates I have a bunch of containers that are set to restart always. Everything works fine as it is but things seem to go wrong when I restart the server (Ubuntu 20.04). The containers ...
Niels Segers's user avatar
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Centos 7 - Shrink size of LVM Partition

I have a Centos 7 VM which was built from an OVA template. I have it running under Virtualbox. Issue I have is the VM has a dynamic disk of 200G - but only 4 Gb used. I want to shrink the partition to ...
Adam's user avatar
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How to move /var back to Root from a different filesystem

I need to move my /var (dev/sdc1) back to the / (dev/sda2) from a different file system. I've resized the / partition and want to move /var back to / partition and resize /dev/sdc1 filesystem to mount ...
Sam89's user avatar
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Any downside to using `sudo git` to upload `/etc/nginx/sites-available/` and `/etc/nginx/ssl/` config files on github?

I'm contemplating uploading config files from /etc/nginx/sites-available/ and /etc/nginx/ssl to a private Github repository. Doing so would require me to use git with sudo (or from root user) for the ...
Jean Monet's user avatar