Questions tagged [snort]

Snort is a software package used for network intrusion detection.

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2 answers

Portscan attacks from somewhere

I realize this is a lamer/beginner question, but I've been attacked by a couple of addresses in China and I'm not sure how to close the hole. My snort logs (yes I'm using snort! I see you are ...
bobobobo's user avatar
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How can I run a shell script on a snort alert?

I have snort listening to the SPAN port of a cisco switch. I'd like to be able to add an iptables DROP rule on my webserver for specific snort alerts but having a hard time finding out exactly how to ...
Server Fault's user avatar
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snort not logging full output to syslog

I am able to send snort alerts to my remote syslog server but I am not able to see full alert message; I only see basic information like title, source and destination IP. I am specifically interested ...
user100807's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Snort not detecting outgoing traffic

I'm using Snort 2.9 on windows server 2008 R2 x64, with a very simple configuration that goes like this: # Entire content of Snort.conf: alert tcp any any -> any any (sid:5000000; content:"...
Reacen's user avatar
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How to set Suricata to log only DNS queries that come from specific IP addresses?

I am new to working with IDS' such as Suricata/Snort. I am currently trying to using Suricata to log DNS requests and responses to malicious domains on my network. On my DNS server I made it so that ...
Ahad Sheriff's user avatar